”Never shall I be able to give God enough to set him down in my books as a debtor.”
I give you nothing, Queen, I have not chronicled. And what is a historian worth without his note-taking? Nothing, and not bread. But I have no need for feeding, and I have witnessed.
I have seen the people of this City wage battle, I have seen them win. I have seen them lose. I have comforted their young.
And I have seen also such an event that would reveal why all manners of legend have gained currency: Amadeo, poor Amadeo, in the shape of a beast! Give me nothing, Akasha, and take away with your glass hands instead. Take my worry and the helplessness of such a day, to see a body you have sculpted, the eyes, the lips, all of these that you have known - to see them chiselled so pitifully by chance, to find the power to do nothing.
And to what good have you given me the Mind Gift, and the Fire Gift, and that of the Blood also, if combined they would do nothing? If they would leave me worthless as mortal men, ignorant as they? Without strength and without ambition?
And what did I want? Oh, he speaks of wanting! I want only to find and to touch and to know. Foremost, I want to know, and perhaps to better things, if such a state exists.
I would not be such a man again, the waiting thinker.
Yet of all things, a Koala is not unpleasant. I must wonder, poor Amadeo, if for once you were soft to hold, and kindly. Oh, to claw, for shame. You’ve been taught better.
- Marius de Romanus
"Is there sweeping to be done? Then make your slave sweep. Are there pots to be scoured? Then make her scour them. Are there vegetables to be cleaned or fruit to be peeled? Then set her to them. Laundry? Hand it to her. Make her look after the children and everything else. If you don't get her used to doing all the work, she will become a lazy little lump of flesh. Don't give her any time off, I tell you. As long as you keep her on the go, she won't waste her time leaning out of the window."
But Fra Bernadino, there are enough chores already for the subjugated mind. We are not free, we have never known freedom. We are all the slaves of dreams and young loves, and of these there are many.
But we must wake while there is time, and move away from myth. I have heard it all since coming here - the unicorn, the vampire, the zombie- all nonsense, and the folly of those who would believe them. Tricksters are everywhere, the buffoons or the con artists. This place is in truth strange, if not that strange.
But enough of that.
Curses - what are they, and what are their ways? The guide - there is always a guide - given an answer, but it is simple. Whether in insult to its readers or ignorance or mystery, I could not say; but there must be more to it than that which is known by all. There is always one who knows more. I would be find him.
As for the gods - what of these gods? Do they live in the forests, the catacombs, the sea? Are they creatures of air, of light, of darkness? Have they a Church? Do they frown upon the worship of another goddess? I would keep mine. Yes, I would hear of these deities, or read their word, if it is written. And if they presence to the people, I would see them also.
[ooc: as a note - he’s not trying to deny the existence of his kind, so much as divorce the two. VC vampires tend to roll their eyes at the Hollywood idea of the ever starving and raging, monster-vampire >>! ]