(no subject)

Jul 09, 2006 15:16

Title: Trembling Fear
Author: dirtyxemoxkid
Rating: T
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: Tremble
Word Count: 374
Summary: Draco thinks about how Hermione trembles when she's afraid.
Warnings: Insane!Draco and Death Eater!Draco mentioned.
Notes: none.

Soft breathing. Hands reaching out. Gasps. Sheets kicked to the floor. "Hold me, Draco." She'd say. I'd wrap my arms around her. Trembles running through my arms. Hermione was my only one.

She trembled often. She was afraid; afraid to leave into the impending war, but afraid to stay with a Death Eater as myself. I knew I gave her pleasure and that is why she could not leave me. I held her and we share those trembles; shaking from her fears and my insecurities. What if she finally left? What would be left of me? Nothing, I tell you. Nothing at all.

Does she tremble during the day? I think not; I don't hurt her in public, she says. I don't hurt her at all. I protect her from things she'd like to get into, not hurt her. She doesn't understand, yet she trembles all the same.

Silence. Footsteps. Creaking. "I'm scared!" An exclamation then an explosion. Hermione cowers behind the bed trembling and I pushed her hair from her face. She looks me in my eyes and says, "Go die out there," but I know she means, "Be safe, Draco. Don't die." At least that's why she's trembling. Why my manor, anyway?

Trembling. Blonde hair. I'm trembling, now. They took her away. That Potter and Weasley and the little girl Weasley too. They found her and took her and now I'm here. White. I don't know how to occupy myself nowadays. Except visits. She still visits me. They don't know; they think she's visiting that Weasley boy. He's in a coma, last I heard. They think she loves him and sits by his side in the hospital room.

But she doesn't.

She loves me and sits in the window of my white room watching me. She visits me and through the glass of the window I can see her cry. I want to comfort her. Wrap my arms around her like she used to ask of me. She was my only one.

They all came to see me. To mock me. To make fun of me. But I won't let them. That Weasley girl and Potter. She was there, too. She smiled at Potter; but her smile had trembles. She was afraid.

prompt table 100.1, draco/hermione 100.1

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