Here we go:
Scenario #1
Pairing: Pete/Travis
Scenario: They have matching tattoos! They get these tattoos and use it for licking/touching/fucking/sexing shenanigans.
Scenario #2
Pairing: Patrick/anyone
Scenario: PATRICK IS A TRUCK DRIVER!!! (What? You've looked at his hats and *not* had this thought?) SOMEONE HITCHES A RIDE! This could be totally skeezy. Or not. Whichever.
Scenario #3
Pairing/Scenario: Andy/Patrick/Andy's bus pals, with optional Joe wandering onto the bus in the middle of things.
Scenario #4
Pairing: Spencer/Hayley/Ryan
Scenario: Ryan sort of has this thing for both Spencer and Spencer's girlfriend.
Kink: Spencer getting off on watching his girlfriend suck Ryan's cock.
Scenario #5
Pairing: Brendon/Ryan
Scenario: Ryan wants Brendon to hurt him
Kink: Pain
Scenario #6
Pairing: Ryan/Gerard
Scenario: Drawing on each other.
Scenario #7
Pairing: Panic GSF
Scenario: burning off some second album tension during recording
Scenario #8
Pairing: Pete/Spencer
Scenario: toppy dom Pete, slutty Spencer
Scenario #9
Pairing: Jon/Brendon
Scenario: backseat car sex
And finally:
Scenario #10
Kinks: Ryan's fingers, is that a kink?
I say, yes! Yes it is a kink! Have at it!
As always: Leave the prompt # in your subject line. Leave feedback for the amazing authors! You can write any of the prompts from other days still; we'd all rather the porn come a little late than not at all. :)