Cogsworth/LumieredragonitesMay 15 2010, 10:44:13 UTC
'Human Again' sex. A.k.a. they should really celebrate being human again by doing something they've both wanted to do for most of the duration of their household object days. ♥
Extra points for insults referencing to their past ten years + Cogsworth's first time.
Re: Filled! A Little Celebration (2/2)vethicaMarch 1 2012, 22:11:48 UTC
I am glad my comment made you happy. :D Wait, more? Ffffffff. If my comment has inspired you to write any more I will go into some kind of deliriously giddy coma. (Which is to say: do it. ♥)
I would post this on my account, but it's annoying set to 17 due to a misclick on my account... But I fucking love you right now.
Isn't this like the first human Cogsworth/Lumiere porn on the internet? If it's not, I haven't seen it (I had searched everywhere, so if I'm mistaken, please correct me and send me the link!)
I just- ffffff. You have just made me a very happy woman. It was so amazing, thankyou!
<333 I love you and I love your prompt! I searched the whole meme for an unfilled Lumiere/Cogsworth prompt to fill because they are just my OTP right now and I so needed some <3 is definitely the first human porn of them I've managed to find (and I've searched pretty extensively!)...I would be so dementedly proud if it was really the first. xD
However, you might enjoy these pictures, though they aren't actually porn: one that I drew, and one that a friend of mine drew (it's in the middle of a pic dump; you'll have to full view it and scroll down).
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it, and you're a hundred times welcome! I barely ever write fic these days but this was a special occasion ;D
OH HELLO MUFFINPOODLE. ♥ Trust it to be the amazing Cogsworth/Lumiere artist that fills this.~ I've already commented on both of those. I have so much love for your stuff (and I'm happy you've found Disney High. I love Urban's versions.)
If you ever write more, please contact me about it! xD I seriously love this fic.
Extra points for insults referencing to their past ten years + Cogsworth's first time.
Isn't this like the first human Cogsworth/Lumiere porn on the internet? If it's not, I haven't seen it (I had searched everywhere, so if I'm mistaken, please correct me and send me the link!)
I just- ffffff. You have just made me a very happy woman. It was so amazing, thankyou!
Reply is definitely the first human porn of them I've managed to find (and I've searched pretty extensively!)...I would be so dementedly proud if it was really the first. xD
However, you might enjoy these pictures, though they aren't actually porn: one that I drew, and one that a friend of mine drew (it's in the middle of a pic dump; you'll have to full view it and scroll down).
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it, and you're a hundred times welcome! I barely ever write fic these days but this was a special occasion ;D
I've already commented on both of those. I have so much love for your stuff (and I'm happy you've found Disney High. I love Urban's versions.)
If you ever write more, please contact me about it! xD I seriously love this fic.
thank you arrrgh~ It makes me happy somehow that someone thinks of me as "the amazing Cogsworth/Lumiere artist" xDDD God I wanna draw more.
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