Ready for yet another Chip Event?

Dec 15, 2010 16:37

This one is pure crack. Seen Fantasia? Then you're good to go. XD

All right, so Balthazar here is getting his chip taken out this week. As a sorcerer he is capable of...well, pretty much anything. His magic is mostly undefined beyond what is seen in the movie but it's obvious its pretty much whatever the imagination can come up with. On that end, let's get down to business, shall we?

Balthazar has no intention of trying to use his magic within the first week of getting his chip out--he's seen the results of others not being careful during this time, knows what can happen--unfortunately for him he's not going to get the choice of not casting his magic. He's going to get sick and every time he sneezes a spell will be cast. |D

The result is going to be on the first day he's going to cast Animate Object. On all the cleaning supplies. Yes, you heard me. The cleaning supplies. So all your brooms, mops, scrubbing brushes, sponges, spray bottles, soap bars, and the like? Coming to life. I told you it was Fantasia. Shut up, it had to be done, okay?

Day 1: Balthazar's chip is removed and although he has no intention of casting any magic...a random violent sneeze leads to a powerful spell being cast. Animate object. On all of the cleaning supplies in Discedo. Every last mop, broom, bar of soap, and other useful items to cleaning will suddenly come to life with a 'mind' of its own and start...well, cleaning. For now, things that actually need to be cleaned and are typical things people would use them for cleaning.

Day 2: Things get more annoying. The cleaning supplies are still cleaning merrily away only now they've cleaned all the usual stuff and are going after anything else they can get their bristles and soap bubbles on to clean. On top of that as Balthazar gets more sick he begins to sneeze more and cast a few extra spells. Mostly its Duplicate Object and as it sounds it creates an extra version of said object. Usually it would be something he's concentrating on. Now however it's going to be random objects. Basically, if your character wants something other than animated cleaning supplies to freak out over this is it--they can watch the cleaning supplies suddenly multiply. So now there is a whole lot more cleaning supplies than should be findable in the run-down Discedo roaming around the city cleaning things on their own.

Day 3: The cleaning supplies start to get aggressive and attack people in their efforts to clean up the city. Nothing fatal, but they will hit people on top of the head and give them plenty of nasty bruises and such before being taken down. At the end of the day everything just suddenly stops when Balthazar gets a hold of his magic and disspells everything (including the fact that there were too many cleaning supplies in the city).

So tomorrow I'll make a post for Balthazar--and then begins the cracktastic fun!

Also I'm going to work now so any comments/questions/concerns will be addressed after I get back, later tonight. Till then~!
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