The new year is fast approaching, for both players and characters, so naturally we have something planned for everyone to indulge in!
First of all, at midnight on the 30th EST, the mistletoe will finally disappear. So basically that means that by the 31st, all Christmas festive things that are still around will be completely gone. Outfits, trees-- whatever's still left! Any unopened Christmas crackers will also vanish, sorry guys. Better luck next time!
On the 31st itself, starting at 6pm, a version of Auld Lang Syne will start playing in your character's native tongue. From where, you ask? Your character's communicators. (For those not in the know, there's a version of the song here:)
Click to view
No matter how hard they try, they can't turn down the volume or turn it off-- attempts to do so will result in it becoming louder. The only way to get it to stop is to go outside, and to head to where the big Christmas tree used to be.
Out there are long tables completely covered in food. Characters can help themselves to as much as they like, because from 6-9, all food and drink will ~*mysteriously*~ replenish itself. Along with this, fireworks will start to go off at 7pm and continue well into the morning at 3am, BUT. There will also be boxes at both of the parks in the city filled with fireworks for people to set off themselves. (Basically, there'll be something along the lines of multi-shot "cakes", Roman candles, single shot shooters, ground and wall spinners, fountains, cones, sparklers, and various novelties, such as smoke bombs and Pharaoh's serpents, and some skyrockets. If you want any others, then comment here and ask. This is all the wiki page would give me.)
Though on that note... no property damage with the fireworks is permitted unless it's mod approved first. Injuries are okay, though, if you want to be mean to your character!
At midnight, when the new year rolls in, the fireworks will cease suddenly for fifteen minutes... and that's where one out of two things will begin happening to each character.
You may choose EITHER (not both, one or the other):
a) a vision from the character's future. This can include one of two things: if they aren't updated to their most recent point in canon, they can see a small glimpse of what's about to happen to them. For example, Phoenix Wright might have a vision of himself seven years into the future, and some of the events that happen to him then.
It can also include, however, something that might happen to them in their future in the CITY. It might be them getting murdered, getting together with someone else... the sky is the limit! Or, really, your imagination is. It doesn't have to happen in game canon, however: the future can always be changed, can't it?
b) a ghost from your character's past. The only downside to this is that they obviously can't be someone that's in the city right now. The ghosts can be touched by the person seeing them, but not harmed in any way, and they can be controlled by the player. However, the ghosts can't be seen by anyone else, and anyone who tries to video post with them will just experience static.
Also, the ghost doesn't HAVE to be a dead person - it can be whoever you want.
No matter which event you choose, they can start seeing them at any time on January 1st-- it doesn't have to be on the stroke of midnight! However, all ghosts and visions have to be over by the 2nd. Keeping this in mind, PLEASE comment to this post once you've made a decision on what your characters are going to experience. We would prefer that everyone try to participate with their characters, but the event isn't compulsory.
That just about wraps it up, so... questions/comments, go here.