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Nip/Tuck Season 5. Oh my god. I can't wait . I want it to be on already! I need my Dr. Troy fix. haha.
So Mark.. Ummm....We were talking on the phone for a good 2+ hours & mid-conversation he shows up at my house (He called me from his cell phone.) & we just end up talking till about almost 3 the morning. He just basically told me that he wants me..and it doesn't matter how long he has to wait that he would (BUT hey, how many times have I heard that before. Yeah.) I don't know. I don't want to make him wait. I mean is this even what I truly want or need? Yes, I like him, alot...but I'm just so indecisive. I need to think about this..because he's a good guy & he's really nice to me and does so much for me. So we'll see.
/end relationship ramblings.
Anywho..I went to go see I now pronounce you Chuck & Larry..It wasn't as funny as it seemed.But there was still a few funny parts. I still love Kevin James though. :P
Tomorrow I'm gonna go see Hairspray with Chloe. I can't wait, it looks cute. I never saw the original though. So I'll let you guys know about that. Then later that night ,Marks taking me out to Dinner at the new restaurant 'Montana Mike's' Over by Chicago UNO's I'm amped about that.
Well I'm gonna go make something to eat, I'm starving. ;[