Stamped as Nani | Stereotypes theme

Feb 05, 2012 15:30

Name: Heather
Age: 23
Previously stamped as: Nani

Describe your personality in a paragraph or two: INFP. Enneagram type 9w1. A pretty fantastic blend of my Aries sun and Libra ascendant. I'm a little reserved at first, but I'm always friendly with folks, even if I don't like them much-- I'm conflict avoidant because I have such a bad temper when pushed too far (we're talking turning into she-hulk-- and this is according to my friends, lmao). I'm always open about how I feel-- you need only ask and I will share. That is, if the way I wear my heart on my sleeve hasn't already tipped you off. New people I don't jive with for whatever reason see me as quiet and genial, with a bit of a snappy attitude on bad days. People who I am friends with stare at me like I have five heads when I tell them I'm an introvert, since when I'm comfortable with people, I'm in the middle of the room yelling and laughing with the best of em. I have very good intuition with people-- I can tell who to keep my distance from and who to invite over for drinks and video games after class within one meeting. That's always been an interesting paradox about my personality-- that I can hold some people at such distances, while welcoming others in the second they knock at the door and becoming SUCH good friends with them SO fast that people don't believe me when I say we haven't known each other for less than our entire lives. I guess what it comes down to is that I'm empathetic-- I ~get~ people, and that's what draws them to me.
Positive adjectives: Strong sense of honor. Honesty. Loyalty. Protective. Introspection. Friendly. Introverted. EXTREMELY emotional. Passionate. Outspoken. Fiery. Creative. Determined.
Negative adjectives: Sensitive. Unfocused at times. Judgmental. Temperamental. Impatient.

Some questions (try for a sentence or two)...
Were/are you a good student? Do you like reading and learning? Particularly, what was your favorite subject in school? I'd call myself a good student. School is something that just comes naturally to me; A's are standard, with the occasional B, if it's a subject that isn't part of my major. I love to read fiction and the occasional non-fiction that interests me; I have a hard time reading textbooks and retaining information UNLESS it's like, philosophy or something. I love subjects like art and music the most; nothing else compares.

Are you rebellious? Do you follow your own heart and do whatever you want? I don't OPENLY ANNOUNCE that I'm planning to not follow the rules, but I have no qualms with breaking small rules that I think are stupid, that won't hurt anyone by being broken. I think since I'm overall a morally 'good' person (or try to be), being concerned about following 'rules' doesn't concern me much. Most of what my heart says already falls in line with what is socially accepted as 'good.' So I definitely follow my own heart, and it doesn't get me in much trouble.

Do you care about the environment, and would you consider yourself environmentally friendly and/or a "hippie"? I care about nature and love to feel close to it (I love the beach; I enjoy walking in parks and being around trees). I don't consider myself a hippie; I'm not out there planting trees or doing marches for global warming or anything. I just enjoy having nature around.

Are you the romantic type? Would you consider yourself a traditionalist when it comes to love and the man taking care of you? I don't think anyone would consider me a romantic. I'm okay with romantic plot points, as long as they're just a plot point and not the whole book/movie. I'm not a traditionalist; I'm an equalist. My parents are best friends, and I think that's how it should be-- nobody is considered higher than the other.

Do you like helping others and working hard? I do derive secret pleasure from helping others-- I like feeling important and needed. Working hard feels great so long as the outcome at the end is something to be proud of.

Are you very emotional and do you follow your emotions and instincts? I am so emotional it's ridiculous. My motivations come directly from my emotions, and though I may put a great deal of research into an idea, that idea most likely came to be in the first place because of a gut feeling/instinct.

What is the crowd that you hang out with like? Girls, boys, rebels, nerds, etc? I like laid-back people. People who don't really align themselves to any stereotype. Just people who are pretty comfortable with themselves and aren't afraid to be who they are.

What is your style? Risque? Conservative? Natural? Grunge? Natural, I suppose. I just kind of do what I want. It all works out alright.

Are there any stereotypes that you are nothing like/don't relate to from the choices? Please try to limit this to 2! The Damsel-- NOBODY needs to save me from anything; I can handle it. Aaaand the Sexy one-- because, to put it plainly, I am not. Haha.
Anything else you'd like to add? Nope!!


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