So guys if you haven't noticed we have a NEW LAYOUT! AND. A nice little header to top it off.
Thing is I am lazy we'd love to see your creative genius in header form! SO WE WILL BE HOLDING A
From now until Februrary 20th @ 12:00 AM PST we will be accepting entries to the contest. Just post your entries to this entry.
Here is a handy dandy template for those who want to enter:
If you just wanna know the sizes please keep it around 708 px x 300 px
As far as rules goes, there aren't many:
I'd like to see the Disney Castle (Cinderella's castle in Disney World) incorporated considering that is a universal symbol of Disney
Keep away from specific characters in game, we don't want to give off the impression that any characters are in the spotlight(We all know it's Tulio/Clopin)
This should go unsaid but nothing explicit
So go! Post post post! Don't be shy! :) Good luck!