Title: Rebellious Streak
dirtyxemoxkidRating: T
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: Rebellion
Word Count: 314
Summary: Draco thinks about rebellious Gryffindors.
Warnings: none.
Notes: none.
It made her so hard to attain. It made his father hate him. It made Gryffindors the bane of his existence. What the hell was going through the young Malfoy's head? One word. Rebellion. Rebelliousness made him angry. It made him want to scream and shout and throw things around. Just agree, he told himself, but he could never bring himself to agree with anything his father said.
That's why they clicked. Hell, they argued all the time because they never listened to one another. His friends often said, "You two need counseling," and he'd reply, "Hell, we need hearing aids." That's why they were together, because they didn't listen. It was like an opposite day. "Don't you dare!" She'd shout angrily, but Draco would do it anyway. "If you touch that..." Draco seethed, but the crazy brunette would touch it anyway.
It didn't bother him. It was natural for them. They both didn't listen, managed to fuck everything up, and then fix it in one stroke, and then they'd fuck it up again. It was all right, Draco mused, he didn't expect it anyway. That was it, with those Gryffindors. They were just rebellious. Slytherins weren't rebellious, they just didn't listen to Gryffindors.
And how could Slytherins listen to rebellious Gryffindors? If someone told them something to better them, they'd rebel against it, and if Slytherins listened, they'd all fall. But, Draco remembered, everyone listens to Gryffindors, which is why Slytherin is misunderstood. Gryffindors are too rebellious. But then, if they were, he was as rebellious as they were; the only thing separating him from that house was his last name and his penchant for evil. Hell, if Draco could have, he would have made himself get sorted into Gryffindor.
It was that damn rebellious streak.