Title: Chocolate Bites
dirtyxemoxkidRating: T
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: Vengeance
Word Count: 317
Summary: Draco scolds Hermione for eating too much chocolate.
Warnings: Biting. Haha. PWP. major. probably OoC.
Notes: Written for
ashlovesdisco. Hope you like it Ashleigh! And it's another candy spoof.
Draco grinned as Hermione took a bite out of the large chocolate bar she had gotten from Honeydukes that day, sitting on the couch and watching the television.
"You're going to be fat, Hermione." He joked. "And if you get fat and it's not from being with child, I'll never marry you." He said, laughing. Hermione frowned at him.
"We're already married stupid. And I won't get fat. I'll have you know it's only one chocolate bar." She said, turning the channel.
"You'll say that over and over. And then you'll be fat and I'll divorce you." Hermione stuck her tongue out.
"Bite me." She said, before turning back to her television program. Wickedly, Draco walked over and straddled her, before biting her neck.
"Hey--get off me!" She said, before--"Ow, you bit me!"
"First off, love, you won't be telling me to get off you tonight--more like get you off. And secondly, I recall you giving me an invitation to take a bite out of your lovely self." Hermione growled and shoved Draco, before biting him in the cheek. Which actually turned out to be as awkward as it sounded. Draco yelped.
"What was that for?" He asked. "Oh, nevermind!" He pinned her to the floor and bit her in the shoulder.
She screamed, which startled Draco to topple off of her, and she threw her chocolate bar at him. The bar hit him smack-dab in the cheek and left a chocolate stain. Hermione grinned before biting his cheek again. Not nearly as awkward as before, though.
"Ugh. I may like chocolate--" Draco paused to bite said chocolate, "--but, my little venus fly trap, it won't do to come back with a vengeance simply because I--" But Draco had met his demise. Hermione wanted her chocolate. So, the brunette had jumped Draco and proceeded to devour his lips. But Draco didn't mind. It was her chocolate vengeance.