Sister is out of the hospital and seems better. Liked my care package.
Squid is feeling better, but now Miss Tasty has the tummy yucks.
Lots of excitement and also worries about moving to new place with Trousers. Apartment is awesome. Hoping/fearing our relationship can stay good.
Neato shadowing last night at UCSF.
Did you know that if you get a foreign object stuck in your foot, the official doctor policy is to leave it in there and let it work its way out? This is because 1. the foot is insanely painful to do procedures on 2. local anesthetic doesn't seem to work well on it and 3. you can cause more damage removing something than leaving it in. In this case it was a chunk of broken wine bottle. I got to watch a four-inch head laceration being sewn up - starting in the middle to get it nice and even. Also, diabetic leg ulcers are pretty darn horrible and can take years to heal. Finally, something I think will be rammed home each time I visit there: Drinking and drug habits are VERY BAD FOR YOU. They make every thing else much, much worse.