Jan 19, 2010 18:11


Try to keep these things in mind while you're critting:

1) What do you enjoy about the person's character, and why? INSTEAD of just: "omg, I love your Bob!" we'd like to see more, "omg, I love your Bob because his interactions with Stacey's mom are absolutely hilarious".

2) What do you want to see more of from the characters? Certain interactions, motivations/goals, things like that.

3) What do you think could use some more fine-tuning? Whether based on your own interpretation of the character and canon or otherwise- consider: if it were your muse, what might you do differently? Are there things the player could be doing more of, or is forgetting to do, that you think they should pay attention to?

4.) Advice/suggestions for the future.

We want to urge you to be thorough and specific when giving advice/suggestions to people on how to improve their characters. "Your character is doing it wrong" on its own is not constructive advice. It could easily be reworded as, "I think your character should be focusing more on their interactions with Bob. He should be reacting to Bob and Stacey's mom's relationship, because in canon, he and Stacey's mom are very close." Give as much detail as possible. Specific examples are not required, but are greatly encouraged (no, "their entire journal" is not a specific example)! Please also be respectful and courteous when offering your opinions, as flames will not be tolerated.

IP logging is off, and anon commenting is on. However, anonymous commenting is a privilege, not a right: if people abuse it and act rude, catty or disrespectful to one another, it will be turned off. Please report any anon abuse to a mod as soon as you can! Even if you're not sure, link us to it anyway. However, please keep in mind that if someone has something not-good (and constructive) to say about a character, they are entitled to their opinion as well. Please don't start jumping on comments that you disagree with, especially in other peoples' crit threads.

Again, please be civil, mature and respectful, especially while anon. If the anon privilege is abused, we WILL turn it off for the remainder of this meme, and potentially others in the future. Also, we strongly recommend linking to individual crit posts in your comment just in case some people would rather use those. Apart from this tl;dr, have at it!

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