[Quasi is still in shock from
Lottie's gala. Delightful shock. Wonderful shock. Shock that prevents him from dwelling on the fact that if Frollo ever finds out about Quasi's budding relationship with Arista, fire and brimstone will rain from the heavens. So really, it's for the best that Quasimodo is focusing less on his master's opinion and more on how pretty Arista's hair is when sunlight catches it. And how her laugh sounds like little bells. And how when he danced with her, it didn't matter so much that he didn't look like all the other men on the dance floor.
Yet for all this bliss, there is trouble brewin'. This is Quasi's first real relationship with anyone, and he has no idea where to go next. And the panic from not knowing what comes after the first date is starting to interfere with his happy dancing buzz. More than ever before, Quasi wishes it had been possible for him to bring Victor, Hugo, and Laverne to the Academy. However, in lieu of his traditional advice-dispensors, there are some new friends for him to turn to. One friend in particular seems very knowledgeable in the realm of ladies, so Quasi makes the call.]
T-Tulio? I need some advice...
((ooc: This post is primarily for
hoooly_ship, but anyone who wants to put their nose in a hunchback's love life is more than welcome to jump in by means of whatever preposterous justification you can dream up.))