So I finally got around to making an actual resource post. I'm also pimping my affie's;
Affiliates (my stable of iconCRACK ho's ^^);
domestik over at
submenu- - - she makes black and white look like smex on a stick
mdoogie over at
kismet_icons- - - cooler than thou
jubilli over at
magnetboyicons- - - colorful, wonderous splendor
lingish over at
precipice_icons- - - you love her and she tolerates you
vision_glow- - - fashionable, oh yes
ayuamarca over at
16ton_weight- - - cooler than ice cream in Antartica
iconcerto- - - sexy like mad
fabulous_papaya over at
ace_van- - - youuu want to suck her bloodtake her icons
weapon_icons- - - very sharp
sinister_morgue- - - deadsexy
unioncity- - - the hotpink slaps you on the ass and makes you call it mommy
defaultsettings- - - shiny!
cool-spectrum- - - could be packaged and sold with shamwow
strangeprogram- - - may cause eyeballs to explode with awesome
all BLEACH anime images are capped my me. All of them. I am anal. ^^
oceanizer - about 99% of the manga icons are based upon her scans. Worship.
melissa's screencapsmissing_budsflyingteapotbutterflysxyabnormis.comteam venturemissdeepteh_capsmagic730dreams brushes/borders/textures;