Did anyone watch Shallow Hal? The basic premise was that this guy was hypnotized to see people for their inner beauty. I'd like to see the premise in one of the Disney movies. Maybe Esmeralda sees Quasimodo as this super hot dude, and how that would have affected her decision. If people could see Mulan for her inner beauty, would that have made it impossible for her to disguise herself as a man? Or, maybe someone like Aurora or Cinderella could be afflicted. They're supposed to be sweet and nice above all else, but they're never really shown as being nice or helpful to other people. They're pretty much emphasized for their beauty, voices, and domestic skills/animal sidekicks. So maybe they are cursed with it and expect to look into the mirror and find themselves even more beautiful, only to find a fairly plain woman looking back.
Or, maybe someone like Aurora or Cinderella could be afflicted. They're supposed to be sweet and nice above all else, but they're never really shown as being nice or helpful to other people. They're pretty much emphasized for their beauty, voices, and domestic skills/animal sidekicks. So maybe they are cursed with it and expect to look into the mirror and find themselves even more beautiful, only to find a fairly plain woman looking back.
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