Fill: "Kitnapping", Part 1.chelonianmobileMarch 12 2011, 23:55:18 UTC
Hope you enjoy. Lizard named Bill probably not the same lizard as the one in Alice in Wonderland (who was too darn nice to be him) but the name seemed to fit
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Re: Fill: "Kitnapping", Part 2.chelonianmobileMarch 12 2011, 23:56:00 UTC
Curiously, Ratigan pushed past his cowering crew and peered around the door. The room clearly belonged to a little girl; neat white frills and pastel-coloured ribbons predominated. In a wicker basket in the corner lay a huge chocolate-brown Persian cat, half-asleep, glaring in the direction of the invading rodents but not bothering to get up. The reason for that was apparent; a number of bulges under the cat's thick fluff proved to be an unusually large litter of kittens, latched to the mother cat's side like furry leeches
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