Oct 29, 2010 13:24

It's been forever since we've done one of these, but I was sitting in class wondering how I was going to trick people into writing fic in the near vicinity of my birthday thinking about Halloween and... bandom, idk, and then I was like, I should totally do a:

Halloween Pornomeme Yay!

Write 100+ words (I would have said 666+ words, but I don't want to scare people away, *g*) of Halloween-related shenanigans! Actualfax Halloween (Brendon and Spencer taking Bronx trick or treating...). Halloween spin-offs (Z and Ryan as the intrepid stealth burgers). Halloween related things (vampires and werewolves and sexy biting timez, oh my!). Whatever! As long as it's related to Halloween. If you squint. (I mentioned the vampire thing, right?) (Or remember that time that FOB pretended to be Panic! for Halloween? I'm not sure exactly how it should go, but Pete dressed up as Ryan. They're doing most of the work for you!)

Maybe include the description/word count/pairing/rating/whatever in the subject of your comment. Sexy biting times | 666 words | Brendon/Capri Sun | NC-17

Okay, go! Go now! Write! ♥

(I thought today would be a good day to post it instead of on Halloween proper when people are out eating candy. And then there will [hopefully] be something for you to read by the time it's Halloween.)


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