Memeity Meme, Thanks Sarah :P

Feb 14, 2008 09:45

A. Seven Meme
- List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.

1. I like Kahlua and Baileys. On ice.
2. I crack my knuckles, and a large variety of other joints. Even my spine.
3. I have a notoriously poor sense of smell. And hearing, come to think of it.
4. I don't think I've ever been awake much longer than 22 hours in a row. Torturing me would be easy.
5. I have referred to someone's bookshelf, that they were hoping I would take off their hands, as a footrest. Because that's about how useful the tiny thing would have been to me...
6. I don't write anywhere near as much as I think I should.
7. My room is slowly accumulating faux-ancient artifacts and is very cluttered.

B. Book Meme
1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.

"Contemplate this:the depths to which the capitalists will stoop in the name of profit is well documented... and the most lucrative market in the world today is the arms trade. RED [repelled]: Of course. Patrician mafias see to that; western old-boy networks; the incestuous trinity; politicians; 'defence' chiefs, and the 'captains of industry'."

From Stonedogs by Craig Marriner. I haven't read a word of it yet, but won the Montana Deutz Medal in 2002 so I thought it may have something interesting. Wish I'd had the last book I read closer to hand, stephen Fry's The Liar. The best book about English public schools and, mainly, gay sex that I've ever read.

C. Harry Potter Astrology
from here
(October 23 - November 21)
the Scorpion. Fixed, water, yin - planetary rulers: Mars and Pluto. Keywords: "I DESIRE"

Scorpio is the eighth house of the Zodiac and governs the genitalia. Positive traits include magnetic charisma, ambition, drive, a penetrating mind, curiosity, intensity of focus, emotional depth, consistency, persistence, willpower, and the potential for inner transformation and regeneration; negative traits include selfishness, obsessiveness, vindictiveness, hypersensitivity, ruthlessness, cynicism, an inability to understand the word "moderation," and jealousy. It is said that Scorpios embody both the best and the worst of all that are born under the stars, and that there are three kinds of Scorpios: wicked scorpions, cunning serpents, and saintly eagles. What each Scorpio becomes is entirely up to that Scorpio.


Curiosity killed the cat; satisfaction brought it back. If ever a wizard exhibited a danger of self destruction from too much knowledge, surely it was a Ravenclaw Scorpio. It doesn't matter whether the pet obsession this week is botany, Muggle pop music, or the history of the Necronomicon, if a Ravenclaw Scorpio wants to know about it, then he will, and damn the consequences: full speed ahead. Indeed, just mention that a subject is "forbidden" and you'll see a peculiar light shine in their eyes. They sneak into locked rooms after dark, and forge passes to the restricted library sections. The lust for arcane knowledge is both the greatest strength of these wizards, and the Achilles heel. It's best to indulge them whenever possible and let the obsession burn itself out; and, when this is not possible, to explain in great detail and absolutely *no* patronizing why the subject must not be explored. These Ravenclaws are quiet and secretive, but don't be fooled by that calm and placid exterior; they have hidden depths.


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