I have just discovered a new show: Queer. As. Folk.
Sweet Jesus.
Anyone interested (and you all should be, the show is predominantly about gratuitous gay sex) should check out this site. Lots of pretty things to be had.
Would you mind if I friended you? I am ridiculously excited by the opportunity to be a voyeur as a newbee watches QAF. And reading Ethan is reading The Best. Save his gapfillers to read as you view the episodes. He rescues some of CowLip's more ludicrous forays and actually makes them sensible. FanSee
Oh, I'm enjoying! I stayed up til two am enjoying. Had to keep the volume low though, in case various other members of my household woke up, barged in and noticed the writhing male bodies on screen. That would have been awkward. Anyway, later today I'll go rent more episodes... Yeeee!
I went to the video store today to rent disk 3 (which contains eps 8-11) and for some reason they apparently don't have it, but I was so eager to watch more I just rented disk 4I was in Target today and S1 was on sale. I've owned S1 for almost two years and didn't look at the price, but if it's on sale, that means less than $50.00. Deduct what it is costing you to rent, add the convenience of being able to review important developments, and then ask yourself if you can afford to buy
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Comments 10
Thanks for all your wonderful advice and conversation. And I *like* the voyeurism... *does inappropriate action with tongue*
You saw Randy Harrison nude??? The boy likes his body. Er, I know nothing about Equus. What was the play about?
Brian Kinney. Sex on two legs. The lips, the tongue, the voice, the pout, the slightly over-gelled hair... Nummy.
I'll get back to you later. :)
Thanks so much!
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