Giselle/Nancy (Enchanted) I'd love to see a story where Giselle secretly does all these nice, thoughtful, romantic little gestures -- on Robert's behalf -- for Nancy and by doing so begins to realize that she loves making Nancy smile. In fact, she's fallen in love with Nancy.
I thought of this idea while singing the "How Does She Know" song and I think a sad, longing take on it goes nicely with this prompt -- how would Nancy know that Giselle loves her when all of Giselle's romantic gestures are channeled through Robert and attributed to him?
I'd prefer little to no Robert/Giselle if at all possible. ^^;
How Does She Know {1/3}afterandalasiaMay 9 2011, 15:17:15 UTC
Nancy loved the ball, Robert said. He had pictures of them, in the outfits that they had hired -- he had declined to let her make them -- smiling and happy and radiant. He was so grateful, said that they had talked that night, that they were waiting on the engagement for a while but that he was sure it would be soon
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How Does She Know {2/3}afterandalasiaMay 9 2011, 15:17:44 UTC
Some way down the line Robert explained to her how jobs worked in this world, and it wasn't too hard at all for him to persuade Nancy that Giselle would work well in her business. Giselle took well to life with a job, enjoyed it, and enjoyed especially working with clothes and other people and Nancy. More and more often she would convey notes -- "from Robert" -- or flowers -- "from Robert" -- or suggest to Robert something that Nancy had been talking about with wistful longing in her voice. And even in between, she would bring Nancy her coffee just how she liked it, or work a little later to see that something was finished on time, or greet prospective customers just a little early and talk so brightly to them that they were always in a good mood before they even spoke to Nancy
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How Does She Know {3/3}afterandalasiaMay 9 2011, 15:18:17 UTC
Nancy opened her mouth to reply, then hesitated as well. Looking down, she withdrew the box again and opened it, light catching on the pretty gemstone inside. "Robert proposed to me with this ring," she said, her voice cracking slightly. It sounded as if she was close to tears, and in a few steps Giselle had crossed to the desk, but she was cut off with: "And for a while I wondered how he knew
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Re: How Does She Know {3/3}
June 4 2011, 07:24:07 UTC
Late OP is late! BUT oh god I loved this! You write the characters so perfectly. I swear, I just kept imagining Idina Menzel saying all of Nancy's lines in the fic and it's perfect. Giselle is so sweet and adorable, and I love the way Nancy finally finds out. And I just love the emotions, all the unsureness and confusion, it's wonderful. AHHHH basically, it's just what I wanted and more. <3
Re: How Does She Know {3/3}afterandalasiaJune 4 2011, 11:09:46 UTC
Thank you~! I'm so happy that you liked it! But yes, I always thought that the song could sound a bit femmeslashy -happy sigh- I just couldn't go without Nancy finding out, though! So... yeah. XD Sorry, I'm babbling a bit as well. Giselle is so cute to write like this.
I'd love to see a story where Giselle secretly does all these nice, thoughtful, romantic little gestures -- on Robert's behalf -- for Nancy and by doing so begins to realize that she loves making Nancy smile. In fact, she's fallen in love with Nancy.
I thought of this idea while singing the "How Does She Know" song and I think a sad, longing take on it goes nicely with this prompt -- how would Nancy know that Giselle loves her when all of Giselle's romantic gestures are channeled through Robert and attributed to him?
I'd prefer little to no Robert/Giselle if at all possible. ^^;
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