Various, Boarding School A.U
July 26 2011, 02:52:45 UTC
The Disney characters attend the same strict boarding school, whose emphasis is on pedigree and etiquette. Ariel, Cinderella, and Snow White are teachers who instruct the females on prober behaviour, especially concerning the opposite sex. They teach them that the only way to attract a man is to be skilled in domestic duties(Cinderella teaches them home ec/housekeeping), be modest(Snow White teaches them how to force a blush, and to avoid eye contact) and to put the needs of the man above the needs of yourself(Ariel teaches them to hold their tongues, and not speak until spoken to). Mulan, Esmeralda, and Meg call them on their bullshit by snagging some pretty awesome dudes simply by disregarding everything they were taught, and by being the badass motherfuckers they are.
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