Wayne Allwine, best known as the voice of Mickey Mouse, passed away at the age of 62 on May 18th from complications with Diabetes. Allwine had done the voice of Mickey continually since 1983. While working on the Totally Minnie CD Allwine met the voice of Minnie Mouse, Russi Taylor and in 1997 they married. Allwine was also an accomplished sound effects editor on films including Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Innerspace, and he won a Sound Editing Emmy for his work on the TV series Amazing Stories.
On a personal note, Rebekah and I had the opportunity to meet Wayne and Russi many times and they were two of the most beautiful people you'd ever want to meet. Many LaughingPlace.com readers will remember their attendance at one of our annual meets where they, on their own, spoke to the attendees about how much the readers' love of Disney meant to them bringing many of those in attendance to tears.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Russi and their families. Wayne will be missed by Disney fans around the world.
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Note: It's cute that Russi actually sounds like Minnie Mouse when she talks normally.