ftM women and Lesbian

Oct 14, 2009 11:47

Okay after being periodically bitched at by a certain  Femme (yeah fine you got your way at last...lol) I am bringing to your attention the utter bullshit of ftM women thinking its perfectly acceptable to use  lesbian personals, well ftM ladies, it ISNT! You wanna drug and mutilate yourself into your own personal  freak show(do they charge admission for that shit?), great, but guess what there isn't a lesbian alive that is going to date you. Sexually abused disturbed straight women on the other hand, yes. I give you that. And here in lies yet another problem in the lesbian community. Why do we tolerate abusive woman/lesbian haters in our community? Why do we stand by and do nothing, say nothing while these women are pushing and shoving lesbians into trannification??? Why do we say nothing when these same straight women use their straight fucking privilege to silence lesbians IN the lesbian community? Why why why?????

I see these fucked up straight women as a much greater threat than ftM women. Why? Because a year or so on "T" we can pretty much spot the ftM; a hairy back balding mutilated chested person with a midget voice, not too difficult. But a mentally fucked up straight woman claiming our "Femme" ID? Sadly a different story. But that is not to say there are not clear signs: any woman calling herself some form of " stone femme", not a lesbian. Any woman coaxing her Butch g/f into trannification, not a lesbian. Any woman standing idly by while her g/f trannifies, not a lesbian(or a VERY poor one who we wouldn't want on our team anyways). Any woman dating primarily ftM women, not a lesbian. Now before you say anything, yes I know there are lesbian women who were already involved with women who trannify. What about them Dirt, you ask? Well those lesbians who were barely involved with women who told said lesbians that they are going to begin trannification, out an end to that relationship right off. Lesbians in short term relationships with women who begin trannification leave within a few months of their partner being on "T". Basically the first signs of masculine body hair/smell etc. Lesbians in long term relationships with women who trannify usually stay till the tits come off, then they're gone too. See, its the mentally fucked up straight chicks who stay through it all. Never healthily or happily because lets get real, how successful of a relationship can two seriously fucked up people have, neither of which are living in reality? A woman pretending her g/f is a dude and woman pretending she's a dude...ummm yeah...lol Very healthy!

At any rate, you see there are signs all over the place. We have all seen or known women in our community like this. So why are we dealing with the bullshit? Its nearly as bad or worse with tolerating the  bisexuals in our community. Why are lesbians allowing themselves to be used and abused like this?? Do we still think so little of ourselves because we're lesbians? As lesbians we are the most powerful women on earth. We have a voice not controlled by men, bodies not controlled by men, minds not controlled by men, so why are we not using all of our beautiful lesbian resources to rid our communities of these male-centric specters and DEMAND lesbian only spaces???

The simple truth is we wouldn't even have to waste our lesbian time explaining to the thick ftM women why we do not want to date them, fuck them, relate to them in any way, were these fucked up straight women not sending the message that lesbians date ftM women because they do and they hover in our communities ruining our lesbian spaces and lesbian lives. We are not bad lesbians for wanting lesbians spaces filled with ONLY lesbians.

We're lesbians!

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