Your result for The Superhero Archetype Test...
Earth, Wind and Fire. You're the Elemental Hero.
Elemental Heroes control a specific type of energy with intense mastery. Some of them are so good at this that they can turn their entire body into the element they control. Controlling one of the fundamental forces of the universe sounds limiting, but think of all the things that are governed by that element. How much in the world is controlled by gravity?
The Good: You are the grand master of the element you choose. Maybe you're a pyromaniac that turns yourself and your enemies into an inferno. Perhaps something more limiting but devastating, such as gravity or sound. Pick a powerful force that exists in the world and don't just use it. Become it. Your mastery of this element makes you a prized member of the superhero team you join. There aren't many heroes like you around.
The Bad: Sometimes you seem like a one-trick pony. You will need to experiment in a protected room and learn what exactly you can do with your element before you can start fighting crime. Blasting a sonic attack out of your mouth is nice, but how will you defend yourself ? Remember, you command the element. Make it work for you. Thinking on your feet will be a constant effort when you're battling criminals.
Examples: The Human Torch, Living Lightning, Canary, the Avatar element benders, Iceman
Take The Superhero Archetype Test at
HelloQuizzy I do kinda feel like a one trick pony sometimes. Other that I'm not sure that this result is me.
Your result for The Greek Mythology Personality Test...
Changing your shape to suit your situation, you are most like Proteus. More than anything else, you need to be wanted. You have a very strong work ethic, and are very adaptable, but are often unappreciated. You develop very strong personal loyalties, and will often maintain these personal relationships at a great expense to yourself. Convention and conformity are very important to you, and you find deviations from either to be very inappropriate. You tend not to burden those around you with your own problems.
Famous people like you: Mother Theresa, Jimmy Carter
Take The Greek Mythology Personality Test at
HelloQuizzy Ok, what the hell? No. Mother Theresa?
Your result for The RPG Class Test...
You're an NPC! (Non-Player Character)
Sorry to say this, but you didn't score high enough in any category to be assigned a class. Simply put: You have no class.
But, hey, don't take it too badly. After all, NPCs live much longer than adventurers! Just stay away from spell-slinging lunatics and hungry dragons and you'll be fine!
Take The RPG Class Test at
HelloQuizzy ...
That's it, I'm done.