As a year in review, go back and copy the first line from the first journal entry of each month.
When applicable I used real entries, but one month all I had was a quiz, and two months all I had was a quiz and a snazzy post title. In these instances I went with words from the quiz or the post title.
January: I know, I know... well into the new year and I've posted next to nothing. I'm a terrible person I know. But what the hell are you gonna do
February: With the news of Trish's pending nuptials I've been trying to find a way to express how I've been feeling. And I can't.
March: Just finished this photoshop, and for the moment I'm quite proud of it.
April: Post these questions and answers in your LJ and include the directions at the bottom.
May: Damn Right
June: This SunCom/Cingular changeover is really starting to piss me off.
July: Wiggidy Word
August: I'm about to do something that people who know me will indeed find to be odd I'm going to take the briefest of moments to actually say a few words in the defense of the City of Virginia Beach
September: So I'm Curious.
October: You are Wash. Not only are you a great pilot, you are also the joker of the group.
November: What can I say? I’m a sucker for bad politics. For a bit of background, there is this woman running for City Treasurer in Norfolk named Sherry White Battle.
December: Make that REALLY weird, or even fuckin' weird dream last night.