Who: Adam and Heiji
Where: Dissimulo
When: 1 am
Rating: K+ to T
Summary: Adam has a nightmare and leaves the house.
The Log:
It was quiet in the house with the residents were sleeping soundly and hopefully dreaming of when they would be able to go back home. However, there was one who was dreaming something different. The person in question was on the couch fast asleep but looked deeply troubled. Sweat was forming on his brow and his breathing had started to become ragged, tossing slightly. He didn’t say anything during this dream but it looked like he was either running away from something…or perhaps fighting it.
A few more minutes passed and Adam woke up, gasping for air and sitting straight up. He was clutching the blanket tightly and looked downwards. “What…the hell?” he murmured, asking no one in particular. He then looked straight forward as he wiped the sweat off his face and stood up. The nightmare had scared him and it showed on his face. Next thing he knew, Adam was heading out the door and started to break into a run.
Where he wanted to go? Just…anywhere.