Just saw a news report on a massage therapist at a fancy spa here who has been accused of sexually assaulting a client. According to the news, he's in jail now and will be going to court on the 27th
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Why, on a day when the weather is 26F and feels like 11F, do I have the incredible urge to take the CTA downtown and go shopping on State Street? Am I completely crazy
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Because really? The choice is "romance" or "satire"? Personally, I'd say I'm more of a cookbook. But not one that's full of fancy foams and gelees. ( Anyway, here's my Seduction Style results )
Once again, I've managed to miss the birthday of a fantastic person - mei_x. Mei, I hope you had a lovely day, as you certainly deserve it. Happy Birthday!
This is a request for help...I'd like to make myself some new icons (with my limited icon making skills). I know there are people/communities that put cool icon bases out there for public use. Can anyone out there point me towards some of these nifty places?
I went on two movie dates over the last two days! Whee! Tonight was Stranger Than Fiction and I have to say I really enjoyed this movie. I liked the look of it (and Chicago looks great in the movie's nonspecific-city way, though I'd love all of CTA's buses to be that clean) and I loved Emma Thompson.