Character Information
Tieria Erde (whether this is his actual birth name remains to be seen, but it's enough to be on all his official documents.)
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Male Um ??? Male enough.
Asexual. More attracted to technology than anything else. In the unlikely case that he would develop a liking for someone, physical attraction would not be a factor.
Student or Faculty Member/Professor:
Student - Freshman
Computer Science
He has a strikingly feminine appearance, with straight shoulder length purple hair, red eyes, pale skin, and a relatively small frame. His choices in clothing do nothing to contradict this, as along with his glasses, he tends to wear pastel colors and loose-fitting cardigans (probably a bit reminiscent of your grandmother's closet). He isn't intentionally trying to look feminine, and probably doesn't even realize it's an issue, nor would he care if he did.
Tieria is very mission-oriented, seemingly interested only in following the proper methods to arrive at the proper result. Excessive emotions have no place in this. Since hardly anyone else shares his ideals or his extreme level of perfectionism, he looks down on all of them with disapproval as being fatally flawed and incapable of achieving what he can, even applying this to those who are technically his superiors.
However, his rigid and unforgiving standards apply to himself as well, so on the rare occasion that he fails to meet the standards that define his entire existence, he is thrown into an identity crisis and overcome with guilt and self loathing (although generally he'll quickly go back to taking this out on everyone else again), which can lead him into surprisingly intense emotional reactions.
He has no recollection of his biological parents, having been told that they died shortly after he was born. He was raised instead by a distant relative, an aerospace engineer who ensured that the child under his care would be surrounded by and develop an appreciation for technology. This worked out even better than planned; Tieria has so devoted his life to working with computers and mechanics that he has had little social interaction with other students outside of class up until this point.
He has been at the top of his class almost constantly since third grade, though not so much before -- Coloring, cutting and pasting, and writing in cursive weren't exactly his forte, and until his classes came to focus more on what he saw as important things like math and science, his teachers tended to dock him a few points on his report cards for his lack of creativity and disagreeable attitude. (Needless to say, these did not win him any points with the other children either, though this didn't really concern him, as he didn't have much respect or patience for them with their screaming and hair-pulling and glasses-stealing either. The mothers of the other students soon learned not to bother sending him invitations to their children's birthday parties.)
Fortunately, by the time he reached fifth grade, a magnet middle school for technology had opened up in the city, so the following year, he was finally able to get away from the crayons and markers and aimless students and attend a place where there were more people who knew what was important and were willing to work hard for it, even if a lot of them were still stupid twelve year olds. By high school, things were looking good; the engineering school he attended had had a very rigorous application process, so most of the students he was with were relatively serious about their studies, even if they weren't as strict and uptight as he was. As students were required to join a club, he joined the Math Team, and by his senior year had attained the position of Vice President simply by seniority, although the only meetings he ever attended were those the week before their next competition. He didn't have any real friendships, but had satisfactory professional work relationships within the classroom.
After spending middle and high school at engineering-specific magnet schools, he was "persuaded" by his guardian to attend a highly-ranked university with a broader course catalogue in order to expand his horizons while still majoring in a prestigious engineering department, which he has been told may be useful when it comes to making good impressions at job interviews. He does not approve.