twistserve_tcg ☆
twistservetrade past logs
january 2010
→ The Switch 18 - kick10 for juewei11
→ Received for scoresheets 83/84 - atonement07, reliable07, myglove07, avenge11, legs13/14, St. Rudolph pants, Seigaku pants, single34/35 [2429]
→ Monthly Bonus - single37, 2 item02s [2430]
→ Prizes
who am i? 24 - silver14, guanyue20 [2432]
→ Traded
egao04/20, rio04 for braids13, ori08, symbol06 with Vainilla [05, 06, 07/24]
haitang01, zhengnan02, zhenzhi07/12, flore18 for bigaku09, illusion03, tenimuhou02/05, seiyuu18 with Anneko [08-12/24]
braids13, flore02, ori08, symbol06/12, seiyuu18, tenimuhou02/05 for dashi13, juewei13, haitang12, hakase20, mamushi08, bandanna07, gekiryuu05, zhenzhi16 with Lucathia [13-20/24]
zhenzhi16 for weiming03 with Indigo [21/24]
silver14 for combination14 with Asuka [22/24]
return02, ori02 for mamushi02/15 with Ori [23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 85 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 86 - starting
→ Second Hand Shop - avenge11/20, east13, feint06/08/09/11, twins02, date08, family03, kagayake06, naniwa06 for crucifix03/09/15/17/18, legs11 [2426]
→ Prizes
scrambled data 33 - alone06, Rikkai shirt [2427]
seiyuu corner 33 - guoguang19, chengwu04, Fudo shirt [2429]
spot the difference 35 - zhengnan15, rebel08 [2431]
→ Christmas Swapping - balloon01/04/05/12/19, endurance05/14/15, cafe06, seishun18, animated04, bowling02/05/12, christmas01, crime01, cursed10, forward13, king02, yakiniku17 for bubblegum08/09, hunter11/15, volleyball18, minor16, serves01, garasu08, L-doru09, scenario08, family05, crucifix16, tweezers17, conference04, childofgod18, school02, coolprinces14, morning18, onepoint20, wild02
→ Update 41.0 - collapse12, muda12, first12, invitation12, quxing12, autumnbreeze15/20, host12, guanyue09 [2440]
→ Game Set legs - hebaba10, evolution15, adult05, Yamabuki shirt [2443]
→ Staff Pay
the switch 18 - serves19, illusion09, Hyoutei shirt, Higa shirt [2445]
dcwi 35 - technique17, mikan03, Higa shirt, Jyousei shirt [2447]
member list - fujouri17, weiming11, xiaopeng01, platinum10, Rokkaku shirt, Shiten pants, item02 [2451]
→ Traded
student ids with HikaruKibou [01/24]
illusion03 for conference04 with Featherwolf [02/24]
morning18, platinum10, mikan03 for xiaopeng09, collapse04, injury15 with Lucathia [03, 04, 05/24]
coolprinces04 for collapse19 with Moon_wolf [06/24]
chengwu04, hebaba10, weiming11, zhengnan15 for gekiryuu10, collapse03, invitation07, hakase05 with Ori [07, 08, 09, 10/24]
evolution15 for egao08 with Asuka [11/24]
garasu08 for conference06 with Juu [12/24]
→ Traded
bubblegum08/09, childofgod18 for guoguang05, weiming03, xiaopeng08 with Featherwolf [13, 14, 15/24]
host12, muda12, school02 for dashi20, musical02, tiebreak15 with Drkparadise [16, 17, 18/24]
xiaopeng01 for collapse17 with Anneko [19/24]
egao08, gekiryuu10 for garasu14, boat20 with Kaze [20, 21/24]
alone06, boat20, conference04 for xiaopeng05, conference19, egao03 with Indigo [22, 23, 24/24 - SCORESHEET 86 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 87 - starting
→ Old Rackets - hunter05/07/10/12, data11 [2456]
→ Prizes guess the song 20 - test13, dojo18, yukata03, meng08, item02 [2460]
→ Item Exchange - 5 Higa uniforms, 2 item02s for autumnbreeze02/03/07/08/09/13/18 [2467]
→ Received for scoresheets 85/86 - muda01, tempo06, adult08/09, onmyway13, L-doru03, Rikkai shirt, Shiten shirt, single38/39 [2475]
→ Prizes
kamikakushi03 - short-term15, seattle07 [2477]
synchro 35 - short-term10, ecstasy13, Shiten shirt [2479]
→ Traded
tiebreak15, weiming03 for balloon08/17 with Ori [02/24]
garasu14 for collapse19 with Juu [03/24]
meng08 for emerald10 with Lucathia [04/24]
hyakuren03, seattle07 for chengwu14, bigaku03 with Mari [06/24]
egao03, dojo18 for collapse10, bento05 with Kaze [08/24]
scenario08 for collapse06 with Vainilla [09/24]
bento05, short-term15 for mamushi07, emerald11 with Moon_wolf [11/24]
→ Game Set autumnbreeze - yukata16, airport08, adult11, St. Rudolph shirt [2482]
→ Prizes insight 37/38 - look-alike05, technique06, resolve10, rainbow12 [2486]
→ Traded
short-term10, serves01/12/16/19 for paperairplane19, data17, quxing11, speech08, weiming13 with Mari [16/24]
mamushi07 for hunter02 with Ori [17/24]
strict05 for collapse18 with HikaruKibou [18/24]
technique06 for gekiryuu20 with Lucathia [19/24]
yukata16, airport08, rainbow12 for zhenzhi08/09/10 with Ori [22/24]
longway04/09 for adopted04/10 with Flore [24/24 - SCORESHEET 87 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 88 - starting
→ Prizes
motion vision 14 - combination15, quick11, Fudo shirt [2488]
pick a school 20 - coolprinces09, dashi20, Higa pants [2490]
→ Received scoresheet 87 - petenshi10, emperor02, adult12, Rokkaku pants, single40 [2494]
→ Traded
gekiryuu20, zhenzhi08, combination15 for quick01, sister09, cafe06 with Indigo [03/24]
dashi20 for balloon02 with Anneko [04/24]
gamecenter13, raccoon07 for hunter19, gogomeganes20 with Aisu [06/24]
coolprinces09 for endurance05 with Moon_wolf [07/24]
gogomeganes20 for emerald08 with Mari [08/24]
adopted10, emperor02 for gogomeganes02, omettosamba20 with Featherwolf [10/24]
→ Prizes
group collect 20 - megane15 for silver06, rainbow14, Seigaku shirt [2495]
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 04 - impromptu12, master10 for nfu07, sushi15, flore19, ah-un04 [2497]
→ Traded
nfu07 for balloon03 for Mari [11/24]
2 Hyoutei shirts, pants for 3 Jyousei pants with Moon_wolf
flore19 for sister12 with Lucathia [12/24]
→ The Switch 18 - joytotheworld07 for school18
→ Second Hand Shop
cactus10, gay08, kick16/17, natural14/18, scudserve16, sleepy08/12, speedstar14, wild02, wisdom17, atonement07, balance05/10, fanta01, prowess05, kansai08/16, myglove07 for braids06, zansaber14, rai06, pillar11, short-term16, smash11, smoke09, role17, acrobatic01, retsuden16 [2487]
→ Deck Donation beijing, deal - todai14, rio02, Jyousei pants, Higa shirt [2489]
→ Traded
rainbow14 for technique04 with Ori [13/24]
ah-un04, guanyue09/20, reliable07, resolve10 for crucifix02, linying03, bigaku02, ready08/09 with Keselyx [18/24]
acrobatic01, role17 for balloon18, endurance18 with Indigo [20/24]
rai06, retsuden16 for egao08/12 with Mari [22/24]
rio02, technique04 for school13/18 with Anneko [24/24 - SCORESHEET 88 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 89 - starting
→ Update 42.0 - revolution12, slap12, teatime12, advance02, band03, invitation05 [2495]
→ Item Exchange
3 item02s for adult16/18/19 [2498]
3 Seigaku uniforms - freedom13/17/20 [2501]
→ Prizes
spot the difference 36 - speech15, chengwu06 [2503]
tenimyucation 20 - wonderfuldays20, sunrise18, Yamabuki shirt, item02 [2505]
pick a school 21 - ire11, invitation08, pure08 [2508]
→ Game Set
crucifix - freedom10, ponta19, adult13, Rikkai pants [2511]
adult - longway06, hundred10, freedom06, Shiten shirt [2514]
→ Staff Pay
dcwi s4 - secret02, dashi12, Seigaku shirt, Fudo shirt [2516]
the switch 19 - gontakure13, speech09, Seigaku shirt, St. Rudolph pants [2518]
member list - legs16, guanyue03, duounion05, cactus07, Seigaku pants, Jyousei shirt, item02 [2522]
→ Old Rackets - endurance08, labcoat02/06/08/19, pole14 [2528]
→ Received scoresheet 88 - kindan07, adult08, freedom08, Rokkaku shirt, single41 [2532]
→ Traded
look-alike05, egao12, school13 for invitation04, paperairplane03/04 with Kaze [03/24]
silver06, sushi15 for collapse16, injury06 with Asuka [05/24]
2 Shiten shirts, freedom10 for 2 Jyousei pants, balloon05 with Mari [06/24]
pillar11 for weiming18 with Lucathia [07/24]
braids06, revolution12 for balloon15, advance09 with Ori [09/24]
sunrise18 for endurance16 with Indigo [10/24]
rebel08 for xiaopeng10 with Saz [11/24]
→ Traded
pure08, adult08, slap12 for labcoat10, pole01, hakase05 with Lucathia [14/24]
teatime12 for sister02 with Asuka [15/24]
hundred10 for test01 with Ori [16/24]
ire11 for quxing16 with HikaruKibou [17/24]
guanyue03 for collapse14 with Keselyx [18/24]
→ Game Set freedom - habu06, tango03, chengwu03, Rikkai shirt [2535]
→ Prizes
freebies 20 - sunrise14, dearprince15, Seigaku shirt [2537]
synchro 36 - prowess06 [2538]
motion vision 15 - muda03, linying10, St. Rudolph pants [2539]
→ Traded
linying10, muda03, sunrise14 for labcoat05, coolprinces08/13 with Anneko [21/24]
prowess06, coolprinces08/13 for hebaba20, weiming02/10 with Moon_wolf [24/24 - SCORESHEET 89 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 90 - starting
→ Received scoresheet 89 - limit20, sunrise03, chengwu09, Rikkai pants, single42 [2543]
→ Traded
tango03 for data18 with Ori [01/24]
dearprince15 for gekiryuu20 with Lucathia [02/24]
limit20 for jiping12 with Saz [03/24]
sunrise03 for spiral12 with Anneko [04/24]
spiral12 for hunter09 with Juu [05/24]
→ Let's Learn English with Long Ma 04 - zhenzhi09, balloon01 for boat12, pure19, concrete03, revolution14 [2545]
→ Traded
pure19 for zhenzhi06 with Lucathia [06/24]
revolution14 for test15 with Mari [07/24]
gekiryuu20, zhenzhi06 for sexy19, coolprinces10 with Kaze [09/24]
→ The Switch 19 - concrete03 for hunter03
→ Traded
sexy19, coolprinces10 for quxing13, dashi19 with Moon_wolf [11/24]
→ Prizes
who am i? 26 - zhouzhu06, gossip14 [2547]
group collect 20 - item02
→ Staff Pay
the switch 19 - impromptu10, symbol03, Jyousei shirt, Hyoutei pants [2549]
dcwi s3 - katsu02, christmas05, Hyoutei shirt, Jyousei shirt [2551]
member list - bento12, rivals09, contest16, role06, Higa pants, Seigaku pants, item02 [2555]
→ Update 43.0 - overwhelm04, valentinekiss15, stylish08, deal02, rock5408, habu02 [2561]
→ Old Rackets - balloon01, ready07, spiral04, bowling05, family10 [2566]
→ Prizes
spot the difference 37 - rio19, gekokujou20 [2568]
guess the song 21 - invitation06, St. Rudolph pants [2569]
→ Traded
boat12, contest16 for balloon05, quxing18 with Indigo [13/24]
role06, spiral04 for hunter18, gogomeganes11 with Juu [15/24]
bento12, stylish08 for weiming19, valentinekiss16 with Moon_wolf [17/24]
zhouzhu06, technique17 for test17, endurance06 with Mari [19/24]
rivals09 for zhenzhi04 with Ori [20/24]
rio19, zhenzhi04 for balloon12, egao08 with Indigo [22/24]
petenshi10, symbol03 for jiping04, tornado19 with HikaruKibou [24/24 - SCORESHEET 90 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 91 - starting
→ Prizes
pick a school 22 - dreamlive119, myglove07 [2571]
→ Received scoresheet 90 - nature09, mamushi15, chengwu10, Higa shirt, single43 [2575]
→ Traded
gekokujou20 for zhenzhi13 with Ori [01/24]
zhenzhi13, dreamlive119 for ready12, injury04 with Indigo [03/24]
deal02, yakiniku03/17 for overwhelm01, hakase16, balloon12 with Lucathia [06/24]
family16, illusion09 for overwhelm18, valentinekiss13 with Anneko [08/24]
student ids with Kuri [09/24]
→ The Switch 19 - seishun18 for energetic18
→ Prizes
motion vision 16 - boat18, rai13, Shiten shirt [2577]
find karupin 38 - juwan18, bigaku08, advance18 [2580]
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 05 - hawaii13, katsu05 for flore10, axing06, bento14, anneko19 [2582]
who am i? 27 - kyuushuu17, xiaobo06 [2584]
→ Traded
nature09, bigaku08, boat18, bento14 for gekiryuu13, hakase02/09, yakiniku17 with Moon_wolf [13/24]
cafe06 for valentinekiss11 with Kuro [14/24]
rai13 for dream16 with Anneko [15/24]
weiming12/15/18 for axing04, collapse05, valentinekiss04 with Saz [18/24]
energetic18, gekiryuu13 for labcoat13, dearprince08 with Indigo [20/24]
dream16, kyuushuu17 for overwhelm17, bigaku10 with Mari [22/24]
anneko19, flore10 for for juwan01/04 with Lucathia [24/24 - SCORESHEET 91 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 92 - starting
→ Staff Pay
dcwi 36 - manzai17, longway12, Higa shirt, Seigaku shirt [2586]
the switch 20 - animated10, capoeira04, Seigaku shirt, Jyousei pants [2588]
member list - gossip16, zhouzhu13, sushi05, kyuushuu13, Rokkaku shirt, Jyousei shirt, item02 [2592]
game set - three01, lucky16, Seigaku pants, item02 [2594]
→ Received scoresheet 91 - yakiniku07, memories17, emerald09, Seigaku shirt, single44 [2598]
→ Traded
hunter02/03 for collapse09, beijing03 with HikaruKibou [02/24]
animated10, memories17 for kokeshi08/11 with Indigo [04/24]
zhouzhu13 for test16 with Mari [05/24]
capoeira04, manzai17 for xiaobo19, beijing06 with Moon_wolf [07/24]
→ Update 44.0 - yakusoku12, jibu12, evolve01, goal06, medley18 [2603]
→ Item Exchange - 2 Seigaku uniforms, 12 Jyousei uniforms for chengwu15/17, left01/04/07/08/17/18, paperairplane01/06/08/09/14/16 [2617]
→ Game Set
chengwu - tempo20, pole12, emerald09, Fudo shirt [2620]
left - axing10, paperairplane02, emerald09, Shiten pants [2623]
paperairplane - musical19, family17, emerald09, Seigaku pants [2626]
→ Received
white deck donation - hitman17, sushi15, St. Rudolph pants [2628]
cosplay deck donation - xiaobo18, kouhou01, St. Rudolph shirt [2630]
→ Old Rackets - gamecenter17/18, seishun18, duounion17, volleyball10 [2635]
→ Traded
longway12, yakiniku07 for quxing06, left11 with Lucathia [09/24]
strict07, kyuushuu13, muda01 for axing05, impromptu19, pole13 with Anneko [12/24]
Shiten shirt, evolve01 for Jyousei shirt, timing12 with Mari [13/24]
cactus07 for jibu11 with Kuro [14/24]
goal06, legs16, medley18 for invitation10/15, injury01 with Juu [17/24]
habu02 for invitation18 with Keselyx [18/24]
→ Item Exchange - 2 Seigaku uniforms, 2 choice balls for juwan02/10/14/16 [2639]
→ Game Set juwan - wonderfuldays14, dominate12, emerald09, Rokkaku shirt [2642]
→ Prizes
synchro 38 - wild18 [2643]
freebies 21 - lucathia16, soliloquy14, Seigaku shirt [2645]
motion vision 17 - technique05, kokeshi13, Jyousei pants [2647]
find karupin 39 - gogomeganes17, recovery20, xiaobo02 [2650]
→ Traded
habu06, smoke09, secret02 for childofgod08, garasu02, deal10 with Aisu [21/24]
gogomeganes17 for beijing20 with Mari [22/24]
lucathia16, recovery20 for deal02, invitation01 with Lucathia [24/24 - SCORESHEET 92 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 93 - starting
→ Milestone 06 - 100 decks mastered [2651]
→ Donated
chinapuri episode 02 - rhythm14, stylish18, Rikkai shirt, Yamabuki pants [2653]
chinapuri episode 03 - capoeira11, older16, Fudo pants, Higa pants [2655]
seigaku game - cocktail08, Jyousei shirt [2656]
→ Prizes
insight 40 - ire07, king17 [2658]
pick a school 23 - item01, Shiten shirt, Rikkai shirt, Seigaku pants
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 06 - duounion05, gamecenter17 for jiping11, tannhauser13, redeyes13, medley18 [2660]
→ Traded
technique05 for yakusoku16 with Anneko [01/24]
wonderfuldays10/14/20 for mamushi17, zhenzhi10, overwhelm19 with Moon_wolf [04/24]
paperairplane02, lucky16, kouhou01, advance18 for zhenzhi08/09, haitang05, endurance11 with Ori [08/24]
garasu02, soliloquy14 for sister18, joytotheworld14 with Juu [10/24]
student ids with Kuro [11/24]
king17, tannhauser13 for balloon13, juewei06 with Mari [13/24]
hunter10 for jibu11 with HikaruKibou [14/24]
→ The Switch 20 - myglove07 for invitation01
→ Staff Pay
the switch 20 - avenge07, okinawa02, Rikkai pants, Seigaku shirt [2662]
dcwi 37 - anneko08, technique05, Hyoutei pants, Jyousei pants [2664]
kamikakushi 04 - soliloquy10, puns01, Rikkai shirt, Yamabuki shirt [2666]
member list - role10, chengwu03, dashi17, baton07, item01, Fudo shirt, item02 [2670]
game set - role19, ecstasy13, Rikkai shirt, item02 [2672]
→ Item Exchange - 2 item01s, 2 Seigaku uniforms, 5 Rikkai uniforms, 5 item02s for kindan19, paperairplane01, linying01/14/16/18, collapse01/02/07/08/11/13/15/20 [2686]
→ Update 45.0 - nosurrender15, artstudio19, ouji03, progressive12, kiss02, ecstasy12 [2692]
→ Game Set
collapse - pressure13, strongest10, emerald09, Seigaku pants [2695]
linying - haitang06, taka-san14, emerald09, Higa shirt [2698]
→ Traded
redeyes13 for linying13 with Sabriel [15/24]
capoeira11, invitation01 for deal12, sister05 with Moon_wolf [17/24]
medley18 for quick08 with Indigo [18/24]
ire07 for dashi16 with Anneko [19/24]
2 Rikkai uniforms, ouji03 for Jyousei, St. Rudolph uniforms, deal14 with Mari [20/24]
anneko08, baton07 for overwhelm06, zhenzhi05 with Lucathia [22/24]
soliloquy10, progressive12, 3 Higa uniforms for christmas01, cursed10, data11, emerald11/15 with Juu [24/24 - SCORESHEET 93 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 94 - starting
→ Received scoresheet 92/93 - voice13, pretender03, hawaii02, naniwa18, emerald09/09, single45/46, Yamabuki pants, Seigaku shirt [2706]
→ Milestone 18 - mastered 20 decks from one category [2707]
→ Old Rackets - labcoat12, duounion05, overwhelm01/01, naniwa11 [2712]
→ Prizes
guess the song 22 - pressure17, yukata05, kouhou13, synchro19, item02 [2716]
guess the song 23 - can12, nature06, hairclips13, gekokujou03, item02 [2720]
guess the song 24 - dream11, first07, pole05, guanyue09, item02 [2724]
→ Traded
short-term16, smash11, 3 Yamabuki, 2 Shiten uniforms for deal09, three14, 4 Jyousei, 1 Seigaku uniforms with Moon_wolf [02/24]
ecstasy12, voice13 for crime17, impromptu16 with Mari [04/24]
weiming19, dominate12 for nosurrender07, weiming18 with Saz [06/24]
chengwu03, haitang06, role10/19 for haitang12, linqi11/12, test10 with Indigo [10/24]
paperairplane01, linqi11/12, test10 for overwhelm12, combination05, yakusoku15, nosurrender11 with Ori [14/24]
technique05, strongest10 for kiss20, scout13 with Anneko [16/24]
seishun18, synchro19 for yakusoku11, overwhelm11 with Asuka [18/24]
cocktail08, stylish18, wild18 for quxing02/10, combination05 with Keselyx [21/24]
pressure13/17, okinawa02 for labcoat18, rainbow18, memories08 with Kuri [24/24 - SCORESHEET 94 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 95 - starting
february 2010
→ Monthly Bonus - single47, 2 item02s [2725]
→ Game Set cds07 - ori18, western01, dashi05, emerald09, Yamabuki pants, student id [2730]
→ Traded
nature06 for scout15 with Moon_wolf [01/24]
yukata05, combination05, bowling12, cursed10 with Anneko [03/24]
can12, gekokujou03, guanyue09, kouhou13, lucky08/09, rainbow18 for zhenzhi09/14/19, bandanna06/07, bowling05, tornado01 with Ori [10/24]
→ Second Hand Shop
crucifix16, gamecenter17/18, kindan07/19, L-doru03/09, tweezers17, christmas05, ecstasy13, family03/17 for injury07/09/10/11/13/14 [2724]
avenge07, baton06, gontakure13, hairclips13, katsu02, older16, ponta19, pretender03, puns01, samurai09, taka-san14, todai14, zansaber14, brush16, crime07, longway06, okurimono04, onepoint20, oranges15, surfing08 for power15, nabs08, collapse08, underdog04, overwhelm07, nobody20, spot19, hakase08, legs09, flippy09 [2714]
→ Item Exchange - 2 item02s, 10 Jyousei uniforms for injury18/20, test02/05/07/08/11/12/14/18/19/20 [2726]
→ Prizes
synchro 39 - baton06, balloon05, bandanna03, Hyoutei shirt [2729]
motion vision 18 - minor19, technique20, Higa shirt [2731]
→ Game Set
injury - host10, hamburger15, emerald09, Hyoutei pants [2734]
test - gogomeganes02, zhenzhi04, emerald09, Hyoutei pants [2737]
→ Traded
ori18 for scout14 with Lucathia [11/24]
baton06, dashi05 for titles01, overwhelm08 with Anneko [13/24]
hunter11/18/19, Rokkaku shirt for valentinekiss03, nosurrender01, gogomeganes07, Seigaku pants with HikaruKibou [16/24]
flippy09 for kiss18 with Moon_wolf [17/24]
legs09 for gossip02 with Juu [18/24]
nabs08, spot19, tempo06/20 for cafe06/08, ready12, remix03 with Kuro [22/24]
gossip02, gogomeganes02 for impromptu18, kokeshi20 with Mari [24/24 - SCORESHEET 95 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 96 - starting
→ Item Exchange - 1 Hyoutei uniform, 3 item02s for gogomeganes03/06/15/16 [2741]
→ Received
scoresheet 95 - sleepy01, pillar03, emerald09, Rokkaku pants, rajipuri10 [2745]
voting layout 05 - seishun18, collapse10 [2747]
→ Game Set gogomeganes - trickster03, autumnbreeze01, emerald09, Hyoutei shirt [2750]
→ Prizes
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 07 - endurance14, hitman17 for can19, higher08, slap15, ouji04 [2752]
Group Collect 22 - data11, endurance05 for host20, test05, revolution15, left14, Yambuki pants, Shiten pants [2754]
Twist Bingo - chengwu04, soliloquy01, jan13, underestimate03, kansai20, emerald09 [2760]
→ Match Set Level 11 - east03, band13, animated14, wild15, diving20, hebaba17, dashi02, Fudo pants [2767]
→ Traded
host10, zhenzhi04/19, memories08 for date11, quick16, dreamlive413, imperial05 with Indigo [04/24]
gossip14/16, minor01/02/16/19, ready07, zhenzhi05/10 for jibu03, timing06, beijing16, artstudio09, kiss07, remix05/20, three09, nosurrender17 with Kaze [13/24]
technique20 for scout17 with Anneko [14/24]
student ids, imperial05 for deal07 with Moon_wolf [16/24]
childofgod08 for sakura14 with Featherwolf [17/24]
quick16 for haitang18 with Lucathia [18/24]
collapse08/10/19, higher08 for musical03, yakusoku05, dearprince18, juewei05 with Mari [22/24]
autumnbreeze01 for tornado13 with HikaruKibou [23/24]
soliloquy01 for titles09 with Juu [24/24 - SCORESHEET 96 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 97 - starting
→ Milestone 16/19 - 96 scoresheets, 20 of samecard [2769]
→ Received
scoresheet 96 - dashi07, juwan20, kejime02, Rokkaku pants, single48 [2773]
→ Update 46.0 - final10, catfish10, detective05, healed17, shodo12 [2778]
→ Traded
underestimate03, zhenzhi03/08/09 for tenimuhou02, longway10, onmyway16, yakiniku14 with Mari [04/24]
host20, ouji04 for jibu05, xiaobo11 with Kaze [06/24]
sakura14 for remix01 with Lucathia [07/24]
detective05 for strings05 with Moon_wolf [08/24]
western01, healed17 for overwhelm03, strings08 with HikaruKibou [10/24]
→ Game Set
event02 - samurai12, lucathia02, nfu14, dashi08, St. Rudolph pants, student id [2783]
→ Old Rackets - adopted20, emerald20, bowling12, family10, tornado11, dashi10 [2789]
→ Prizes
pick a school 25 - overwhelm14, cocktail09, Rokkaku uni, hawaii15, childofgod20, Rikkai uni, dreambeliever02, rainbow02, Seigaku uni, test01, pretender15, Jyousei uni, gift17, imperial09, Hyoutei uni [2799]
who am i? 29 - nosurrender12, sushi02 [2801]
→ Staff Pay
the switch 21 - boat20, revolution20, Rokkaku pants, St. Rudolph shirt [2803]
dcwi 38 - quxing07, charamater05, Rokkaku shirt, Hyoutei shirt [2805]
member list - awake03, ponta06, dream12, gontakure11, Seigaku shirt, Shiten pants, item02 [2809]
→ Traded
can19, chengwu04, hebaba17, juwan20, revolution15, left14, test05 for adopted02, titles10, remix18, seigakugame07/08, nosurrender20, tornado19 with Ori [17/24]
shodo12, zhenzhi10/14 for invitation03, strings06, yakiniku15 with Mari [20/24]
lucathia02, dreambeliever02 for kiss19, sister06 with Lucathia [22/24]
gift17, imperial09 for adopted18, nosurrender19 [24/24 - SCORESHEET 97 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 98 - starting
→ Received
scoresheet 97 - morning19, bowling04, dashi11, Jyousei pants, single49 [2813]
→ Item Exchange - item02, 4 Seigaku uniforms for dashi18, hebaba02/05/15/16 [2818]
→ Game Set
dashi - stage05, valentinekiss06, hebaba18, item01 [2821]
hebaba - nfu03, gold19, quick03, item01 [2824]
→ Prizes
synchro 40 - adult02, St. Rudolph pants [2825]
motion vision 19 - rai18, yakusoku02, Yamabuki pants [2827]
insight 42 - injury01, impromptu02 [2829]
tenimyucation 20 - voice03, lasers05, bell17, Rokkaku shirt, item02 [2832]
guess the song 25 - juewei14, beijing01, retsuden10, perfect07, item02 [2836]
→ Traded
awake03, charamate05 for artstudio12, jiping01 with Moon_wolf [02/24]
sushi02, boat20 for overwhelm13, scout12 with Asuka [04/24]
dashi10, nfu14, revolution20, dream12, rainbow02, test01 for zhenzhi18, haitang18, date02/13, king02, weiming04 with Ori [10/24]
childofgod20, slap15 for nosurrender16, xiaopeng18 with Featherwolf [12/24]
impromptu05/18 for jibu16, kiss05 with Saz [14/24]
pillar03, jan13 for style06, tornado04 with Indigo [16/24]
adult02, kejime02 for artstudio10, dreamlive105 with Mari [18/24]
haitang18 for yakiniku05 with Juu [19/24]
gontakure11, wild15, mamushi15, style06 for xiaobo18, test04, balloon06, rio20 with Kuri [23/24]
bell17 for conference18 with Lucathia [24/24 - SCORESHEET 98 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 99 - starting
→ Let's Learn English with Long Ma 06 - hamburger15, jump17 for evolve04, medley05, forfeit03, stylish09 [2838]
→ Traded
zhenzhi18, dreamlive105, lasers05 for yakiniku02/09/10 with Indigo [03/24]
rai18 for final02 with Anneko [04/24]
voice03, 2 Jyousei shirts for xiaopeng13, 2 Higa shirts with Mari [05/24]
gold19, xiaobo18, injury01, test04 for jump03/17, rainbow03/03 with Ori [09/24]
→ The Switch 21 - sleepy01 for invitation16
→ Layout 6.0 - event17, item02, raccoon20, strongest18, viking13, linqi08, trickster09 [2844]
→ Update 47.0 - 4thcast05, battery01, okiraku01, tenacity15, missing08 [2849]
→ Prizes
who am i? 30 - chunlong06, evolve03, Rokkaku pants, Jyousei shirt [2851]
group collect 22 - adopted04, hakase20 for flore02, seasons06, pool11, cactus20 [2853]
→ Staff Pay
kamikakushi 04 - taka-san07, scarf10, Rokkaku shirt, Jyousei shirt [2855]
kamikakushi 05 - king01, muga07, Seigaku shirt, Rokkaku shirt [2857]
the switch 21 - tenimuhou02, speech05, Rokkaku uniform [2859]
dcwi 39 - recovery16, tempo18, St. Rudolph shirt, Seigaku shirt [2861]
member list - rai09, egao20, okiraku18, scout06, Yamabuki pants, Seigaku pants, item02 [2865]
→ Traded
juewei14 for rainbow10 with Ori [10/24]
rio20 for boat13 with Anneko [11/24]
battery01 for 4thcast15, student ids with Eioko [13/24]
nfu03, retsuden10, stage05 for revolution13, band10, deal02 with Kaze [16/24]
sushi05/15 for zhenzhi06/18 with Featherwolf [18/24]
forfeit03, medley05 for yakiniku13/18 with Indigo [20/24]
evolve04 for hakase14 with Juu [21/24]
viking13 for halloween11 with Kuri [22/24]
zhenzhi06/18 for impromptu05, scout09 with Mari [24/24 - SCORESHEET 99 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 100 - starting
→ Old Rackets - balloon01, endurance14, injury08, jump17, remix13 [2870]
→ Event Valentine (Kiss) - event16 [2871]
→ Prizes
pick a school 26 - short-term02, concrete06, Rikkai pants [2873]
→ Game Set
student ids 03 - ranger20, linqi14, adopted07, quick04, item01, studentid [2878]
overwhelm - yukata16, katsu11, quick07, Yamabuki shirt [2881]
quick - battery18, axing20, speech12, St. Rudolph pants [2884]
scout - scarf08, tenacity03, speech14, Higa shirt [2887]
→ Received
scoresheet98/99 - photograph13, gay18, quick04, torso12, rooftop04, 4thcast04, Jyousei pants, Higa shirt, single50/51 [2895]
→ Item Exchange
2 item01, 2 item02, 5 Rokkaku uniforms for overwhelm02/05/09/10/15/16/20, moonsault11, mirror07 [2904]
1 item01, 6 item02, 3 Hyoutei, 9 St. Rudolph uniforms for pure14, quick09/10/13/14/17/19, scout01/02/03/04/05/07/08/10/11/16/18/20 [2923]
→ Traded
revolution13, muga07, evolution09, coolprinces17/20, presence02, quick04 for scout19, nosurrender06, three05, remix07, deal01, catfish15, artstudio03 with Moon_wolf [07/24]
rai09, photograph13, short-term02 for invitation20, 4thcast14, tenacity16 with Mari [10/24]
chunlong06, linqi08, seasons06 for seiyuu08, valentinekiss17, kiss12 with Ori [13/24]
evolve03 for presence02 with Juu [14/24]
speech05 for evolution09 with Indigo [15/24]
taka-san07, trickster09 for coolprinces17/20 with Kaze [17/24]
halloween11, mystic09/18, impromptu02/16 for labcoat04, rooftop09, three07, tenacity20, redeyes10 with Saz [22/24]
perfect07, seiyuu08 for remix17, invitation17 with HikaruKibou [24/24 - SCORESHEET 100 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 101 - starting
→ Valentine Event - Valentines to Moon_wolf, Kuri, Asuka, Featherwolf, Mari, HikaruKibou, Saz, Ori, Juu, Kuro, Himilika, Sabriel, Indigo, Aisu, Anneko, Keselyx, Kaze, Flore, Lucathia [19/24]
→ Traded
flore02, deal02, strongest18 for fas05, bigaku09, boat19 with Anneko [22/24]
bigaku09 for tenacity07 with Moon_wolf [23/24]
fas05 for rock5404 with HikaruKibou [24/24 - SCORESHEET 101 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 102 - starting
→ Prizes
freebies 22 - secret03, cactus13, Fudo shirt [2925]
motion vision 20 - shodo01, golf09, Higa pants [2927]
find karupin 42 - data15, balloon02, perfect13 [2930]
→ Received scoresheets 100/101 - adieu09, spot07, return08, zhenzhi19, speech17/19, Shiten shirt, St. Rudolph shirt, single52/53 [2938]
→ Item Exchange - Seigaku uniform for speech20 [2939]
→ Traded
tempo18 for ready08 with Kuri [01/24]
family10, redeyes10, tenimuhou02 for nosurrender03/04, tenacity13 with Sabriel [04/24]
linqi18, injury08, cactus20, trickster03, morning19, ranger20, stylish09 for rainbow10/11, zhenzhi04, contest01/15, talent05, progressive06 with Ori [11/24]
battery18 for timing04 with Indigo [12/24]
moonsault11, katsu11, cactus13, return08 for tenacity04, yakusoku17, jiping13, rooftop07 with Kuro [16/24]
→ Prizes
insight 43 - capoeira19, return01 [2941]
→ Game Set speech - flore09, short-term10, joytotheworld01, Jyousei shirt [2944]
→ Traded
adieu09, golf09, secret03 for joytotheworld16, emerald10/13 with Lucathia [19/24]
shodo01 for impromptu11 with Mari [20/24]
zhenzhi19 for omettosamba01 with Indigo [21/24]
perfect13 for tenacity19 with HikaruKibou [22/24]
capoeira19, short-term10 for bandanna13, nosurrender02 with Moon_wolf [24/24 - SCORESHEET 102 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 103 - starting
→ Received scoresheets 102 - evolve14, western08, joytotheworld05, St. Rudolph shirt, single54 [2948]
for LOL donation - shodo18, gekiryuu12, Shiten shirt [2950]
→ Item Exchange - 3 Rokkaku uniforms for joytotheworld08/11/20 [2953]
→ Let's Learn English with Long Ma 07 - overwhelm01, rainbow10 for can16, brazil05, final01, forfeit13 [2955]
→ Update 48.0 - humiliation15, white03/08, golden03, grip04, west10, invitation11, deal06 [2962]
→ Staff Pay
kamikakushi 05 - baton02, ori20, Fudo pants, Seigaku pants [2964]
the switch 22 - concrete06, yajin03, Yamabuki shirt, Rokkaku shirt [2966]
dcwi 40 - goal04, timing07, Seigaku pants, Fudo shirt [2968]
member list - endurance04, pure10, scudserve01, smash08, Fudo pants, Hyoutei pants, item02 [2972]
→ The Switch 22 - cafe08 for data17
→ Prizes
group collect 20 - item02
pick a school 27 - nosurrender02 [2973]
motion vision 21 - concrete17, reflection16, Rokkaku pants [2975]
synchro 42 - garasu14 [2976]
→ Game Set joytotheworld - speech02, adopted05, timing03, Hyoutei shirt [2979]
→ Old Rackets - smily03/04/05/07/08 [2984]
→ Let's Learn English with Long Ma 07 - zhenzhi09, dreamlive413 for can11, kindness05, yakusoku09, surprise15 [2986]
→ Group Collect 23 - egao08, ready12 for goal11, rio19, bento19, rooftop11, St. Rudolph pants, Higa pants [2988]
→ Traded
return01 for three13 with Kuro [01/24]
flore09, grip04, pure10 for redeyes01, xiaobo10, mamushi16 with Lucathia [04/24]
evolve14, golden03 for three11, humiliation08 with Juu [06/24]
can11/16 for data06, deal04 with Kuri [08/24]
west10 for humiliation05 with HikaruKibou [09/24]
cocktail09, nobody20 for timing08, mamushi10 with Keselyx [11/24]
gekiryuu12, ready08/09, zhenzhi04 for missing18, seigakugame18, data05, spiral10 with Kaze [15/24]
shodo18 for kiss10 with Saz [16/24]
yajin03, reflection16 for hakase01, balloon08 with Ori [18/24]
concrete17 for weiming12 with Moon_wolf [19/24]
pure14, boat13, concrete06 for joytotheworld02/18, kiss08 with Asuka [22/24]
baton02, ori20 for onmyway03, yakusoku18 with Anneko [24/24 - SCORESHEET 103 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 104 - starting
→ Update 49.0 - varsity12, rush14, shopping09, butler19, crafty05 [2993]
→ Donation Chinapuri 04 - flippy02, higher04, Higa pants, Seigaku pants [2995]
→ Prizes
who am i? 32 - injury10, platinum09 [2997]
who am i? 31 - gossip10, egao09 [2999]
→ Valentine - timing14 [3000]
→ Item Exchange scoresheet 103, Hyoutei uniform - injury12, volleyball12, timing09/10, Fudo pants, single55 [3005]
→ Game Set timing - scout13, tarundoru11, invitation02, Seigaku shirt [3008]
→ Staff Pay
the switch 22 - moonsault13, karaoke04, item01, Fudo pants [3010]
dcwi sp05 - puns15, crucifix08, Hyoutei uniform [3012]
member list - dreamlive420, emerald02, progressive13, snowman07, Fudo pants, Seigaku shirt, item02 [3016]
→ Traded
Higa uniform for kokeshi05 with Juu [3017]
bento10, speech02 for axing16, catfish05 with Asuka [02/24]
spiral10, garasu14, progressive06/13, 4thcast08 for haitang02, rush19, tornado08, date13, kokeshi02 with Juu [07/24]
shopping09, higher04, smash08 for rush09, data14/15 with Moon_wolf [10/24]
platinum09, injury10, pool11, injury12 for haitang19, bandanna03, zhenzhi13, data09 with Lucathia [14/24]
flippy02, spot07/12, karaoke04, moonsault13 for crafty13, varsity14, guoguang18, pole16, deal18 with Kuro [19/24]
butler19, gossip10, volleyball10/12/18 for rush04, adopted06, dominate17, kiss07, remix02 with Mari [24/24 - SCORESHEET 104 FINISHED!]
→ Tennis Scoresheet 105 - starting
→ Item Exchange scoresheet 104 - mother18, jump06, invitation09, Jyousei shirt, single56 [3021]
→ Old Rackets - smily09/11/13/16/17 [3026]
→ Prizes
pick a school 28 - sister13, injury19, Fudo shirt [3028]
guess the song 26 - labcoat20, coolprinces13, glorious16, seigakugame06, item02 [3032]
guess the song 28 - juewei18, varsity20, Fudo pants, Hyoutei shirt [3034]
Group Collect 20 - item02
→ Valentine Event singles 3 - weiming19/20 [3036]
march 2010
→ Montly Bonus - single57, 2 item02 [3037]
→ Item Exchange - item01, 3 item02s, Hyoutei uniform, 8 Fudo uniforms, 3 Seigaku uniforms for longhair19, invitation13/14/19, weiming05/06/08/09/14/15/16/17, xiaopeng04/06/07/14 [3053]
→ Prizes
motion vision 22 - endurance10, gekokujou18, Fudo pants [3055]
find karupin 44 - stairs04, king09, balloon14 [3058]
freebies 23 - okurimono16, boat01, Yamabuki shirt [3060]
insight 44 - redeyes02, overwhelm04 [3062]
insight 45 - quick15, dashi06 [3064]
→ Game Set
invitation - gift18, haitang20, xiaopeng16, Higa pants [3067]
weiming - axing02, zhouyu12, xiaopeng20, Rikkai pants [3070]
xiaopeng - xiaopeng04, yakusoku02, nosurrender05, Hyoutei pants [3073]
→ Traded
nosurrender02 for 4thcast08 with HikaruKibou [01/24]
brazil05, crucifix08, mumble10/20, tarundoru11, tempo12, kiss07 for avenge20, south01, ecstasy10/13, autumnbreeze01, recovery17, comedy18 with Kuri [08/24]
goal04/11, haitang02/19, rio19, forfeit13 for emerald18, bandanna10, jiping18, xiaopeng11, ready01, gracious09 with Indigo [14/24]
ecstasy10 for limit09 with Mari [15/24]
limit09 for axing15 with Saz [16/24]
glorious16 for nosurrender10 with Moon_wolf [17/24]
coolprinces13 for humiliation13 with Kuro [18/24]
haitang05/18, injury19 for band03, bandanna17, date12 with Anneko [21/24]
student ids with Heather [22/24]
stairs04, quick15 for seigakugame04/05 with Lucathia [24/24 - SCORESHEET 105 FINISHED!]
→ Update 50.0 - tension16, thief06, afternoon06, cross10, yun16, forfeit08, nosurrender09, omettosamba08, progressive13, final20 [3083]
→ Prizes
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 08 - hawaii15, jump17 for final19, artstudio04, control05, rush04 [3085]
→ Item Exchange scoresheet 105 - halloween11, meng12, nosurrender08, Shiten shirt, single58 [3089]
→ Traded
scarf08 for jibu10 with Asuka [01/24]
king09 for rooftop09 with Mari [02/24]
gekokujou18, dashi06 for hakase09, data08 with Ori [04/24]
yakusoku02 for hunter17 with HikaruKibou [05/24]
baton08, xiaopeng04, zhouyu12 for contest06, dearprince15, rainbow10 with Anneko [08/24]
gift18 for quxing20 with Moon_wolf [09/24]
control05, mamushi02/17/18 for crime17, hunter14, ready18, legs09 with Kuri [13/24]
cross10, boat01, contest01/06/15 for band17, crafty12/15, final14, valentinekiss18 with Asuka [18/24]
afternoon06 for juewei02 with Moon_wolf [19/24]
thief06 for data07 with Lucathia [20/24]
haitang20, yun16 for okiraku02, bandanna09 with Juu [22/24]
forfeit08, legs09 for hunter10, beijing05 with Ashkah [24/24 - SCORESHEET 106 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
pick a school 29 - spiral11, balloon01, Jyousei shirt, Seigaku shirt [3091]
→ Old Rackets - smily14/15/18/19/20 [3096]
→ Second Hand Shop
avenge20, east03, longhair19, seishun18, snowman07, south01, animated14, autumnbreeze01, dearprince18, dreamlive420, ecstasy13, family05 for bowling01/06/07/11/14/18 [3090]
gay18, kansai20, mirror07, ponta06, power15, pretender15, puns15, samurai12, scudserve01, torso12, family05, jump06, king01, longway10, scout13, tornado04/08, treasure17, western08/11 for cursed20, heart15, labcoat15, j-mini03, ponta20, older17, surprise17, underdog19, bronze08, retsuden01 [3080]
→ Staff Pay
the switch 23 - dirty12, cocktail02, Fudo pants, Shiten shirt [3082]
dcwi sp04 - baton04, hundred20, item01, Seigaku pants [3084]
member list - habu11, evolve09, bento03, cursed16, Higa pants, Rikkai shirt, item02 [3084]
→ Traded
mumble06, rhythm14, comedy18, surprise15, okurimono16, bronze08, heart15, tenimuhou12 for valentinekiss10, nosurrender14, crafty03/04/11/14, omettosamba17, yakusoku19 with HikaruKibou [08/24]
family10/12 for beijing17, three18 with Ashkah [10/24]
dirty12, meng12 for bowling15, labcoat16 with Kuro [12/24]
bento03, hundred20 for remix12, three02 with Moon_wolf [14/24]
baton04 for crafty10 with Anneko [15/24]
mother18 for three03 with Indigo [16/24]
adopted02, detective15, underdog04/19 for balloon18, bandanna15, mamushi01, gamecenter13 with Ashkah [20/24]
j-mini03 for tension07 with Heather [21/24]
guoguang19, spiral11 for bandanna16, okiraku13 with Juu [23/24]
overwhelm04 for humiliation10 with Saz [24/24 - SCORESHEET 107 FINISHED!]
→ Prizes
motion vision 23 - guoguang19, artstudio02, Hyoutei pants [3086]
guess the song 29 - dearprince08, axing09, St. Rudolph pants, Jyousei shirt [3088]
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 08 - yakiniku17 for detective15, kendo18 [3090]
the switch 23 - ponta20 for omettosamba11
→ Item Exchange
Valentines - bowling19, omettosamba05 [3092]
→ Traded
Valentines for emerald04/08, rush19, band03 with Ori [3096]
→ Game Set
bowling - yun05, kindness18, omettosamba09, Rikkai pants [3099]
→ Received Chinapuri episode 5 - freeloader11, jiping09, Jyousei shirt, Higa pants [3101]
→ Prizes
who am i? 33 - data08, cross17 [3103]
who am i? 28 - loyal08, sister03 [3105]
→ Update 51.0 - juice19, sacrifice15, odorimasenka01, annoyed15, stranded03 [3110]
→ Old Rackets - smily02/06/12, overwhelm01, tornado04/08 [3116]
→ Item Exchange - item01, 2 Rikkai uniforms, scoresheet 106 for power20, nosurrender13/18, diving06, tenimuhou15, omettosamba03, Hyoutei pants, single59 [3123]
2 Fudo uniforms, scoresheet 107 for smily01/10, sister03, chengwu02, juice01, Yamabuki pants, single60 [3129]
→ Staff Pay
the switch 23 - ribbon03, freedom15, St. Rudolph shirt, Shiten pants [3131]
dcwi 41 - juice12, taka-san10, 2 Seigaku shirts [3133]
member list - soliloquy07, hunter16, seishun11, varsity02, 2 Seigaku pants, item03 [3137]
kamikakushi 06 - seigakugame11, sacrifice06, item01, Jyousei pants [3139]
→ Game Set
nosurrender - pole15, dearprince08, omettosamba18, St. Rudolph shirt [3142]
smily - broken02, school10, omettosamba19, Shiten shirt [3145]
omettosamba - watermelon20, labcoat04, juice02, Rikkai shirt [3148]
→ Prizes
pick a school 30 - soliloquy12, first02, samurai05, yukata14, speech14, Seigaku shirt [3153]
motion vision 24 - nosurrender18, rooftop17, Fudo shirt [3155]
find karupin sp 1 - boat15, onmyway01, nfu11, Yambuki shirt [3158]
freebies 24 - gogomeganes10, can20, Seigaku pants [3160]
guess the song 30 - sushi20, zhengnan04, dance17, item02 [3163]
who am i 34 - train01, injury12 [3165]
English with Long Ma 09 - gift04 for ribbon13, peach09 [3166]
→ Traded
annoyed15, cross17, loyal08, Hyoutei shirt, 3 Hyoutei pants for juice07, humiliation06/14, 2 Seigaku uniforms with Moon_wolf [03/24]
stranded03, yun05, soliloquy07/12, garasu14 for bandanna16, juice11, linqi16, musical16, crafty19 with Juu [08/24]
freeloader11, tenimuhou15 for odorimasenka15, band11 with Lucathia [10/24]
speech14 for tension15 with Asuka [11/24]
band03, nfu11 for juice05, odorimasenka09 with Ashkah [13/24]
chengwu02 for host07 with Anneko [14/24]
freedom15, broken02, evolve09, surprise17, nosurrender18, host07, hunter16, gogomeganes10 for varsity12, juice08/13/15/17, odorimasenka03/12, pole11 with HikaruKibou [22/24]
sister03, habu11 for zhenzhi03, tornado14 with Kuri [24/24 - SCORESHEET 108 FINISHED!]
seishun11 for hunter13 at The Switch 23
→ Update 52.0 - celebrate01, lol05/08, vampire03, makeyoufree02, pingpong07, shopping11 [3173]
→ Old Rackets - endurance05, quxing15, ready01, zhenzhi05, jump17, yakiniku17 [3179]
→ Donation green - tako17, western12, Fudo pants [3181]
→ Prizes
insight 47 - thief14, control05, pool15, garasu14 [3185]
pick a school 31 - stranded10, prowess07, Rokkaku pants [3187]
motion vision 25 - onmyway04, rock5407, Jyousei shirt [3189]
→ Staff Pay
kamikakushi 06 - energetic16, gogomeganes07, Yamabuki shirt, Seigaku pants [3191]
the switch 24 - detective10, duounion13, Jyousei pants, Seigaku pants [3193]
dcwi 42 - dreamlive410, dominate04, Fudo shirt, Seigaku pants [3195]
member list - baton16, leangle14, linying10, jan17, Seigaku shirt, Rokkaku shirt, item02 [3199]
→ Item Exchange - scoresheet 108 for dominate08, golden13, axing03, Fudo pants, single62 [3203]
→ Event anniversary - event18 [3204]
→ Game Set cds08 - speedstar14, lucathia20, coolprinces14, axing07, Rokkaku shirt, student id [3209]
→ Prizes
guess the song 31 - ori20, beijing08, seigakugame03, platinum12, item02 [3213]
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 09 - rainbow10, taka-san10 for juice07, sacrifice09, bronze13, rush09 [3215]
→ Traded
vampire03, platinum12 for egao11, final04 with Lucathia [02/24]
linying10, zhengnan04, injury12, varsity12 for mamushi08, juice15, rio01, balloon19 with Ori [06/24]
dance17, train01, makeyoufree02, shopping11 for labcoat01, pole02, humiliation03, kokeshi01 with Moon_wolf [10/24]
energetic16, jan17, boat15/19, talent05, golden13, rio01 for tenacity06, yakusoku14, kiss04, crafty01, juice06, odorimasenka20, missing20 with Indigo [17/24]
sushi20 for yakusoku06 with Asuka [18/24]
detective10 for jibu13 with Ashkah [19/24]
leangle14, peach09 for zhenzhi04, humiliation07 with Kuri [21/24]
juice07/15, gogomeganes07 for bandanna14, cursed20, jump03 with HikaruKibou [24/24 - SCORESHEET 109 FINISHED!]
→ The Switch 24 - samurai05 for crafty08
→ Donated Chinapuri 06 - vampire13, diving10, Seigaku pants, Yamabuki pants [3217]
→ Staff Pay
kamikakushi 06 - pillar18, odorimasenka06, Rokkaku pants, Hyoutei shirt [3219]
the switch 24 - cafe08, watermelon06, Seigaku shirt, Jyousei pants [3221]
dcwi 43 - ire14, return07, Rikkai shirt, Jyousei pants [3223]
member list - nobody01, white18, first09, roses14, Fudo pants, Hyoutei pants, item02 [3227]
→ Update 53.0 - assistant03, shinsen03, music16, habit18, takeover01, fool02, Senbatsu uniform [3233]
→ Old Rackets - dreambeliever07, impromptu20, rainbow10, family15, gift04 [3238]
→ Prizes
pick a school 32 - Jyousei shirt
insight 48 - cocktail18, brazil18, ouji01, charamate11 [3242]
april 2010
→ The Switch 24 - roses14 for missing01
→ Prizes
synchro 44 - cross19, seattle03, Senbatsu shirt [3244]
motion vision 26 - musical04, bandanna15, Rokkaku shirt [3246]
find karupin 47 - nosurrender13, quick08, band03 [3249]
freebies 25 - adieu03, pillar06, Senbatsu pants [3251]
who am i 36 - rooftop06, drivingmyself16 [3253]
Let's Learn English with Long Ma 10 - cursed10, endurance14 for iguana04, sacrifice17/18, takeover15 [3255]
→ Monthly Bonus - single63, 2 item02s [3256]
→ Traded
prowess07 for conference07 with Saz [01/24]
music16 for shinsen08 with Kuri [02/24]
white18 for advance02 with Ashkah [03/24]
coolprinces14 for juice09 with Kuro [04/24]
habit18, vampire13 for egao12/15 with Lucathia [06/24]
takeover01, fool02 for deal05, remix15 with Moon_wolf [08/24]
stranded10, speedstar14, iguana04 for valentinekiss05, bigaku18, three10 with HikaruKibou [11/24]
cocktail02 for remix08 with Keselyx [12/24]
baton16 for collapse20 with Anneko [13/24]
→ Item Exchange - item01, Hyoutei uniform, 4 item02s, 6 Jyousei uniform, 7 Seigaku uniform, scoresheet 109 for scarf18, axing12/13/14/18/19, labcoat03/07/09/11/14/17, onmyway05/07/10/11/14, juewei08/10/15, rajipuri13, role19, muga06, Hyoutei pants [3279]
→ Game Set
axing - dirty20, humiliation04, juewei16, Higa shirt [3282]
labcoat - habit11, wild13, juewei17, Rokkaku shirt [3285]
onmyway - viking18, muga19, juewei19, Seigaku pants [3288]
juewei - technique13, freeloader15, linqi01, Shiten pants [3291]
→ Match Set - limit06, feint06, entertainer01, seigakugame12, cosmos03, wild05, linqi02, Rikkai pants [3298]
→ Update 54.0 - oretachi18, help04, athletic14, request11, opposition10, gontakure17, can01, west13 [3306]
→ Milestone 07 - 2 decks per school [3307]
→ Old Rackets - hakase19, minor08, rooftop13, quick01, three08 [3312]
→ Prizes
catchphrase 32 - spiral02, lol16, seigakugame20, strict17, dreambeliever10, hawaii16 [3318]
catchphrase 35 - first16, meng03, kagayake11, sushi12, watermelon19, talent15 [3324]
catchphrase 36 - platinum04, cross20, pillar04, serious16, brush11, gogomeganes01 [3330]
catchphrase 37 - makeyoufree17, butler14, music20, photoalbum18, short-term06, price09, Higa shirt [3336]
Group Collect 26 - kindness05, overwhelm01 for linqi12, juice19, photograph09, collapse07, Rikkai pants, Rokkaku shirt [3338]
tenimyucation 22 - opposition14, kindan05, Fudo shirt [3340]
insight 49 - pirates06, ranger11 [3342]
guess the song 33 - varsity02, slap16, joytotheworld15, rooftop02, item02 [3346]
motion vision 27 - linying07, freedom04, Fudo shirt [3348]
seiyuu corner 38 - naniwa05, host16, Rokkaku shirt [3350]
quiz corner 01 - ecstasy14, shodo19, quick18, Rokkaku shirt, item02 [3353]
Let's Learn 10 - yakiniku17 for shinsen20, celebrate02 [3355]
→ Traded
shodo19 for tension09 with Saz [14/24]
freedom04, gogomeganes01, joytotheworld15, nosurrender13 for juice03, dominate11, odorimasenka08, valentinekiss19 with HikaruKibou [18/24]
athletic14, linqi12, linying07, seattle03, west13, varsity02 for data05, hakase10, haitang07/09, bandanna07/11 with Ori [24/24 - SCORESHEET 110 FINISHED]
→ Traded
cross19/20, opposition14, shinsen20, short-term06, takeover15, quick01/08, request15, return07, price09 for juice10, bigaku20, sacrifice11, missing15/17, catfish04, varsity10, celebrate06/09/16, beijing02 with Moon_wolf [11/24]
adieu03, viking18, brush11, makeyoufree17, quick18 for collapse05, balloon16, zhenzhi13, bandanna06, data13 with Lucathia [06/24]
bronze13, control05, diving06, older17, power20, wild05, muga19, ori20 for zhenzhi09, ready07, beijing03, rainbow10, christmas17, adult07, tornado14/16 with Ori [24/24 - SCORESHEET 111 FINISHED]
→ Traded
pirates06, ranger11, technique13 for dearprince08, tornado16, final17 with Ashkah [03/24]
dirty20, meng03, platinum04, photograph09 for juice16, crafty17, catfish04, missing03 with Kuro [07/24]
gontakure17, taro17 for zhenzhi06/20 with Kuri [09/24]
opposition10, catfish04 for dominate11, seigakugame19 with Ori [11/24]
sushi12 for yakusoku20 with Asuka [12/24]
lucathia20, serious16, strict17, pillar04/18 for can06/16, haitang09, hawaii11, volleyball10 with Anneko [17/24]
lol16, muga06, pillar06, Rokkaku shirt for juice20, hunter03, bigaku01, Seigaku shirt with HikaruKibou [20/24]
→ Donation Episode 7 - west18, smile01, Jyousei shirt, Fudo pants [3357]
→ Old Rackets - cafe06, endurance14, rooftop09, zhenzhi02, crime04, medley01 [3363]
→ Update 55.0 - sweat09, cosplay07/13, decision04, kitten18, learn02 [3369]
→ Traded
role19, entertainer01, freeloader15, habit11 for data13, emerald15, zhenzhi04/19 with Indigo [24/24 - SCORESHEET 112 FINISHED]
todai14 for cosplay14 in the switch 26
→ Prizes
freebies 26 - jump14, invincible01, Higa pants [3372]
donation green - amiable19, presence03, Yamabuki pants [3375]
insight 46 - spiral15, celebrate01 [3377]
let's learn 11 - tornado01, cosmos03 for buffet06, anniversary07, help09, invincible09, takeover08, menicon06 [3381]
→ Second Hand Shop
cafe06/06/06/08, feint06, gamecenter13/13, kindan05, labcoat04, music20, rooftop09/09 for quxing01/03/04/05/08/09 [3375]
cursed16, date02, dearprince15, dreamlive410, ecstasy13/14, family15, hawaii11/15, kagayake11, limit06, longway05, naniwa05/06/11/18, tornado04/08, volleyball10, western10 for master05, evolution04, devil19, sunrise13, host16, detective16, cross01, smash18, todai14, stairs18 [3365]
coding →