regular application

Nov 02, 2010 03:37

Name: Taylor
Age: 20

【 ABOUT YOU... 】
Please describe your personality: I'm pretty upbeat, outgoing, and I like to get things done on the spot and I'm pretty impulsive at times (but I've got a pretty good instinct about things so I'm rarely disappointed). I've got some minor ocd so when things aren't working out as planned I do tend to get a little bossy. I'm really really confident in myself (Sometimes I worry I'm being overconfident, but then I decide that I'm probably not because I'm awesome) and never have a problem telling people what's on my mind. I get annoyed with people when they say stupid things and stand by them regardless of logic and facts (it's one thing if it's a matter of an opinion, it's another thing if you're arguing about how something is in reality. Like alcohol being a byproduct/excretion formed during of the fermentation of yeast. Yes, that is how it happens, don't argue about how reality works unless you're taking it from a quantum physical perspective. Sorry that's an example of something that I've actually heard people argue about.) On that note, it's very rare if there's someone I can't get along with on some level. Not necessarily as friends but on friendly terms... I don't think I've ever really had an enemy in life.
Some of your likes: Baking, cooking, anime, manga, rpg video games, roleplaying online, photoshop, playing with my cousin Dylan (cutest freaking kid ever man :|), movies, some board games, music from the 90's and back to classical music though I do like some recent things (I'm really picky about recent music though), all kinds of cheeses.
and some of your dislikes: DOUCHEBAGS. I hate it when people get all romantic and gushy in front of me too, can you say awkward? Keep your private business private and don't make me gag. (Strangely, I don't mind porn at all though. Just romance. No, really. I'd probably be totally fine if someone started having superhappyfuntime on the couch while I was sitting on the floor or something as long as they weren't ~*~making love~*~ Blech.) I also don't like people who have a set belief that what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong, regardless of the circumstances or facts. ..As well as crickets and clowns. I hate those things so goddamn much you don't even know.
Five negative traits of yours: I procrastinate to all hell, I get stuck on things if they're not exactly right the first time, it's possible I have short-term memory loss about anything I'm not uber-freaking-excited to do (no seriously, you can tell me to do the laundry six times in an hour and by the next hour I won't remember what I'm supposed to do), I bring my laptop everywhere, and I'm a snob about quality ingredients despite being extremely cheap.
Five positive traits of yours: I'm confident, I'm good at public speaking, even if I wait until the last minute I always get things done unless there's some kind of impending doom out and about, I may not be an academic brain (I'm good at academics, but I don't actually like most of them) but I'm excellent at quick-thinking and problem solving, and I'm really easy to talk to (or so I'm told).
What is the first impression that you give to others? Ooh boy, depends on the situation and what I want from that person. If it's a professional situation and I need signatures, permissions, a job, whatever, I'll be extremely polite and smiley. If it's a casual situation and you're being introduced by a friend, I probably won't give a rat's ass about you unless you seem interesting. Oh, but I will say hi and try to talk until I decide you're boring or exciting. I don't talk to people on the street outside of greetings unless they speak to me first (or they have an animal), but I always try to look presentable to those individuals unless I'm having a really shit day, in which case I don't think anyone can really blame me. If I meet the person in class or just having fun, I'll probably just be myself around them. I'm not really one to hide things, so I'm pretty chill unless I've got a reason not to be.
Give some adjectives people close to you use to describe you: Spaz, responsible, fun, OCD. ...Those are the only ones I remember. Seriously, I don't go around stalking my friends to ask how they describe me to other individuals so I really don't know.
Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as (if there is,pick only ONE): Tidus.

【 THIS or THAT 】
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Neither. I hate to be a butt on the first this-or-that question, but I'm more of a realist when it comes to these things. The glass is half-full when you're filling it up and half-empty when you're-- wait for it! When you're emptying it.
Cautious or Impulsive: Impulsive. I'm a little iffy to say impulsive just because I don't like the connotation. I've got fantastic intuition and I think about things a lot more quickly than most.
Calm or Hyper: Hyper. The only times I'm really calm-calm are if I'm tired. But then happy caffeine time remedies that.
Mature or Immature: Mature? I think. I hope. I mean, I'm not immature unless I'm doing it on purpose really. I'm not about to start making fart jokes or anything even then, though.
Safe or Brave: ...Both? I'll find a way to do just about anything I want to but I usually will take a minute or two to think about how to avoid getting into any cons of the situation.
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Outgoing! :D
Hardworking or Laid-Back Whoa, since when can't you be both of these? I'm laid-back because I keep on top of my work when the time comes. I'm sure if I stressed out all the time, I'd just end up with more and more work. Having more work does not equal working harder. It means you're doing something wrong that's making you work a lot less efficiently.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Confident! Definitely~
Light-hearted or serious: Light-hearted. People who are too serious about everything generally end up wasting their lives away.

What is your fighting style? Do you plan ahead? Defend and support your team? An offensive fighter or something else?: I make on-the-spot plans. Take in everything that's going on and who's around and give the person who's most likely to do the best at something that task. Beyond that, it's a matter of beating the shit out of people until you make it to whatever your goal is. (TAY SMASH!)
What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, for someone you care about, for a specific desire, for yourself?: I would want to help because it mattered to whoever I was fighting with. It takes a lot to get me to care enough about a cause that I'll actually get upset enough to fight for it, but I do care about my friends enough to support them in whatever it is they need done. ...That and the world. If the world ended, it'd pretty much suck for everyone. I like the world, generally.
Are you the type to taunt your opponent during a fight, or just get the job done without speaking much?: Taunts! :D Taunts are fun. You can't ever leave out the witty banter portion of a fight, it makes the fight have so much more meaning than just stabbity stabbity yayiwon or ohshitI'mdying time.
If you had to face a much stronger opponent, what would your thoughts be? Would you develop a strategy or rush into the battle and hope for the best?: Strategy: Rely largely on dodging. Be quick and avoid attacks. Get things in when the opponent's back is turned, since he's much stronger than me and therefore if I try to go head-on I'm going to get crushed. Take the hits I can. The battle may take longer, but time is nothing in comparison to actually winning.
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end battles as quickly as possible? In Dissidia I like beating the timer for extra DP. I like short to medium battles. If it goes on for a ridiculous amount of time, I'd honestly probably ask the enemy if we could time out for something to drink or maybe challenge him/her to a different kind of battle.
Are you the type to work for another, be the leader, or work solo?: I'm fine with any of those, actually. Depends on what I'm getting out of it. If I'm getting paid in anything but Trident Layers like hell if I'm going to knock working for someone else. I like leading, but I don't mind working alone either if the job calls for it.

You're in the middle of a very important battle, but your friend/partner is deeply wounded. You have a chance of winning if you continue fighting, but their wounds look pretty severe... Do you finish the battle or help your friend and flee/lose?: Help the friend. No seriously. If you could've won that time, you could win the next time-- and if you can't, then the first time was just a fluke and wouldn't have meant anything if you had won. There are more benefits in fleeing and saving your friend, then beating in the asshole enemy's face later anyway, than winning and losing a great ally for a meaningless battle. ...You know, unless it's a decisive battle and if you lose the guy's going to drop a nuke into the core of the planet or something. Then it'd be a good idea to tell your friend to heal their own damn self because they're all going to die anyway if you don't kill this dude.
Someone just ordered you to take an important but risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? I'd accept it, give it a try, then if things look to be out of my capabilites I'd withdraw from the assignment. First rule of living: Don't die.
You're standing on the street when an old lady comes and asks you to help her. How do you react? Go along with it, ignore her, punch her in the face...?: I'd help her. Unless she was a crazy-looking lady. Like... if she was in a wheel chair with pinwheels going off of it in every direction, fondling the balls of her pet monkey who bangs frisbees together instead of cymbals, then no, I would not help her. I would probably call the police, in point of fact. But, that doesn't have to do with the lady being old. I'd do the same for anyone-- old, young, middle-aged, teenage, whatever. If they look batshit though, I'm out of there.
You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? feel as if your freedom has been taken away? wish you could throw them off a cliff?: ...I'd be curious. I'd probably make it a minor goal to find said gods and ask wtf they were thinking and if they give me a good reason, I'll go along with whatever it is they want me to do.
Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? That would depend. Is this person getting lynched by a couple hundred people or are they laying on the side of the road dying of a stab wound to their kidney? If I can reasonably handle the situation without posing too much of a danger to my own safety, I'd totally go for it. On the other hand, if I have a paper fan as a weapon and there's a person with an Uzi about to kill this person, I'm less inclined to do something stupid.

Pick the ones that apply to you

[ ] Death
[ ] Destruction
[ ] Family
[x] Friendship
[x] Fun
[ ] Honour
[ ] Hope
[x] Knowledge
[x] Power
[x] Romance/Lust (why are these two together? Romance is lovey, not lusty. Unless it's friendship love. UNLESS you're just that kind of friend. I can go on.)
[ ] Love

Applications you've voted on:

stamped: shantotto

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