Stupid post about nothing of interest

Sep 20, 2005 23:25

Im so tired of not feeling good enough. Every guy ive ever been with (in a relationship, not just sexually) has cheated on me. I feel so used right now. I feel so alone. Being here isnt making it any better. Frat boys left and right and all they want is a piece of ass. and if you know me, you know thats not what im about. I like to know a person ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

weird_eddie September 22 2005, 02:42:08 UTC
i would if you lived closer. but you already knew that.


dirty_fmx_girl October 12 2005, 21:27:59 UTC
I guess


wysiwyg23 October 6 2005, 08:50:10 UTC

boys are dumb. i'm sorry you're going through some bullshit. i hope stuff gets better soon!


dirty_fmx_girl October 12 2005, 21:29:20 UTC
It's no big deal. He just ended up giving me so much crap for supposeably being unfaithful to him, when he was the only person i was with during that 3 month time, when it turned out that he was the one that had been seeing many other girls


wysiwyg23 October 13 2005, 09:44:43 UTC
You're on cam right now! That's kind of exciting

I didn't realize just how cute you are

for serious! :)


dirty_fmx_girl October 13 2005, 15:41:49 UTC
Umm Honey, I dont go on cam.. i tihnk you have me confused with someone else


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