Character(s): the crazy doc Faust, OPEN
Time: May 21-24, back dated liek whoa
Where: Faust's apartment/makeshift clinic
Rating: PG, maybe? Subject to change
Summary: Sickness abounds! Who to turn to but the lone doctor.
Notes: Please specify the date and time of the visit in the subject line, so there wont be much confusion.
The doctors and the nurses they adore me so / but it's really quite alarming cause I'm such an awful f*** )
Comments 3
[L, wanting a prescription for very strong cold medication, knocks at the door at the appointed time.]
It is Ryuuga.
[He will not be expecting the skeleton, but he is curious about Faust.]
Johann strides up to the other man, with a big smile on his face] I've been expecting you, Ryuuga. Come in!
"Ryuuga" looks unwell. There probably isn't anything wrong with him other than the common cold, but at the moment, he is paler than usual, moving slowly and shivering. He sniffles, and it's obvious that his nose is stuffed.]
[He's not yet sure what to make of Johann, but he recalls seeing him in the park a few days earlier.]
Where should I go?
[As close to the door as possible, he hopes.]
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