A Banishing, Various Places in Town, Sunday (10/07)

Oct 07, 2007 10:00

[[I'm setting a series of OCD threads that I hope will be the easiest way to go about this. There's an explanation in each thread, but basically the plan is for one group to get that portal opened and under control -- don't be surprised if something tries to access it from the other side while you're waiting -- and then for the other group to do what's needed to get Az to the portal (trick him, threaten him, whatever you think will work). Once he's there, you'll have a fight on your hands to get him to go through, and he'll retaliate by summoning help from the portal. So plenty of fighty for whomever wants to fight. When Wilson!mun is available this evening to wrap things up, there'll be one last thread added for Phale's return.

Researchy, portal-summoning people? You have total freedom to do whatever you like in your thread. If you feel you need something from Phale & Wilson's house, Marie has a key and you have permission to get what you need. Be as creative as you like with what you're doing, it'll work in the end.

Fighty people? Az will gladly try to hurt you. I'll leave it to you to decide if his attacks connect and how badly you're hurt, or leave me a note in the OOC thread and I'll wallop the hell out of you. I'll even put up an MMC post (run by the NPCs) for you if you request it.

I'll be here to get going with Az's participation later in the afternoon.

Questions? Email me or leave 'em in the OOC thread.

And again, thank you all for playing with evil!Az! He's...okay, he hasn't had fun, but I have!]]

banishing, az, evil!phale plot

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