What do you think happens after you die?
our essence/soul/spirit/what-have-you travels to the SummerLand in the West where we re-commune with the Divine, re-connect with our loved ones, rest, and then become reincarnated in whatever form will best help us learn the lessons we have left.
Do you believe in heaven?.
not in the usual definition, no. however, "heaven" has become synonymous with peace, perfection, and ecstatic rest (or restful ecstasy? :-P). in that capacity, yes, i do.
Do you believe in hell?
i believe in the existence of Hel, Norse goddess of the Underworld, but not as in the place where the "wicked" go to be punished. i do believe that people can create their own personal hells, however.
Do you think you will be judged after you die?
only by Karma, which the consequences dished out by are my own doing.
How many people would attend your funeral?
a good many, i should think.
Would you rather that people cry or laugh at your funeral?
i want people to both mourn my death and celebrate my life.
What's better: a shot in the head or downing pills?
eh, pros and cons to both, honestly.
What should be written on your tombstone?
"He waits for thee with loving hand
For it is ever thus"
"Pick up the pieces and go home"
Would you rather die childless or divorced?
well, since dying childless would mean that my son died before me, i'm gonna have to go with divoced. but i don't see that happening either.
Do you want to die in the morning, afternoon, or night?
night (or sunset, specifically) would be symbolically appropriate.
If you had a million dollars to leave, who would you leave it to?
my children.
What kind of flowers do you want at your funeral?
roses and baby's breath
On your deathbed, which moment will you most remember?
hopefully my husband's face.
Have you ever watched someone die?
if a momentary glimpse of my grandfather, unconcious, hooked up to innumerous machines in the hospital counts...
What's the most gruesome death you can imagine?
either viciously and maliciously tortured by someone i trusted, or else simply alone (in both the no-friends-no-family-no-love and physically alone senses).
How often do you think about death?
not often. i don't want to dwell on something that, while inevitable, most likely won't happen for a very long time.
Is fear of dying your number one fear?
i'm not afraid of death.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Have you ever wished someone you loved were dead?
no. Will is power, and can make things happen. i'm not prepared to handle the Karmic and otherwise consequences of such an act.
Do you consider life short or long?
in the grand scheme, short. on the scale of our existence, long.
Do you think you have a soul?
in the sense that we each have an intangible essence that can separated from our physical body, yes.
Assisted suicide for a terminally ill person is:
if they request it, following their wishes.
If you were cremated, where would you like your ashes?
i would like my loved ones to bless them in a ritual, and then keep them as a representative of the South quarter.
Would you choose to be immortal, if you could be?
physically immortal, no. spiritually, we all are to a point; when we have gleaned all we can from physical existence, we permanently return to the Divine.
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