crotchroses and
hullonurseWhere: Discedo
When: Backdated to THE 5TH.
Rating: PG-13?! I mean it's France, so.
Summary: Some idiot gets himself stuck across the pond and runs into an old rival's sister.
The Log:
[Really. Really. They wouldn't work, just as soon as he wanted to return to Spero! Of course. Of. Course. He would have to call Canada and let him know where he was, and find a place to stay, and food, and then he would look for picket signs and whoever decided it would be hilarious to shake things up.
Then of course he would try to secure passage back across the lake to a place where he was at least slightly less disoriented.
The lingering effects of the nausea and the stress of realizing he was caught in another dump finally overtook him and so now, with a great sense of denied self-loathing, France quickly treads down the more traveled street to a slightly secluded outcropping in this post-apocalyptic shithole.
He doubles over, a gloved hand covering his mouth.]