Age: ~25
Height: Short...ish compared to the average female human height.
Weight: Healthy weight for elves, which means really skinny.
Medical Info: Healthy and happy elf!
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Brown.
Physical traits: Oh my gosh, I'm so lazy right now so just look at
this. You'll most likely notice the pointy ears on her first and then the face markings.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Most everything! I generally don't have problems with anything aside from fourthwalling. But it's Merrill, so . . . it would probably go right over her head.
Abilities: Merrill is a mage! On top of that, she's a blood mage WHICH ISN'T AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS, YOU GUYS, GOSH. Like the name implies, it involves using ones blood to use the spells. Her specialization in DAII is
Dalish Pariah, which is a mixture of nature and blood magic. Her other specialization is
Primal, which is fancily described as the mage commanding earth and sky. Merrill herself is also fairly adept at picking up on things with magically properties. She was even able to tell that someone wasn't an abomination!
Other than that, you can ask her anything about the Dalish ways and she will be able to tell you about it. Seeing as she was in line to be the next Keeper of her clan, she was responsible for learning everything about elven culture and their ways. This is totally an ability, okay.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: First and foremost, she's a mage/blood mage so you'll be sure to sense something there if you can. Merrill's mind rambles about as much as she does. In any given situation she's going to be thinking about a million things that are happening around her. On a more serious note, there are a lot of deep thoughts on her Dalish clan and how she can never return to them. The death of Marethari (who was basically her mother) weighs heavily on her, and there are a lot of regrets there. Lots of homesick and "what if" thoughts.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: ask/ask/sure/sure. I love wacky hijinks as much as Merrill, so I'm all right with most things.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Go right ahead.
Maim/Murder/Death: ask/ask/ask though I am up for a lot of things!
Cooking: She's lived on her own, so I'm thinking there's some cooking going on.
Other: Merrill does like to throw around elven phrases/words, but she'll explain if your character is confused! I will probably make some sort of post on that . . . someday.