Jan 24, 2011 10:50
Fit the Third, in Which Gibbs Laments the Loss of Jack Sparrow and of Falling Behind.
Cap'n Sparrow's gone and left us. I expect perhaps he will return one day, as he is the bad penny of the pirating world.
A word, Miss Swann--I've got something I've been saving. A rhododendron. A LARGE rhododendron.
["A large rhododendron" is of course code for "I've a half dozen bottles of Scotch and three of rum hidden behind a leafy exotic-looking shrub in the greenhouse. Put your clothes on rightside-in and join me in a bit of an Irish wake for our Jack? Even though he's not dead?"
In the greenhouse Gibbs will be, in what state is anyone's guess.]
p: joshamee gibbs,
r: elisa maza,
r: elizabeth swann,
r: james norrington,
r: esmeralda,
r: clopin trouillefou