Regular Male & Animal Restamp

Jan 14, 2011 01:07

Hey, jumping on the bandwagon! Since there's new options, I am going to keep my Jasmine stamp (since I got her recently) but restamp my male & animal stamp! Thank you!

Name: Olivia
Age: 19
Describe your personality: I am an E/INFP combo and Type 9 personality. INFP & Type 9s are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginitive, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal. They can also extremely sensitive to any kind of criticism, pick out criticism where none was intended, difficulty maintaining close relationships, due to unreasonable expectations, come across as eccentric, or perhaps even generally strange to others, without being aware of it and value their own opinions and feelings far above others.

ENFPs are introspective, values-oriented, inspiring, social and extremely expressive. They actively send their thoughts and ideas out into the world as a way to bring attention to what they feel to be important, which often has to do with ethics and current events. ENFPs are natural advocates, attracting people to themselves and their cause with excellent people skills, warmth, energy and positivity. ENFPs are described as creative, resourceful, assertive, spontaneous, life-loving, charismatic, passionate and experimental.

Dreamy Idealists are very cautious and therefore often appear shy and reserved to others. They share their rich emotional life and their passionate convictions with very few people. But one would be very much mistaken to judge them to be cool and reserved. They have a pronounced inner system of values and clear, honourable principles for which they are willing to sacrifice a great deal. Joan of Arc or Sir Galahad would have been good examples of this personality type. Dreamy Idealists are always at great pains to improve the world. They can be very considerate towards others and do a lot to support them and stand up for them. They are interested in their fellow beings, attentive and generous towards them. Once their enthusiasm for an issue or person is aroused, they can become tireless fighters.
Positive and negative traits you would have as a hero: passionate, romantic, independent, ambitious, determined, loyal, imaginative, proud, over-dramatic, sensitive, moody, sort of quiet, stubborn as hell, too honest
What do you consider to be some of your worst fears? Disappointing someone, being called a failure, living a dull life, not completing my dreams
What would be your weapons of choice? A sword or a wand! :3
Your outfit (it's design and colors):

Favourites (colour, food, music, etc.):
Movies, music: The Hangover, Inglourious Basterds, Pride & Prejudice, Ghostbusters, Almost Famous, anything top 40/pop
Season: Spring or Summer
Color: Green, Blue, Red

Love or hate (which do you find you do more of): Love
Determined or accepting: Determined
Making your own destiny or accepting fate: Making your own destiny
Brave or safe: Brave
Pacifist or tempermental: Both!
Quiet or outspoken: Outspoken but quiet around people I don't know
Forgiving or vengeful: Forgiving but extremely vengeful if you mess with me one way!
Leader or follower: Leader

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? New York, Los Angeles, Hollywood, London, Paris, South Africa, Germany, Spain
How would you defeat the villian? I would definitely fight back in any way!
Damsel in distress, loner, anti-hero--which type describes you best? I would be the hero type. I'm too independent to be a damsel and I wouldn't call myself a villain either.
Anything else you'd like to add? Thanks for voting!
(Optional)Post a picture of yourself if you have one and are comfortable doing this. If not, just describe yourself:

Do you want to be stamped as a MALE, FEMALE, ANIMAL, or all 3: Animal & Male please!

stamped: animal: robin hood, stamped: male: aladdin

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