twistserve_tcg ☆
twistservetrade past logs
july 2009
→ Traded
demon17 for megane08 with Keselyx [05/24]
champions03, demon09 for capoeira15, demon15 with Yuzu [06, 07/24]
atonement11, hunter03 for answer13, gamecenter06 with Flore [08, 09/24]
student ids with Anneko [10/24]
dance01 for crime13 with Ashkah [11/24]
gift10, resolve17 for item4seigaku x 2 with Asuka [12, 13/24]
capoeira20 for crime09 with Anneko [14/24]
→ Prizes
from who am i? 03 - depend04, speedstar20 [607]
→ Traded
speedstar20 for depend06 with Drkparadise [15/24]
gamecenter06 for date13 with Juu [16/24]
answer13 for kenken14 with Indigo [17/24]
smily18 for volleyball08 with Aru [18/24]
demon15 for depend20 with Keselyx [19/24]
adieu18, champions03 for fas16, pool17 with Ori [20, 21/24]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 14 - feint02, volleyball09, item4higa, item3shitenhouji [609]
for backing up game set - depend03, limit02, item01, item02 [611]
→ Switched gracious16 for megane13 @ the switch 06
→ Traded
smile03, smile17, soliloquy19 for crime12, megane17, volleyball14 with Himilika [22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 22 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
from scrambled data 13 - energetic12, feint10 [613]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 23 - starting
→ Traded
jump19 for east18 with Yamu [01/24]
kenken14 for east12 with Juu [02/24]
→ Traded
energetic01, energetic04, gracious07, gracious16, minor02, silver08, silver11 for brat09, date03, energetic06, hamburger08, serious09, strict13, tarundoru16 with Himilika [03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09/24]
dance07, younger04 for east04, gamecenter18 with Ashkah [10, 11/24]
→ Received
for completing scoresheet 22 - jump16, okinawa16, item3rokkaku, borp10 [616]
→ Item Exchange item01 for seishun01 [617]
→ Traded
brat09 for crime06 with Drkparadise [12/24]
duounion06, duounion15 for megane19, treasure13 with Arin [13, 14/24]
st. rudolph uniform for rikkai uniform with Nerrin
j-mini03 for volleyball12 with Reinspire [15/24]
item3hyoutei for item4yamabuki with Drkparadise
gift12 for habu15 with Himilika [16/24]
→ Traded
pool17 for depend10 with Ashkah [17/24]
silver19 for item3seigaku with Asuka [18/24]
hamburger08, jump16 for fujouri10, volleyball01 with Yuzu [19, 20/24]
item4yamabuki for item3rikkai with Nerrin
demon06, scudserve10 for east20, megane14 with Izumi [21, 22/24]
→ Prizes
from pick a school 07 - gay15, item02 [618]
from guess a song 06 - kenken17, roses01, short-term08, spiral03, item02 [622]
→ Item Exchange
item02, item3rokkaku x 2, item4rokkaku x 2 for volleyball13, volleyball15, volleyball20 [625]
→ Traded
nabs01 for return03 with Juu [23/24]
tarundoru04 for depend17 with Asuka [24/24 - SCORESHEET 23 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
from insight 14 - answer15, return11 [627]
from tenimyucation 04 - j-mini08, pillar08, item3strudolph, item4rikkai [629]
from synchro 14 - treasure10, item3hyoutei [630]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 24 - starting
→ Traded
tarundoru15, tarundoru16 for duounion17, item4yamabuki with Asuka [01, 02/24]
student ids with Nnoilalala [03/24]
devil10 for fas04 with Keselyx [04/24]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 23 - cactus20, strict02, item4higa, borp11 [633]
→ Traded
gay15 for duounion18 with Drkparadise [05/24]
limit02 for kenken13 with Indigo [06/24]
cactus20 for demon02 with Anneko [07/24]
kenken17 with south18 with Juu [08/24]
→ Prizes
from scrambled data 14 - rainbow06, resolve19 [635]
from spot the difference 15 - dream03, gracious13, tarundoru14 [638]
→ Received
from old rackets - endurance17, short-term05, short-term06 [641]
→ Traded
cocktail18 for fas18 with Keselyx [09/24]
→ Staff Pay for data collecting with inui 15 - strict14, tarundoru17, item3strudolph, item4strudolph [643]
→ Traded
answer15, date03, spiral03 for crime11, duounion04, south11 with Indigo [10, 11, 12/24]
return03, return11 for depend02, depend16 with Drkparadise [13, 14/24]
megane16 for cavemen17 with Anneko [15/24]
devil16 for east14 with Keselyx [16/24]
→ Item Exchange - yamabuki uniform x 2 for east09, east19 [645]
→ Game Set
volleyball deck - dream15, gay11, wisdom17, item4rikkai [648]
east deck - dream17, photograph10, spiral09, item3rikkai [651]
→ Traded
kenken13 for fas06 with Himilika [17/24]
date13, dream03, rainbow06, resolve19, spiral09 viking02, viking15 for coolprinces12, crime10, crime16, dearprince01, endurance05, fuun01, fuun14 with Juu [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 24 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 25 - starting
→ Traded
energetic06, energetic10 for endurance08, endurance09 with Juu [01, 02/24]
serious09 for depend08 with Saili [03/24]
muga02 for volleyball11 with Anneko [04/24]
rikkai uniform x 2, gracious13 for item3higa x 4, item4higa x 1 with Lucathia [05/24]
petenshi07 for habu05 with Saili [06/24]
volleyball11 for fas07 with Ashkah [07/24]
j-mini08, j-mini16 for megane01, treasure02 with Krastak [08, 09/24]
capoeira15, smily07 for L-doru04, south17 with Anneko [10, 11/24]
date06 for south01 with Indigo [12/24]
dojo16 for dearprince13 with Juu [13/24]
fujouri10 for treasure16 with Nerrin [14/24]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 24 - older10, seishun09, item3strudolph, borp12 [654]
→ Item Exchange
yamabuki uniform for gamecenter14 [655]
higa uniform x 6 for habu02, habu08, habu12, habu13, habu14, habu18 [660]
→ Freebies from update 16.0 - airport09, dojo16, power08, rivals19, south03, viking07 [666 LOL]
→ Prizes from freebies 08 - energetic12, petenshi02, strict17 [669]
→ Traded
demon02, strict13, strict14 for L-doru09, L-doru15, south08 with Keselyx [15, 16, 17/24]
dance04, tarundoru14, tarundoru17 for airport10, dojo20, south09 with Asuka [18, 19, 20/24]
→ Prizes
from odd one out 07 - adieu19, depend05, rainbow09 [672]
from seiyuu guess 15 - dance04, fujouri04, soliloquy03, item01 [675]
from find karupin 15 - champions19, sister04, speedstar13, treasure04 [679]
→ Received for technique deck suggestion - brat13, wild18 [681]
→ Traded
rainbow09 for coolprinces05 with Juu [21/24]
brat13, speedstar13 for airport14, south05 with Drkparadise [22, 23/24]
sister04 for nabs15 with Flore [24/24 - SCORESHEET 25 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
from catchphrase 15 - gekokujou07, rainbow04, wisdom10, item01 [684]
→ Received from old rackets - hitman09, nabs03 [686]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 26 - starting
→ Traded
power08 for depend09 with Nerrin [01/24]
hitman09 for cavemen07 with Ashkah [02/24]
soliloquy03, treasure04 for demon01, duounion20 with Himilika [03, 04/24]
rainbow04 for family06 with Juu [05/24]
glorious06, kenken01 for south04, south14 with Asuka [06, 07/24]
→ Second Hand Shop - endurance05, endurance08, endurance09, endurance17, short-term05, short-term06, gay11, mother11, mother16 for student ids x 3 [680]
→ Received
for completing scoresheet 25 - gift11, mamushi06, item4seigaku, borp13 [683]
→ Item Exchange - item01 x 2 for petenshi16, prowess12 [685]
→ Prizes
from synchro 15 - gekokujou02, return13, item4yamabuki [687]
from tenimyucation 05 - answer14, data04, item02, item4rokkaku [689]
from insight 15 - jump03, smile06 [691]
from who am i? 05 - duounion01, naniwa03, item3strudolph, item3yamabuki [693]
from scrambled data 15 - answer14, glorious06 [695]
from pick a school 08 - cavemen10, cavemen12 [697]
from guess the song special edition 02 - cherry06, hamburger05, king06, okinawa03, silver10, item02 x 2 [702]
→ Game Set
habu deck - bigi14, devil01, dream12, item4yamabuki [705]
→ Traded
nabs03, nabs15 for hunter08, puns19 with Juu [08, 09/24]
data04, king06, prowess12 for airport12, cavemen02, south10 with Flore [10, 11, 12/24]
yamabuki pants for rokkaku pants with Nerrin
student ids with Indigo [13/24]
mamushi06 for date11 with Anneko [14/24]
gekokujou02, gekokujou07 for glorious01, glorious18 with Lucathia [15, 16/24]
devil01, glorious01, glorious18, strict17, tarundoru07 for airport20, bowling01, dearprince06, dream09, L-doru14 with Keselyx [17, 18, 19, 20, 21/24]
answer14 for tarundoru07 with Juu [22/24]
answer14 for jump10 with Indigo [23/24]
→ Game Set cds02 - answer20, dream05, feint02, petenshi08, item3seigaku, student id [710]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 16 - airport03, nabs11, item4fudoumine, item4yamabuki [712]
→ Item Exchange
yamabuki uniform for south07 [713]
item02 x 3 for megane02, megane06, megane09, megane10, megane20 [718]
→ Milestone for one-week mastery - milestone10 [719]
→ Freebies from update 17.0 - kagayake06, look-alike02, look-alike06, reliable20, serious14, snowman11 [725]
→ Traded
kagayake06 for look-alike10 with Asuka [24/24 - SCORESHEET 26 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 27 - starting
→ Traded
family06 for pool01 with Indigo [01/24]
item4fudoumine for item3seigaku with Ashkah
reliable20 for snowman12 with Drkparadise [02/24]
coolprinces05, coolprinces12, fuun14, petenshi16 for cavemen04, cavemen18, kagayake10, look-alike01 with Lucathia [03, 04, 05, 06/24]
→ Traded
pool01 for look-alike17 with Keselyx [07/24]
viking07 for fas09 with Juu [08/24]
fuun01 for fas14 with Sabriel [09/24]
king03, wonderfuldays15 for bowling14, bowling16 [10, 11/24]
serious14 for look-alike07 with Saili [12/24]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 26 - natural18, silver15, item3rikkai, album13 [728]
→ Game Set
south deck - dream13, myglove14, wonderfuldays15, item3strudolph [731]
megane deck - dream08, fujouri13, treasure14, item4yamabuki [734]
→ Prizes
from find karupin 16 - kagayake17, king03 [736]
→ Payment - rivals01, rivals05 to probability 92% 01 [734]
→ Traded
hunter08, puns19 for gift04, spiral14 with Flore [13, 14/24]
reliable06 for look-alike19 with Keselyx [15/24]
spiral14 for look-alike03 with Indigo [16/24]
→ Prizes
from freebies 09 - east20, kagayake09, wonderfuldays18 [737]
from probability 92% 01 - memories08, item01 [738]
from odd one out 08 - reliable06, seishun14, wonderfuldays16 [741]
→ Traded
item3hyoutei, item4rokkaku, item02 for depend18, dojo10, dojo13 with Asuka [744]
gift04 for cursed11 with Asuka [17/24]
wonderfuldays08, wonderfuldays16, wonderfuldays18 for animated10, bowling13, dearprince11 with Lucathia [18, 19, 20/24]
seishun14 for wonderfuldays08 with Flore [21/24]
answer20 for demon13 with Juu [22/24]
→ Prizes
from tenimyucation 06 - duounion11, puns10, reliable15, item4seigaku [747]
→ Traded
reliable15 for airport05 with Drkparadise [23/24]
animated10 for snowman05 with Indigo [24/24 - SCORESHEET 27 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 28 - starting
→ Prizes
from who am i? 06 - dream01, fuun11 [749]
from insight 16 - short-term08, wonderfuldays12 [751]
from spot the difference 16 - date17, sext18 [753]
→ Old Rackets - endurance12, fas19, mamushi05, mamushi11 [757]
→ Traded
dream01, puns10 for crime03, dearprince02 with Anneko [01, 02/24]
date17 for dojo01 with Indigo [03/24]
memories04, memories08, memories14 for look-alike04, look-alike15, look-alike18 with Asuka [04, 05, 06/24]
wonderfuldays12 for yakiniku03 with Lucathia [07/24]
demon13 for L-doru08 with Keselyx [08/24]
→ Match Set to regionals - atonement14, cafe03, devil08, dream08, look-alike11, item4hyoutei [762]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 27 - cactus16, serious06, item4seigaku, album21 [765]
→ Item Exchange - item01 for feint05 [766]
→ Switched feint02 for pool12 @ the switch 07
→ Traded
bigi14, rhythm11 for cavemen01, monks09 with Saz [09, 10/24]
wisdom10 for crime08 with Kaze [11/24]
feint05, nabs11 for fuun10, reliable13 with Marty [12, 13/24]
pool12 for dojo18 with Ashkah [14/24]
fuun11 for soliloquy16 with Lucathia [15/24]
L-doru15 for crime02 with Drkparadise [16/24]
reliable13 for depend13 with Juu [17/24]
adieu19, petenshi02, petenshi08 for capoeira16, gracious10, strict12 [18, 19, 20/24]
→ Game Set dream deck - airport15, depend01, sleepy17, item4hyoutei [769]
→ Prizes
from pick a school 09 - item02
from guess the song 08 - emerald01, petenshi02, power01, silver09, item02 [773]
from seiyuu guess 16 - champions08, childofgod14, roses16 [776]
→ Item Exchange - item02 x 3 for crime07, crime14, crime20 [779]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 17 - short-term13, snowman11, item3fudoumine, item4seigaku [781]
for weekly member list - dojo11, monks17, reliable09, item02, item3seigaku [784]
→ Second Hand Shop - okinawa03, okinawa16, rivals19 for student id [782]
→ Traded
soliloquy16 for dojo16 with Indigo [21/24]
feint10, wild18 for answer08, cursed12 with Marty [22, 23/24]
student ids with Keselyx [24/24 - SCORESHEET 28 FINISHED!]
→ Game Set crime deck - airport07, look-alike09, monks04, item3shitenhouji [785]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 29 - starting
→ Traded
student ids with Marty [01/24]
gracious10, gracious19 for dance18, dojo19 with Keselyx [02, 03/24]
reliable09 for duounion05 with Drkparadise [04/24]
power01, wisdom17 for gracious19, hunter10 with Marty [05, 06/24]
answer08, monks17 for gracious02, kenken05 with Juu [07, 08/24]
→ Milestone for 2 decks per category - milestone09 [786]
→ Second Hand Shop - cherry05, cherry06, myglove14, seishun01, seishun09, short-term13 for student ids x 2 [784]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 28 - endurance15, L-doru19, item4strudolph, album28 [787]
→ Traded
photograph02 for cursed20 with Drkparadise [09/24]
dance18, item3fudoumine for kagayake19, item3seigaku with Ashkah [10/24]
sleepy17 for duounion03 with Nnoilalala [11/24]
capoeira16 for monks07 with Anneko [12/24]
hunter10 for duounion02 with Indigo [13/24]
gracious02 for depend19 with Keselyx [14/24]
snowman11 for dojo04 with Himilika [15/24]
endurance15 for airport11 with Marty [16/24]
brat18 for kagayake08 with Drkparadise [17/24]
kenken05 for airport11 with Asuka [18/24]
→ Prizes
from catchphrase 16 - avenge16, coolprince05, master19 [790]
→ Freebies from update 18.0 - avenge08, brat18, reflection02, stage03, stage17 [795]
→ Traded
avenge08, emerald01, silver09, silver10, treasure14 for caporira01, data10, kenken13, perfect04, smily11 with Himilika [19, 20, 21, 22, 23/24]
avenge16, item4hyoutei, item4rokkaku for gift04, item4shitenhouji x 2 with Asuka [24/24 - SCORESHEET 29 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 30 - starting
→ Traded
monks07 for mamushi02 with Juu [01/24]
airport11 for duounion06 with Anneko [02/24]
j-mini06 for reflection17 with Indigo [03/24]
kenken13 for brat19 with Asuka [04/24]
master20 for wonderfuldays19 with Chinami [05/24]
moonsault04, petenshi02 for airport01, onepoint10 with Ori [06, 07/24]
hamburger05 for baton17 with Guia [08/24]
mamushi02 for illusion05 with Marty [09/24]
→ Item Exchange
4 Seigaku uniforms for depend07, depend11, depend14, depend15 [799]
2 Shitenhouji uniforms, item02 x 4 for treasure01, treasure09, treasure12, treasure18, treasure19, treasure20 [805]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 29 - avenge17, j-mini13, item4higa, borp14 [808]
→ Prizes
from synchro 17 - j-mini06 [809]
from find karupin 17 - gracious04, j-mini07, western05 [812]
→ Payment - cherry06, feint02 to probability 92% 02 [810]
→ Game Set
depend deck - airport13, dojo16, snowman20, item01 [813]
treasure deck - airport19, cafe06, illusion08, item4hyoutei [816]
→ Traded
wonderfuldays19 for L-doru10 with Lucathia [10/24]
baton17 for dearprince15 with Juu [11/24]
mamushi05 for return02 with Guia [12/24]
j-mini07, j-mini13, western05 for bowling20, L-doru07, look-alike13 with Indigo [13, 14, 15/24]
childofgod14 for date10 with Saili [16/24]
cafe03 for bowling03 with Kaori [17/24]
gracious04 for airport16 with Keselyx [18/24]
→ Prizes
from scrambled data 16 - kagayake03 [817]
from probability 92% 02 - petenshi10, item3fudoumine [818]
→ Received
from old rackets - bowling10, fas15, L-doru06, L-doru07 [822]
→ Traded
avenge17 for jump14 with Asuka [19/24]
snowman20 for endurance07 with Juu [20/24]
date10 for jump20 with Indigo [21/24]
demon01 for airport06 with KitsuneSama [22/24]
L-doru07 for illusion05 with Ashkah [23/24]
dojo16 for reflection15 with Flore [24/24 - SCORESHEET 30 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
from tenimyucation 07 - puns18, snowman15, item4yamabuki [824]
from insight 17 - emerald14, hunter07 [826]
from guess the song 09 - airport07, reflection13, snowman09, item01, item02 [829]
from pick a school 10 - item01, item4rikkai, item4higa
from spot the difference 18 - dojo18, reliable14 [831]
from who am i? 07 - airport02, rainbow08 [833]
from seiyuu guess 17 - cheers05, ecstasy14, yakiniku13 [836]
from catchphrse 17 - L-doru09, perfect10, perfect15 [839]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 31 - starting
→ Traded
brat19 for jump07 with Drkparadise [01/24]
rainbow08 for jump09 with Lucathia [02/24]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 30 - pool04, sexy16, item3strudolph, borp15 [842]
→ Item Exchange
item01 x 3 - puns07, samurai13, smile06 [845]
2 seigaku uniforms - airport04, airport17, airport18 [848]
→ Traded
item3fudoumine for item3seigaku with Ashkah
monks04, naniwa03 for dojo07, stage16 with Krastak [03, 04/24]
emerald14 for reflection12 with Indigo [05/24]
dearprince15, hunter07, return03 for answer01, baton20, spiral04 with Indigo [06, 07, 08/24]
→ Switched atonement03 for jump10 @ the switch 07
→ Prizes
from scrambled data 16 - reliable20 [849]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 18 - serves01, treasure05, item3yamabuki, item4fudoumine [851]
for weekly member list - date03, habu12, naniwa01, item3rokkaku, item02 [854]
→ Traded
student ids with Chinami [09/24]
airport07, cheers05 for cursed18, cursed19 with Himilika [10, 11/24]
puns07, puns18 for data16, endurance05 with Anneko [12, 13/24]
answer01, baton20, reliable20, spiral04 for crime18, duounion13, emerald06, reflection10 with Juu [14, 15, 16, 17/24]
→ Game Set airport deck - cherry20, perfect02, reflection01, item3shitenhouji [857]
august 2009
→ Monthly Bonus - borp18, student ids x 2 [860]
→ Freebies from update 19.0 - ballon17, gamecenter14, otouto02, pretender09, jyousei uniform [864]
→ Traded
ecstasy02 for dearprince12 with with Kaori [18/24]
endurance07, perfect02 for balloon13, treasure17 with Marty [19, 20/24]
ecstasy14 for dojo20 with Anneko [21/24]
perfect04, perfect10, perfect15 for kagayake11, otouto20, pretender01 with Marty [22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 31 FINISHED!]
→ Donated samurai13 to group collect 09 - dream13, spiral05, item3rikkai [865]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 32 - starting
→ Traded
dream13 for balloon12 with Indigo [01/24]
crime18, endurance12, fujouri16, serves01 for reliable10, spiral13, soliloquy15, soliloquy16 with Jiru [02, 03, 04, 05/24]
otouto02, otouto20, pretender01, pretender09 for balloon11, cavemen13, duounion08, jump02 with Ashkah [06, 07, 08, 09/24]
L-doru09, naniwa01, illusion05, illusion08 for avenge13, cavemen10, dance09, snowman17 with Drkparadise [10, 11, 12, 13/24]
→ Received from freebies 10 - cocktail15, natural11, item3fudoumine [867]
→ Traded
cavemen10, reliable10, reliable14, soliloquy16, spiral05, spiral13 for balloon07, avenge17, balloon19, data19, ecstasy02, yakiniku17 with Juu [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19/24]
student ids with Sabriel [20/24]
pool04 for L-doru12 with Kaze [21/24]
return13, scenario01 for reflection08, stage19 with Michelle [22, 23/24]
soliloquy15 for balloon09 with Keselyx [24/24 - SCORESHEET 32 FINISHED!]
→ Received
for completing scoresheet 31 - muga16, power18, item3hyoutei, borp19 [870]
from old rackets - cavemen03/06/08/15, duounion14, jump11 [876]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 33 - starting
→ Traded
capoeira01 for balloon15 with Anneko [01/24]
dojo18 for L-doru20 with Flore [02/24]
avenge13, dance09 for balloon04, bowling17 with Asuka [03, 04/24]
petenshi10 for look-alike02 with Saili [05/24]
→ Payment atonement14, east20 to probability92% 03 [874]
→ Prizes
from find karupin 18 - katsu08, rhythm13, soliloquy05 [877]
from synchro 18 - date13 [878]
from probability 92% 03 - devil07, smily17, item3jyousei, item4rokkaku [880]
→ Received
for completing scoresheet 32 - lucky19, muga17, item4strudolph, borp20 [883]
from old rackets - jump01/12/15/16, j-mini15/20 [889]
→ Item Exchange - item02 x 6, Fudoumine uniform for duounion07/12/19, cavemen11/14/16/19 [896]
→ Second Hand Shop - cherry20, data10, data16, endurance05, energetic12, master19, natural18, older10, ponta17 for student id x 3 [890]
→ Traded
katsu08 for balloon06 with Lucathia [06/24]
smily17, soliloquy05 for pretender19, stage20 with Anneko [07, 08/24]
j-mini15, j-mini20 for devil18, dojo02 with Indigo [09, 10/24]
look-alike02 for gracious07 with Flore [11/24]
lucky19 for longway10 with Hana [12/24]
→ Prizes
from scrambled data 16 - item01
from insight 18 - demon20, petenshi20 [892]
from spot the difference 19 - hamburger19, rhythm02 [894]
from tenimyucation 08 - minor08, snowman05, item4rokkaku, item02 [896]
→ Traded
gracious07, hamburger19 for jump19, longway09 with Keselyx [13, 14/24]
snowman05 for treasure17 with Juu [15/24]
pretender19 for fuun16 with Ashkah [16/24]
depend19 for coolprinces09 with Indigo [17/24]
fuun16 for jump04 with Lucathia [18/24]
pillar08 for L-doru17 with Anneko [19/24]
→ Prizes
from who am i? 08 - depend19, emerald11 [898]
→ Switched smile06 for duounion15 @ the switch 08
→ Traded
minor08 for snowman18 with Marty [20/24]
→ Received
student id from Krastak [899]
→ Traded
gamecenter14 for ecstasy10 with Saz [21/24]
item4rokkaku for item3hyoutei with Anneko
silver15 for western15 with Guia [22/24]
western15 for balloon01 with Indigo [23/24]
→ Prizes
from scrambled data 18 - bowling03, gracious12, pool08, item3strudolph, item4strudolph [902]
→ Game Set
cavemen deck - reflection03, scudserve05, wild03, item3strudolph [905]
duounion deck - cursed10, music04, reflection04, item4yamabuki [908]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 19 - minor03, onepoint14, item3fudoumine, item4hyoutei [910]
for weekly member list - dreamlive412, kagayake11, soliloquy10, item01, item02 [913]
→ Item Exchange - item01, item02 x 2, 2 Hyoutei uniforms for wisdom02, jump05/06/08/13 [918]
→ Traded
gracious12 for stage05 with Keselyx [24/24 - SCORESHEET 33 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 34 - starting
→ Traded
pool08 for fas05 with Keselyx [01/24]
labcoat11 for imperial07 with Ashkah [02/24]
bowling03, soliloquy10 for smily02, smily06 with Indigo [03, 04/24]
mirror03 for mamushi03 with Juu [05/24]
coolprinces05 for cursed03 with Guia [06/24]
→ Freebies from update 20.0 - imperial05, labcoat11, mirror03 [921]
→ Item Exchange - item01 for dojo13 [922]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 33 - animated18, capoeira13, item3rokkaku, borp21 [925]
→ Traded
smily11 for L-doru01 with Asuka [07/24]
smile06 for imperial06 with Michelle [08/24]
cactus15 for imperial14 with Ashkah [09/24]
→ Prizes
for completion of group collect 09 - item02
→ Traded
capoeira13, smily02 for dream01, tarundoru12 with Anneko [10, 11/24]
tarundoru12 for L-doru05 with Anneko [12/24]
labcoat09 for dojo12 with Ashkah [13/24]
→ Prizes
from synchro 19 - kindan10, item01 [926]
from probability 92% 04 - short-term08, treasure17 for kenken18, shioin15, item01, item3hyoutei, item4higa
→ Old Rackets western01/02/06/10 [930]
→ Prizes
from tenimyucation 09 - balance20, gekokujou10, item4strudolph, item4hyoutei [932]
from pick a school 11 - kansai16, labcoat09, resolve06, speedstar11 [936]
from who am i? 09 - brat03, reflection16 [938]
→ Traded
dream01 for dojo12 with Indigo [13/24]
→ Game Set jump deck - fuun02, kansai08, reflection05, item3seigaku [941]
→ Traded
power18 for cursed13 with Marty [14/24]
→ Freebies from update 21.0 - presence06, rio11, tempo09 [944]
→ Traded
ecstasy02, roses01 for oranges18, rio07 with Keselyx [15, 16/24]
sexy16 for western18 with Saz [17/24]
kindan10 for look-alike14 with Michelle [18/24]
Lots of items with Ashkah
student ids with Ori [19/24]
baton06 for dreamlive413 with Juu [20/24]
muga17, resolve06, yakiniku13 for balloon16, cursed07, western07 with Ori [21, 22, 23/24]
tempo09 for rio19 with Ashkah [24/24 - SCORESHEET 34 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
from catchphrase 18 - baton06, east05, east13, energetic06, gamecenter13, monks06, perfect19, rio13, serves12, tea04, volleyball06, wisdom04 [956]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 20 - crime15, seishun06, item3rokkaku, item3higa [958]
for weekly member list - karaoke20, okinawa10, photograph04, item01, item02 [961]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 34 - fuun16, south19, item3rokkaku, borp22 [964]
→ Item Exchange - item01 x 3 - brat08, fas16, kindan03 [967]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 35 - starting
→ Traded
habu12 for stage06 with Asuka [01/24]
→ Traded
karaoke20 for presence05 with Guia [02/24]
rio07/11/13/19 for dreamlive418, imperial01, monks20, stage04 with Indigo [03, 04, 05, 06/24]
fas12 for karaoke06 with Hana [07/24]
jyousei shounan uniform for rokkaku pants x 2 with Ashkah
student ids with KitsuneSama [08/24]
→ Prizes
from insight 19 - katsu09, king01 [969]
from scrambled data 19 - dream11, L-doru09, rainbow03 [972]
→ Switched devil08 for rainbow16 @ the switch 08
→ Second Hand Shop - east05, east13, energetic06, music04, okinawa10, seishun06, smily06, south19, tea04 for fas02/03/08 [966]
→ Item Exchange
2 Hyoutei uniforms, 6 Rokkaku uniforms, 1 item02 for fas11/20, dojo03/05/06/09/14/15/17 [975]
5 item02 - look-alike05/08/12/16/20 [980]
→ Prizes
from probability 92% 05 - devil07, kansai08 for date03, limit05, oranges01, item03seigaku, item3strudolph, item4rokkaku [981]
→ Traded
gamecenter13, roses16 for balloon14, L-doru02 with Serenti [09, 10/24]
rikkai uniform for yamabuki uniform with Keselyx
kansai16, L-doru09, perfect19, shitenhouji shirt for balloon03, dreamlive411, rio04, tweezers06 with Kaori [11, 12, 13/24]
ecstasy10, minor03 for avenge14, snowman02 with Lucathia [14, 15/24]
→ Old Rackets - usu12/14, monks11, western09/13/17 [987]
→ Traded
sexy18 for western05 with Himilika [16/24]
oranges01 for tweezers19 with Anneko [17/24]
rio04 for tweezers04 with Indigo [18/24]
→ Game Set
fas deck - balance15, reflection06, sister18, item4jyousei [990]
dojo deck - gracious07, master05, reflection07, item3fudoumine [993]
look-alike - king12, puns08, reflection09, item3yamabuki [996]
→ Prizes
from spot the difference 21 - airport01, puns09 [998]
seiyuu guess 18 - bigi12, cherry17, fanta04, fujouri10, gekokujou10, onepoint15, power02, reliable18, resolve07, serves18, spiral09, voice06 [1010]
→ Group Collect 10 - usu12, usu14 for brat11, dreamlive419, mirror18, presence05, item3yamabuki, item3hyoutei [1012]
→ Traded
brat03 for avenge19 with Guia [19/24]
onepoint14, petenshi20 for monks14/15 with Kaori [20, 21/24]
animated18, dream11 for kagayake12, tweezers11 with Himilika [22, 23/24]
king12 for monks10 with Anneko [24/24 - SCORESHEET 35 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 36 - starting
→ Prizes
from who am i? 10 - adieu20, prowess17, item3strudolph, item4yamabuki [1014]
→ Traded
airport01, presence05, spiral09 for monks01/08, sexy16 with Juu [01, 02, 03/24]
puns09 for cursed17 with Anneko [04/24]
onepoint15 for avenge12 with Kaori [05/24]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 35 - rainbow14, volleyball06, item01, borp23 [1017]
→ Item Exchange - 5 seigaku uniforms for reflection11/14/18/19/20 [1022]
→ Game Set
reflection deck - balloon02, cactus12, sister20, item4strudolph [1025]
→ Traded
sexy16 for rio07 with Asuka [06/24]
emerald06/11, mirror18, volleyball06 for mamushi01/10/13/17 with Indigo [07, 08, 09, 10/24]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui special 01 - cheers16, presence11, item3strudolph, item4rikkai [1027]
for weekly member list - coolprinces04, glorious16, hunter16, item3higa, item02 [1030]
→ Traded
brat08, karaoke06 for kagayake07, soliloquy13 with Guia [11, 12/24]
→ Freebies 11 - hitman06, soliloquy02, item3jyousei [1032]
→ Prizes
from synchro 20 - pool07, item4jyousei [1033]
→ Traded
soliloquy02/13 for balloon12, tweezers16 with Juu [13, 14/24]
coolprinces04, fujouri04/10, katsu09, king01 for christmas06, hawaii08, imperial19, presence14, rio19 with Lucathia [15, 16, 17, 18, 19/24]
demon20, hitman06, coolprinces09, fuun02/06 for christmas10, endurance10, hawaii02, mamushi04, rio16 with Guia [20, 21, 22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 36 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 37 - starting
→ Traded
student ids with Guia [01/24]
kouhou02, 2 yamabuki pants for christmas14, seigaku uniform with Ori [02/24]
cafe06, gekokujou10 for hawaii04, mikan01 with Mari [03, 04/24]
→ Freebies from update 22.0 - christmas01, hawaii11, kagayake15, kouhou02, otouto03, raccoon18 [1039]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 36 - brat01, rhythm09, item3shitenhouji, borp24 [1042]
→ Item Exchange - item01 for reliable02 [1043]
→ Traded
mikan01 for pretender16 with Anneko [05/24]
pool07 for christmas17 with Juu [06/24]
limit09/15, otouto03, raccoon18, rainbow03/14/16 for habu04/17, hamburger20, L-doru11, sexy05, pillar03, roses12 with Lucathia [07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13/24]
brat11, fuun10, glorious16, gracious07, jump10, reliable18, speedstar11 for avenge02, cursed15, dearprince16, monks04, presence18, rio01, tweezers03 with Sabriel [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20/24]
hamburger20, pillar03, roses12 for christmas15, imperial12, monks05 with Keselyx [21, 22, 23/24]
sexy 05 for stage12 with Asuka [24/24 - SCORESHEET 37 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
from karupin 19 - cactus05, fujouri20, fuun06, gay16, habu14, kansai05 [1049]
from probability 92% 06 - date03, volleyball06 for demon11, kansai09, rainbow05, item3strudolph, item4fudoumine, item4higa [1050]
→ Milestone for donating 10 decks - milestone11 [1051]
→ Old Rackets minor01/07/19, snowman14, dreamlive409, kagayake20, monks03/04/16, western19 [1061]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 38 - starting
→ Traded
habu04/17 for monks17/19 with Asuka [01, 02/24]
→ Received
for zheng nan deck - east04, St. Rudolph shirt [1062]
for long ma deck - onepoint04, Higa pants [1063]
for completing scoresheet 37 - smily09, tea04, Yamabuki pants, borp25 [1066]
for contributing to role deck - gracious20, sleepy14, Fudoumine shirt [1068]
→ Traded
balance15/20, data19, dojo20, kagayake11, natural11, prowess17, treasure05 for balloon05, bowling12, christmas03, crime04, hawaii12, mamushi07/15, yakiniku17 with Flore [03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10/24]
pretender16 Hyoutei shirt, St. Rudolph pants for hawaii15, Higa uniform with Ashkah [11/24]
Shitenhouji shirt for Higa shirt with Keselyx
reliable02 for labcoat08 and student ids with Michelle [12, 13/24]
cheers16 for snowman01 with Kaori [14/24]
kansai05 for emerald13 with Guia [15/24]
fuun06, rainbow05 for western08/12 with Lucathia [16, 17/24]
dearprince15 for balloon20 with Ori [18/24]
→ Prizes
from insight 20 - airport02 [1069]
from spot the difference 22 - dojo16, snowman04 [1071]
→ Match Set to national semifinals - balloon05/09, feint10, fuun20, rhythm18, Yamabuki pants [1076]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 21 - balloon17, cafe14, Shitenhouji/Jyousei pants [1078]
for weekly member list - dearprince15, rhythm17, short-term14, Seigaku pants, item02 [1081]
→ Freebies from update 23.0 - dreamlive403, golf05, garasu13, longma12, technique04, viking17, zhengnan07 [1088]
→ Traded
airport02 for emerald20 with Juu [19/24]
photograph04 for hawaii10 with Asuka [20/24]
bowling12, viking17 for longma03, zhengnan17 with Indigo [21, 22/24]
Fudoumine uniform, labcoat08 for imperial08, presence17, western16 with Ashkah [23/24]
golf05, 5 St. Rudolph shirts for christmas02, 2 Jyousei shirts, 1 pants, 2 Yamabuki pants [24/24 - SCORESHEET 38 FINISHED!]
→ Switched cafe14 for tweezers14 @ the switch 09
→ Item Exchange
5 Higa uniforms for monks02/07/17/18/19 [1093]
4 Jyousei uniforms for L-doru03/13/16/18 [1097]
9 Yamabuki uniforms for kagayake01/02/04/05/06/13/14/16/18 [1106]
→ Prizes
from tenimyucation 11 - coolprinces17, scenario16, Yamabuki shirt, Seigaku pants [1108]
from group collect 11 - date11 for dream10, oranges11, Seigaku pants [1109]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 39 - starting
→ Traded
student ids with Asuka [01/24]
scenario16, Rikkai uniform for dreamlive408, Yamabuki uniform with Ori [02/24]
fas16, gracious20 for L-doru15, longma16 with KitsuneSama [03, 04/24]
dojo16, garasu13 for balloon12, rio02 with Juu [05, 06/24]
oranges11, sleepy14 for avenge06, longma14 with Keselyx [07, 08/24]
Rikkai pants for zhengnan02 with Asuka
dream10 for snowman19 with Indigo [09/24]
→ Received for completing scoresheet 38 - family18, kindan20, Shitenhouji shirt, borp26 [1112]
→ Prizes
from catchphrase 20 - dream19, hamburger10, zhengnan17, Yamabuki shirt [1115]
from seiyuu guess 19 - L-doru18, longway11, Higa pants [1117]
from seiyuu guess 20 - endurance13, mamushi19, mikan18, Rikkai shirt [1120]
from odd one out 09 - balloon09, brat14, resolve13 [1123]
from group collect 11 - longway11 for brat03, jump09, St. Rudolph shirt [1124]
from find karupin 20 - cocktail14, kenken08, soliloquy04 [1127]
→ Traded
cactus05/12/16 for longma01, presence01, zhengnan01 with Chinami [10, 11, 12/24]
zhengnan17 for dream03 with Anneko [13/24]
dream19 for longma10 with Ori [14/24]
mikan18 for hawaii14 with Lucathia [15/24]
dream03 for longma11 with Ashkah [16/24]
→ Traded
brat01, fuun20 for golf06, longma11 [17, 18/24]
soliloquy04 for dreamlive415 with Indigo [19/24]
longma11 for christmas09 with Juu [20/24]
→ Prizes
from probability 92% 07 - cherry17, yakiniku17 for bowling02, depend08, ecstasy03, soliloquy11, Seigaku shirt, Rikkai shirt, Hyoutei pants, event06 [1130]
→ Game Set
student ids 02 - balloon08, imperial05, kagayake18, mumble09, Fudoumine shirt, student id [1135]
monks deck - balloon10, devil05, family11, Hyoutei pants [1138]
L-doru deck - balloon18, muga04, zhengnan01, Shitenhouji shirt [1141]
balloon deck - prowess15, rio03, tarundoru16, Jyousei pants [1144]
kagayake deck - karaoke12, ponta17, rio04, Hyoutei pants [1147]
→ Old Rackets - bowling12, naniwa12, serves01/04/10/11/13/20 [1155]
september 2009
→ Traded
family11, soliloquy11 for avenge16, stage07 with Indigo [21, 22/24]
depend08 for longma13 with Ashkah [23/24]
zhengnan01 for tweezers09 with Anneko [24/24 - SCORESHEET 39 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 40 - starting
→ Traded
golf06 for stage09 with Lucathia [01/24]
devil05, rhythm09/17 for christmas08, serves16, tweezers05 with Keselyx [02, 03, 04/24]
karaoke12, tarundoru16 for presence19, stage01 with Guia [05, 06/24]
ecstasy03 for longma04 with Serenti [07/24]
Shitenhouji uniform for Rokkaku uniform with Keselyx
→ Monthly Bonus - borp27, 2 student ids [1158]
→ Prizes
from spot the difference 23 - cheers11, spiral01 [1160]
from insight 21 - balloon11, longma14 [1162]
from catchphrase 21 - avenge17, raccoon15, soliloquy15 [1165]
from seiyuu guess 21 - feint20, photograph19, samurai17, Higa pants [1168]
from tenimyucation 12 - mirror01/10, Seigaku pants [1170]
→ Received
for donating zhou zhu deck - presence10, Jyousei pants [1171]
for donating zhou yu deck - gamecenter08, Fudoumine shirt [1172]
→ Traded
Rikkai uniform, Rikkai shirt for Rokkaku uniform, St. Rudolph pants with Anneko
mirror01 for zhengnan15 with Indigo [08/24]
L-doru18 for snowman07 with Kaori [09/24]
→ Game Set
cds03 - illusion01, mother05, pool01, rio05, Shitenhouji shirt, student id [1177]
→ Staff Pay
for data collecting with inui 22 - hamburger20, younger08, St. Rudolph shirt, Fudoumine pants [1179]
for the switch 10 - feint13, longma02, Jyousei shirt, Shitenhouji pants [1181]
for weekly member list - flippy18, glorious17, older01, Rokkaku pants, item02 [1184]
→ Freebies from update 24.0 - charamate05, christmas12, dreambeliever09, zhouyu18, zhouzhu18 [1189]
→ Traded
illusion01 for serves08 with Ori [10/24]
fanta04 for hawaii07 with Vainilla [11/24]
older01 for zhouzhu20 with KitsuneSama [12/24]
Shitenhouji pants for zhouzhu11 with Hana
→ Prizes
from pick a school 12 - dance07, kenken19 [1191]
→ Traded
demon11, devil18, resolve01/13 for gracious10, sister17, wonderfuldays05, yakiniku03 with Guia [13, 14, 15, 16/24]
flippy18 for mikan02 with Mari [17/24]
strict02/12 for fujouri11, imperial09 with Vainilla [18, 19/24]
fujouri13/20, gamecenter08, imperial05, monks04 for onepoint13, sexy19, smile14/19, yakiniku12 with Serenti [20, 21, 22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 40 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 41 - starting
→ Traded
balloon09 for tweezers12 with Kaze [01/24]
cheers11, dance07, coolprinces17 for longma06, minor09, zhengnan03 with Kaori [02, 03, 04/24]
avenge17, raccoon15 for serves05/14 with Ashkah [05, 06/24]
kansai09 for dreamlive414 with Hana [07/24]
habu14, kindan20, puns08 for presence16, stage08, hawaii17 with Michelle [08, 09, 10/24]
mikan02, sister17, wonderfuldays05 for dreamlive401, snowman20, stage10 with Lucathia [11, 12, 13/24]
yakiniku12 for tweezers01 with Ori [14/24]
kick17 for stage18 with Michelle [15/24]
mirror10 for stage11 with Indigo [16/24]
longma14, soliloquy15, spiral01 for avenge09, mamushi16, rio19 with Juu [17, 18, 19/24]
kenken08, wisdom17, Rikkai uniform for labcoat16, rio11, Seigaku uniform with Guia [20, 21/24]
→ Prizes
from who am i? 11 - kick17, wisdom17, item02 [1193]
from find karupin 21 - childofgod11, labcoat15, spiral18 [1196]
→ Received
for completing scoresheet 39 - return10, tarundoru14, Shitenhouji pants, otr04 [1199]
for completing scoresheet 40 - cake02, older04, Jyousei shirt, otr06 [1202]
→ Traded
kenken19 for oranges02 with Guia [22/24]
labcoat15/16 for zhouyu15, zhouzhu09 with Ashkah [23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 41 FINISHED!]
St. Rudolph uniform + pants for 3 Hyoutei shirts with Himilika
→ Tennis Scoresheet 42 - starting
→ Traded
oranges02 for zhouyu03 with Keselyx [01/24]
→ Received
for donating zhen zhi deck - kagayake01, St. Rudolph pants [1203]
for donating hai tang deck - illusion03, Higa pants [1204]
for completing scoresheet 41 - christmas01, moonsault05, Hyoutei shirt, borp29 [1207]
→ Traded
sext19 for avenge04 with Asuka [02/24]
Fudoumine pants for Rokkaku shirt with Keselyx
student ids with Serenti [03/24]
brat14, jump09 for christmas16, zhouzhu01 and student ids with Schaly [04, 05, 06/24]
→ Old Rackets balloon02, data02/03/10/16/18, dreamlive404, emerald14, minor13/16, rio06, snowman06 [1219]
→ Prizes
from spot the differene 24 - otouto14, return01, item02 [1221]
→ Received
for donating chun long deck - ssas18, Rikkai pants [1222]
ju wan deck - tea08, Hyoutei pants [1223]
cheng wu deck - stage07, Fudoumine pants [1224]
da shi deck - cavemen12, Yamabuki pants [1225]
lin ying deck - golf07, Seigaku pants [1226]
ling qi deck - wonderfuldays16, Hyoutei shirt [1227]
he baba deck - limit12, St. Rudolph shirt [1228]
guo guang deck - L-doru09, Yamabuki shirt [1229]
xiao peng deck - childofgod07, St. Rudolph pants [1230]
xiao bo deck - twins06, St. Rudolph shirt [1231]
→ Prizes
from tenimyucation 13 - hunter06, illusion16, Yamabuki shirt [1233]
from insight 22 - dream06, reflection06 [1235]
from scrambled data 20 - otouto02 [1236]
→ Traded
mamushi01/04/07/10/11/13, 3 Rokkaku uniforms for minor20, serves09, tweezers20, zhouyu08/14, zhouzhu08, 3 Rikkai uniforms with Indigo [07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12/24]
longma08, mirror15, reflection06, zhouzhu09 for crime01/19, family12, oranges18 with Juu [13, 14, 15, 16/24]
→ Item Exchange item01, Hyoutei uniform, Shitenhouji uniform, 4 Rikkai uniforms for mirror15, jump11, ecstasy11, stage02/13/14/15 [1243]
→ Received
for donating jue wei deck - snowman04, Shitenhouji pants [1244]
→ Traded
gift11, return01, stage07 for bandanna15, haitang14, zhenzhi01 with Himilika [17, 18, 19/24]
return10, 2 St. Rudolph pants for zhenzhi19, 2 Seigaku shirts with Saz [20/24]
brat03, jump03 for zhenzhi20, haitang20 with Schaly [21, 22/24]
moonsault05, samurai17 for haitang04, zhenzhi08 with Vainilla [23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 42 COMPLETED!]
→ Freebies from update 25.0 - bandanna12, haitang12, zhenzhi12, east12, treasure10, presence07 [1250]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 43 - starting
→ Traded
bigi12, master05 haitang15, zhenzhi14 with Mari [01, 02/24]
gracious13, illusion03/16, wonderfuldays16 for bandanna02, haitang02, zhenzhi02, zhengnan11 with Ori [03, 04, 05, 06/24]
hunter06, mamushi17 for zhenzhi03, haitang03 with Indigo [07, 08/24]
childofgod07/11 for zhenzhi09, haitang09 with Anneko [09, 10/24]
spiral18, zhouzhu18 for haitang07, zhenzhi07 with Juu [11, 12/24]
→ Group Collect
11.2 - ecstasy11, jump11 for animated09, gracious13, presence09, voice12 [1252]
12.1 - energetic12 for bowling04, presence15, Higa shirt [1253]
→ Staff Pay
for dcwi 23 - brat15, minor16, Yamabuki/Rikkai pants [1255]
for switch 10.2 - bigi19, longma12, Yama shirt, Fudo pants [1256]
for member list - data13, lucky02, pretender19, Rokkaku pants, item02 [1260]
→ Prizes
from who am i? 12 - king13, minor10 [1262]
→ Received
for completing scoresheet 42 - mother09, zhenzhi03, Hyoutei pants, borp30 [1263]
for mastering 5 special decks - milestone02 [1264]
→ Traded
balloon12 for haitang04 with Kaze [13/24]
dream06 for bandanna19 with Ashkah [14/24]
student ids with Maryan [15/24]
champions08/19 for bandanna18, zhenzhi13 [16, 17/24]
Higa uni, king13 for Seigaku uni, dearprince09 with Guia [18/24]
balloon02/05/09/11/12, cavemen12 for bowling12, cursed10, hawaii13/17, imperial04, zhouzhu20 with Juu [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 43 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
from synchro 21 - minor19 [1265]
from freebies 12 - cocktail08, muga20, Fudo pants [1267]
fro pick a school 13 - Jyousei/Shiten shirt
from guess the song 10 - adieu17, longway14/17, legs02, mamushi18, okinawa19, 3 item02s [1273]
from synchro 22 - power07, Rikkai shirt [1274]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 44 - starting
→ Traded
dearprince01/06 for haitang06, zhenzhi19 with Serenti [01, 02/24]
voice06/12, rio19 for zhenzhi11/15, zhengnan14 with Michelle [03, 04, 05/24]
older04, younger08 for haitang20, rio12 with KitsuneSama [06, 07/24]
minor16/19, zhouzhu20 for data03/09, zhouzhu10 with Himilika [08, 09, 10/24]
haitang04/20, zhenzhi03/19 for emerald11, endurance02/19, mamushi05 with Anneko [11, 12, 13, 14/24]
golf07, otouto02/14, limit12, longway17 for gracious09, serves06/07/15, zhouzhu06 with Lucathia [15, 16, 17, 18, 19/24]
animated09, oranges18 for balloon16, zhouzhu09 with Keselyx [20, 21/24]
balloon17, endurance02/19 for adieu04, cursed15, zhenzhi09 with Juu [22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 44 FINISHED!]
→ Old Rackets dearprince06, data02/05/09/10/18, emerald03/14/19/20 [1284]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 45 - starting
→ Traded
balloon16 for oranges01 with Juu [01/24]
→ Received
for scoresheet 43 - pressure07, samurai16, Rokkaku pants, borp31 [1287]
for scoresheet 44 - coolprinces14, dearprince14, Rikkai shirt, borp32 [1290]
→ Traded
fujouri11, legs02 for avenge08/11 with Asuka [02, 03/24]
gay16 for haitang18 with Vainilla [04/24]
mamushi05/18/19, cursed10 for adieu01/05/08, king20 with Indigo [05, 06, 07, 08/24]
lucky02, 2 Hyoutei pants, 1 Hyoutei shirt for haitang01, 2 Seigaku pants, 1 Seigaku shirt with Keselyx [09/24]
king20, oranges01 for haitang05, zhenzhi05 with Lucathia [10, 11/24]
→ Second Hand Shop - east04/12, feint10/20, hamburger10/20, mother05/09, mumble09 for serves03/17/19 [1287]
→ Item Exchange - 9 Seigaku unis, 4 item02s for zhenzhi04/06/10/16/17/18, haitang08/10/11/13/16/17/19 [1300]
→ Traded
longma12 for zhouzhu02 with Ori [12/24]
→ Game Set
zhenzhi deck - feint03, scudserve10, minor03, St. Rudolph pants [1303]
haitang deck - labcoat17, hamburger06, minor04, Rokkaku shirt [1306]
serves deck - feint04, shioin07, minor05, Rokkaku pants [1309]
stage deck - twins19, onepoint19, minor06, Shiten pants [1312]
→ Prizes
from tenimyucation 14 - charamate03, dream17, Hyoutei shirt, Seigaku shirt [1314]
→ Traded
brat15 for rio14 with Schaly [13/24]
prowess15 for bandanna04 with Chels [14/24]
technique12 for bandanna05 with Lucathia [15/24]
→ Staff Pay
for dcwi 24 - reliable06, platinum16, Jyousei shirt, Yamabuki shirt [1316]
for the switch 11.1 - technique12, bigi17, 2 Hyoutei pants [1318]
for member list - fanta04, twins16, emerald15, Shiten shirt, item02 [1321]
→ Freebies from update 26.0 - meng12, chunlong12, juwan12, role05/20 [1326]
→ Prizes
from who am i? 13 - zhenzhi06, volleyball08 [1328]
→ Milestones
for 1st mastery - milestone12 [1329]
for 24 scoresheets - milestone 13 [1330]
→ Traded
charamate03, fanta04 for cocktail05/11 with Juu [16, 17/24]
cursed15, hawaii17, dream17 for avenge18, zhouyu05, zhouzhu03 with Indigo [18, 19, 20/24]
avenge09/12/14/18 for meng20, rio08, role08, minor12 with Ashkah [21, 22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 45 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 46 - starting
→ Traded
muga04/20 for cocktail03/20 with KitsuneSama [01, 02/24]
bigi17 for western15 with Mari [03/24]
reliable06 for chunlong11 with Michelle [04/24]
meng12/20 for chunlong10, juwan13 with Lucathia [05, 06/24]
4 Jyousei shirts, 2 Jyousei pants for Rokkaku uniform, Rikkai uniform, 2 Rikkai shirts with Ashkah
2 Rikkai shirts, 1 pants for 3 Rokkaku shirts with Lucathia
→ Traded
zhenzhi06 for christmas19 with Ori [07/24]
volleyball08, crime19 for chunlong13, cocktail16 with Indigo [08, 09/24]
zhenzhi09 for cursed11 with Anneko [10/24]
okinawa19 for chunlong08 with Guia [11/24]
student ids with Hana [12/24]
fujouri05 for christmas18 with Asuka [13/24]
cursed11 for bandanna16 with Keselyx [14/24]
gracious10, onepoint19 for answer18, diving03 with Saz [15, 16/24]
→ Received
for scoresheet 45 - mother11, okinawa10, Jyousei shirt, borp33 [1333]
for torso donation - fujouri05, look-alike10, Hyoutei pants [1335]
→ Old Rackets cocktail06/12/13, tweezers07, dearprince17/19, western03/04/14/20 [1345]
→ Prizes
from find karupin 23 - gamecenter06, samurai03, emerald10 [1348]
→ Item Exchange - 5 Rokkaku uniforms for for christmas05/07/11/13/20 [1353]
→ Traded
answer18, dreamlive412 for chunlong07, imperial10 with Juu [17, 18/24]
gracious09 for cocktail10 with Himilika [19/24]
emerald10 for rio17 with Indigo [20/24]
zhouzhu02 for longma08 with Asuka [21/24]
cheers16 for dreamlive406 with Lucathia [22/24]
→ Prizes
from synchro 23 - older12, cheers16, Jyousei shirt [1355]
→ Game Set
western deck - kansai12, dreamlive412, minor11, St. Rudolph pants [1358]
christmas deck - zhouzhu02, balance10, minor14, Yamabuki shirt [1361]
→ Traded
feint03/13 for longma20, meng11 with Serenti [23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 46 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 47 - starting
→ Traded
longway14, gamecenter06, platinum16 for adieu02/12/19 with Serenti [01, 02, 03/24]
crime15 for mirror03 with Izumi [04/24]
→ Prizes from spot the difference 26 - onepoint10, haitang02 [1363]
→ Milestone for 50 deck mastery - milestone05 [1364]
→ Traded
haitang02 for cocktail04 with Ori [05/24]
muga16, photograph10, role08 for juwan15, snowman13, hawaii01 with Drkparadise [06, 07, 08/24]
mirror03 for longma07 with Indigo [09/24]
2 Yamabuki uniforms for 2 St. Rudolph uniforms with Keselyx
→ Received
for donating hakase deck - atonement20, item01 [1365]
for scoresheet 46 - dream12, hawaii03, Rokkaku pants, borp34 [1368]
→ Traded
dream12 for zhouyu04 with Indigo [10/24]
mother11, Hyoutei pants for adieu09, Seigaku shirt with Ashkah [11/24]
Yamabuki shirt, Shitenhouji pants, 3 Fudo pants for 4 Seigaku pants, 1 Seigaku shirt with Keselyx [12/24]
adieu05/08 for chunlong14, rio18 with Mari [13, 14/24]
atonement20, Hyoutei uniform for avenge20, 2 Seigaku pants with Asuka [15/24]
→ Prizes
from insight 23 - pillar10, meng04, zhouyu02, Fudo pants, St. Rudolph shirt [1371]
→ Received for voting on layout 03 - mirror16, fas13 [1373]
→ Traded
meng11 for mikan20 with Mari [16/24]
→ Prizes
for tenimyucation 15 - answer05, stage02, bandanna01, Rokkaku pants [1376]
→ Freebies from update 27.0 - longhair12, combination03, sakura14, rainbow11, hawaii16, event08 [1382]
→ Staff Pay
for dcwi 25 - western10, depend12, Fudo shirt, Rokkaku pants [1384]
for the switch 11.2 - scudserve09, dream08, Rikkai shirt, Shiten pants [1386]
for member list - fas14, bigi16, adieu15, Seigaku shirt, item02 [1389]
→ Traded
mirror16, depend12 for cocktail18, dearprince10 with Indigo [17, 18/24]
pillar10 for data07 with Anneko [19/24]
bigi16 for combination18 with Mari [20/24]
mikan20, raccoon20 for zhengnan19, presence02 with Lucathia [21, 22/24]
fas13/14 for zhenzhi05, christmas01 with Butterskotch [23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 47 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 48 - starting
→ Traded
zhenzhi05 for bowling07 with Ori [01/24]
answer05, charamate19 for cocktail08, gamecenter13 with Juu [02, 03/24]
→ Received for scoresheet 47 - longhair15, hitman01, Rikkai pants, borp35 [1392]
→ Item Exchange item01 for charamate19 [1393]
→ Traded
dream08 for tweezers10 with Ashkah [04/24]
student ids with Chels [05/24]
samurai03 for cocktail02 with Vainilla [06/24]
data07, look-alike10, kagayake01/18, bigi19 for bandanna03, longma17, zhouzhu15, longhair19, avenge10 with Flore [07, 08, 09, 10, 11/24]
wisdom02/04 for demon16, christmas10 with Azul [12, 13/24]
childofgod19 for avenge03 with Featherwolf [14/24]
chunlong14 for legs01 with Asuka [15/24]
devil10, gekokujou14, fujouri02/07 for juwan08/18, cursed10, family12 with Mari [16, 17, 18, 19/24]
kansai08, demon16 for wonderfuldays12, taka-san10 with Guia [20, 21/24]
limit14, oranges10, wonderfuldays17 for L-doru01/05, labcoat11 with Lucathia [22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 48 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 49 - starting
→ Group Collect 13 - scudserve05/09 for seishun10, data18, limit14, depend17, Fudo pants, Higa shirt [1395]
→ Prizes
from freebies 13 - dream10, short-term13, St. Rudolph pants [1397]
from seiyuu corner 22 - cursed07, oranges10, tempo04, Yamabuki pants [1400]
from seiyuu corner 23 - juwan14, gekokujou14, fujouri02, Seigaku pants [1403]
from seiyuu corner 24 - oranges13, diving15, fujouri07 [1406]
from catchphrase 22 - childofgod19, devil10, short-term20 [1409]
from catchphrase 23 - kansai08, wonderfuldays17, shioin01 [1412]
from odd one out 11 - zhouyu06, chunlong14, dearprince08, Yamabuki pants [1415]
→ Old Rackets - adieu07/18, cafe06/06, endurance03/05/05, naniwa11 [1423]
→ Traded
short-term20 for zhouyu17 with Ori [01/24]
→ Game Set to national finals - depend20, brat01, juwan06, glorious12, minor10/15, Yamabuki shirt [1429]
→ Traded
oranges13, labcoat11/17, L-doru01/05, Rokkaku pants for avenge15, longhair10, christmas18, haitang10, zhenzhi07, St. Rudolph shirt with Keselyx [02, 03, 04, 05, 06/24]
dream10, diving15 for cocktail07, avenge18 with Ashkah [07, 08/24]
ssas18, cursed07, dojo13 for hawaii18, meng07/08 with Flore [09, 10, 11/24]
meng04, onepoint10 for hawaii09, zhouzhu13 with sabriel [12, 13/24]
rhythm02/13/18, christmas10 for data05/14, emerald03, megane15 with Serenti [14, 15, 16, 17/24]
kansai12, St. Rudolph pants for adieu13, Seigaku shirt with Hana [18/24]
tarundoru14 for j-mini12 with Michelle [19/24]
→ Received for scoresheet 48 - atonement17, reliable13, Shiten shirt, borp36 [1432]
→ Prizes
from insight 24 - christmas20, presence03 [1434]
from spot the different 27 - zhengnan19, avenge14 [1436]
coding →