If these two look the same, then that must mean everyone looks the same. I hate it when people tell me I look just like so-and-so simply because we both have red hair. I'm going to go around and start telling people they look like danny devito just because they both have dark hair. i mean, c'mon.
Note how it was stated that they both look "alike" and not "the same". Yes I agree that it's stupid when people tell me I look the same as someone else based on one feature alone, but I can see similarities between them going off some of the observations above. This observation should be looked at in terms of a grey area of open interpretation, not in terms of black/white. So to answer this, no they don't look the same, but they do appear alike.
if by alike you mean they are both not-fat men, then sure, they look alike. other than that, i see no similarities. i would not see both of them in the same room and say, wow, you guys look so much alike. they don't look similar enough to exclaim they look alike. nope nope nope.
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