Character Information
Name: Christopher Chant
Canon Origin/Series: The Chrestomanci Chronicles.
Here's a link.
School Year: First
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Out of school living location: Up until recently, London (it's canon >_>), but come this summer he'll be staying either in Surrey or in Wiltshire with his cousins.
Blood status: Pureblood
Personality: Christopher is a very curious and adventurous boy who would like nothing more than to go everywhere and see everything in the world, while talking to all sorts of interesting people. Unfortunately, the rest of the world has other plans for him, and thus Christopher must find ways to weasel out of them. He's very good at telling people what is actually the truth, but presenting it in the way they want to hear it. He never lies, but he knows how to tell the truth in such a way that it gets him what he wants in any case. He gets very annoyed when things don't go his way, though how he expresses his annoyance varies depending on his present company. Dry sarcasm is his specialty.
Canon Background: Ever since Christopher was very small, he's been able to travel to other worlds in his dreams. Of course, most children have this ability, but in Christopher's case it's a bit more literal. It made his nursemaids very upset to find his pyjamas muddy and torn every morning after these night-time adventures. (Eventually he wised up and started leaving a spare pair of pyjamas at the entrance to 'the Place Between,' the hub for all his worlds.) These dream travels were easily the highlight of Christopher's young life, as his waking hours were spent listening to boring nursemaids and governesses gossip about the horrible tension between his parents. His father never even saw him, and his mother was focused only on grooming him to enter society (which Christopher was secretly convinced consisted of being eaten by Heathens). In the other worlds he met mermaids and merchants and even a goddess, and they all gave him trinkets and baubles and told him the most interesting stories.
When Christopher was around ten, his father lost all his (mother's) money in the stock market, and had to leave the house in disgrace. Fortunately, his Uncle Ralph (whom Christopher adored) arranged for the financial care of Christopher's mother, who was to move overseas, while Christopher himself was sent to boarding school. Christopher adored boarding school, as he finally got to meet and spend time with other boys his age. He was also quite good in all his classes, with the exception of magic. In that class he struck a deal with his friend to do his charms in exchange for algebra, while Christopher cultivated the perfect look to pretend to be paying attention.
In addition to academic subjects, he also learned about cricket, and quickly became a fanatic. Even having his skull accidentally smashed open by his friend's cricket bat did nothing to lessen his enthusiasm. It wasn't even the first time he'd died, after all, and he did get better.
Background (AU!Canon; HP): Christopher is the son of Cosimo Chant, entrepreneur and divination enthusiast, and Miranda Argent, wealthy and powerful socialite. Both come from notable pureblood families-- the Chants were a Very Good Name in wizard society, though the Argents were considerably richer-- and both powerful wizards in their own right. Of course, they can't stand each other. Christopher was raised primarily by nursemaids when he was very young, and eventually governesses when he was old enough to begin schooling. None of them ever lasted very long, however, primarily because of Mr. Chant's disapproval, or simply because the tension between the lord and lady of the house made the atmosphere quite unpleasant. Christopher himself rarely even saw his parents, as they were both horrendously busy all the time. Christopher's mother would occasionally call him to her dressing room to tell him her plans for his future, but he saw his father only in brief snatches between his frequent business trips.
Christopher's governesses rarely instructed him in magic, with the idea that he should have a solid basis of knowledge to work from before he went off to Hogwarts, where he would begin his magical education. Christopher, for his part, didn't care much for magic in the first place, and much preferred reading adventure stories about far-off lands.
When Christopher was about ten years old, disaster struck. His father, who had been using divination to play the stock market, made a bad investment and lost all of the family's money (which by rights had belonged to his wife). He left the house in disgrace, and Christopher's mother turned to her brother Ralph to help her out of the financial woes he had caused. Christopher was instantly taken with him, as he was the only adult who had ever spoken to him in a friendly, man-to-man way. He adored Uncle Ralph even more when gave him a muggle's silver sixpence, the first coin Christopher had ever had of his own. He immediately fashioned Uncle Ralph into his role model, and kept the sixpence in his pocket at all times, out of reverence.
Christopher spent the last year before Hogwarts learning from the new governess that Uncle Ralph had hired, who was dreadfully boring (although he tried to like her, for his uncle's sake). Once he left for school, his mother planned to go abroad to recuperate from the loss of her money. Christopher was terrified of going to Hogwarts, since he had no idea what to expect. And with his mother to be travelling the world, he wasn't even sure where he would be coming back to during school breaks.
Once at Hogwarts, however, he was distracted from his family troubles by two interesting discoveries. First, he was a squib. Or seemed to be, at least, since he couldn't work the simplest spell. Second, and more important, he adored quidditch. He watched all the school games with rapt attention, and checked out all the books on quidditch that the library would let him have. He was determined to join the team himself as soon as he was allowed, whether he was a squib or not. In the meantime he studied magical theory, which he was actually quite good at. He made arrangements with another boy in his house that he would write his homework for him if the other boy would cast spells for him in class and pretend that Christopher had done it.
In truth, Christopher isn't a squib at all, but has a strange allergy to silver which dampens his magic powers when in contact with it.
How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: Christopher is certainly brave, to the point of recklessness, often doing things that end up getting him killed badly injured. He's also quite willing to stand up against perceived injustices, even when the odds are against him.
Hufflepuff: Christopher isn't the biggest fan of hard work, but he's quite loyal to those who have gained his trust, even though this trust has betrayed him on a few occasions. Even when circumstances look bad, he would rather give his friends the benefit of the doubt and another chance to prove themselves.
Ravenclaw: Not only is Christopher incredibly gifted academically (excluding subjects that require practical magic, of course), he also loves to learn and explore. He's very curious about the world around him, which also often gets him in trouble. And he's incredibly sarcastic witty.
Slytherin: Christopher spends a lot of time trying to get out of the high positions being thrust upon him, but he is ambitious in his own goals (i.e. becoming a professional cricketer). He is also considerably cunning. He's very good at thinking outside the box to come up with plans (especially plans to get out of doing things he doesn't want to do). And he's certainly got the blood and connections of a Slytherin.
Sample Journal Entry: Which exams will have a practical, do you think? I reckon charms must, and probably transfiguration and defence. History of Magic can't, and you don't need a wand for potions anyhow. Herbology?
Good on Ravenclaw, by the way. It was a bit of a lousy game, but you pulled through in the end.
Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Christopher put the finishing touches on Oneir's essay and put the cap back on his inkwell. It was a pretty good essay, he thought, all about the differences between freshwater and saltwater merfolk. Christopher liked mermaids; there had been a picture of one on the wall of the nursery at home, and she had talked to him on occasion. He'd made sure to put a couple of mistakes into the essay, though, just to make sure that no one suspected that he had written it instead of Oneir. And Oneir, for his part, had gotten pretty good at making Christopher's feather levitate while hiding his wand under the table, so that no one would notice that Christopher's own wand didn't seem to do anything, no matter how much he swished and flicked it.
With his homework (and Oneir's) finished, Christopher got up from his desk and started getting undressed for bed. He took Uncle Ralph's silver sixpence out of the pocket of his robes and smiled at it, before laying it down carefully on his night stand beside his wand, a few scraps of parchment, and a few trinkets that he had discovered while exploring the castle that day. Then he pulled on his pyjamas and crawled into bed, grabbing the well-worn copy of Quidditch Through the Ages he had just borrowed from the library for the fifth time that year. He was looking forward to having that dream again-- the one where he was a world-famous beater who'd just led England to victory at the World Cup.