Hey guys! Yep, it's that time again :D Time for a LIMS round!! And this time, its all technical challenges! I'm going to be in charge of this LIMS round whilst eotheod will be doing the regular weekly challenges.
Participating: If you would like to participate in this round, please read the
rules and comment here with your username. Sign ups will most likely end on July 21st (you may sign up until Challenge 2 icons are due). Make sure you
join and
friend the community so you can keep up with the challenges. There is no cap on how many people may participate.
Earning an extra skip: Each participant is automatically given one skip. Contestants may earn one extra skip by pimping this round in other journals. Just comment here with the link to the journal where the link is posted (both personal journals and communities are fine).
Comeback Challenge: There will be a comeback challenge late in the round, which will allow for a few people who have been eliminated to reenter the competition.
gribouille 5.
wockys *
filmowe *
djmayhem_aubrey 8.
mystical_touch *
ashleywinter 11.
that_was_cheesy 12.
major_flan 13.
autumnishleaves 15.
riekchen 16.
ambersolace 18.
wounded_melody 20.
deadly_lemonade 21.
funkytrain 22.
axelsonfire 23.
easels 24.
lovedbyahero 26.
kelsigrint 27.
poisonedwriter 25.
netbug009 - Disqualified round 1
metamorphosia - Disqualified round 1
caramelmilk_t - Disqualified round 1
surmise * - Eliminated round 1
mandyloo - Eliminated round 1
rainbowishes * - Disqualified round 2
gruver26 * - Disqualified round 2
hanakoanime - Eliminated round 2
zephyra14 - Eliminated round 2
Signups Are Now Over