The following newspaper article appeared in the trailer for "The Reichenbach Fall".
Scotland Yard calls
upon 'nation's
favourite detective'
in Moriarty trail [sic]
[blurred byline]
In a twist worthy of a Conan Doyle
novella, Mr. Sherlock Holmes was yester-
day revealed to be an expert witness at
the trial of 'Jim' Moriarty. Described by
many commentators as the trial of the
century, the case has all the ingredients
of a block buster film. The royal family,
Scotland Yard, the world of finance and
greed, the 'underclass' of [prisoners?] out
to [seek?] revenge as they [enjoy?] [their?] [own?]
[fifteen?] [minutes?] of freedom. The case is
riddled with [?] and intrigue but per-
haps reflects a larger malaise that seems
to be at the heart of a society.
Mr Holmes, a man of few words,
[offpage] when asked about