[action] *defends the emothrone viciously with heaps of tl;dr*

Jan 23, 2011 01:16

[It's the middle of the night, and Hiccup can't sleep. Not for lack of trying, though--he'd been asleep two hours already when he woke up sweaty and shaking, terrified. He didn't want to go back to sleep after that. So now here he is, sitting on a couch in Joe West at one in the morning.

He doesn't know what to do. The voices and hallucinations and flashbacks had stopped--thankfully--but the events just kept repeating themselves in his mind, made only slightly less horrific by the fact that he knew it was over and that he wasn't going through it. But he had. He remembered now what happened in that block of time months ago that previously seemed to just...not exist. Elizabeth and Audrey (who he now remembered as well, although not entirely) hadn't been lying; he really had been taken by the mist and faced the Green Death again. Even worse, he really had been eaten alive.

He's glad he doesn't have a complete two-week blank in his mind any more, but he dislikes remembering any part of the nightmarish ordeal. Especially because, right now, it's one of the only things he can think about, no matter how hard he tries not to. And when he's not thinking about that, he's thinking about Elizabeth and Audrey--the two women he'd somehow forgotten and only just remembered, and even then, only in disjointed bits and pieces.

Hiccup sighs and leans back on the couch, eyes wide open. As long as he doesn't sleep.]

r: david stutler, r: astrid, p: hiccup

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