Application Form
Player Name/Nicknames:
Player LJ:
Sample Post:
Please follow this format for applications:
(If you are a first-time applicant, remember what the rules said to include in your first application. XDDDDDDD)
Player Name/Nicknames: Self-explanatory.
Player LJ: Self-explanatory.
AIM: For logging purposes with other characters and in case we need to contact you.
E-mail: In case we need to contact you.
Character: Full name, and then any nicknames.
Fandom: Examples: Digimon Savers, Full Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, etc.
Sin/Virtue: List the sin or virtue that your character is strongest in. If your character is "lukewarm", put "lukewarm". If your character was previously dead, put "dead".
Appearance/Personality: One- or two-liners are not acceptable.
History: Be sure this is accurate and concise; this demonstrates whether you know the character or not.
Sample Post: Use the first person in any setting you like. Be sure you demonstrate that you know the character.
After you are accepted, comment WITH YOUR CHARACTER JOURNAL on the
Taken Characters list,
Character Sort, and the
Friends Add/Remove page. Also, join
digitaldisplace and
digidisplaceooc. Only join the main comm with your character journal, but you may join the OOC comm with your personal journal.