Jun 26, 2011 00:38
Yes, that's right, kiddies, two extra days to post! I know some of you have felt rushed with this event, so I'm throwin' a little more time at you. I wish I could give you more, but unfortunately I'm going to Richmond on the 29th for the 4th of July, so I'll be going on hiatus then and unable to tag until I get back on the 5th.
If I begin a Strangeling thread with you, however, bear in mind that they are meant to be short. Don't be alarmed if they flit in, fuck you up, then flit out. They're not in for the long haul this time around, so don't worry too much about getting super in-depth. Also, if you're having trouble figuring out what to post, think about it less. Seriously. Handle it like a typical Black Mist Event: find a buddy, stay indoors, hide. The point is this time, if you don't follow the usual protocol, there is a very real chance of Strangeling-related consequences. This event is different ONLY in the Strangelings behavior, not necessarily in your characters'.
A couple more reminders: Strangelings will not tag every single post made during the event, so don't be shocked if yours does not receive one. Also, feel free to threadcrash any interaction between a character and a Strangeling. In fact, I encourage it.
Again, I apologize for the time crunch, but we knew this would be a tough time for some people going into this. If it turns out that I'm unable to finish a Strangeling tag with you before I have to go on hiatus, I will certainly backtag upon my return.
Questions/comments/concerns to this post, if you please, and happy tagging!