As promise, I am going to be doing big info dump posts for each phase of the upcoming event BEFORE I am unavailable for several days. We're going to start with Phase One: Destruction Rains from the Heavens.
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Now that you have some 16-bit idea of what's happening, let me assure you that he's not going to wreak havoc GLOBALLY just because, well... that kind of messes with the metaplot of the game itself. So let's not do that. What he WILL do is just what you saw in the video. When Lucca accidentally summons him, he's going to be creating a HUGE crater after his initial laser spamming, within which will be what we call Lavos Space, a pocket dimension he exists within while dormant. It will look like a bubble with constantly shifting blue color to everyone outside of it. To give you an idea of just how big it is, I've edited the Discedo map to show the location:
You people in the police office might want to clear out. You're right there on the front line with living destruction. Not prime real-estate at the moment. So yes, Lavos will spray his Rain of Destruction, which is both laser beams AND gigantic needles that will destroy... a lot. I'll let YOU the PLAYERS decide just how much is destroyed. I just want to remind all of you to not hold back, because most of the damage will be reversed by the end of Phase Three, so GO NUTS!
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Lavos Spawn. They are basically smaller versions of Lavos, and crawl about looking for food so that Lavos can nom some DNA. They are also, in general, looking for dreams and timelines for the Big Bad to munch on too. This means that when a Lavos Spawn LOOKS at you, it will literally feel like it is looking into your very mind and soul. Because they are. FORTUNATELY as displayed in the video, they aren't all that tough. They CAN be beaten, but it requires team work. Going against them on your own is ill-advised. And yes, even normal humans without super powers can take down a Lavos Spawn. Just be sure to aim for their heads. Striking the shells makes them launch spikes/lasers/etc in defense. Just, seriously, leave the shells alone, man. The ELDER Lavos Spawn are a lot stronger and can use Chaos Waves which wear away at your mental capacity. Those you want to run away from and not fight if you can avoid it.
The first three days of the event revolve around Lavos's arrival and its initial attack against Discedo. Buildings collapsing, explosions, mass hysteria, you get the picture. The OTHER days leading into Phase Two are the Lavos Spawn spreading out over the city to collect data for Lavos. Confrontations with Lavos Spawn are highly encouraged, and perhaps even an Elder Spawn will show up right at the end.
But I've got to stress that Lucca will NOT be there to let anyone know what's what. She's dying on the first day. Yeah yeah, spoiler, but I really did need to get that out there. There's just no way she'd realistically survive the initial wave when she's THAT close to the epicenter. Serge, whether or not you bite it is up to you, but cats can run pretty fast I imagine.