myth busted, first solo

May 29, 2009 16:33

So there you go. Years ago exactly in 2005 i took an Air Asia flight back home to Penang alone. It was late evening flight. I'm going to be honest here i'm not really serious about being a pilot then. When the plane took off from KLIA i was dead shit scared of height. I told myself there's no way i could be a pilot but at the same time i never have ( Read more... )

my first solo.

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Comments 61

gratz! anonymous June 1 2009, 18:49:07 UTC
nice one ustad :)
semoga impianmu trcapai!


haha anonymous June 18 2009, 23:53:19 UTC
HI AMIRUL!!! I found ur blog which is something that u never told us !!
Nordin for life man!!! hahahahahaha


Mamud anonymous August 19 2009, 13:54:05 UTC
weh, brape kali kao ambik final, tu???

"Ipoh Tower : Silver 06 Sierra call again final
Silver 06 Sierra : Call again final Silver 06 Sierra
Silver 06 Sierra : Silver 06 Sierra is now visual with traffic Silver 07 late downwind
Ipoh Tower : Silver 06 Sierra all again final number 2
Silver 06 Sierra : Call again final number 2 Silver 06 Sierra"



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