DITL 22/09/2012

Sep 24, 2012 14:34

As my 30th birthday was on the 21st and I was throwing a big surreal party on the 22nd I just had to DITL. Unfortunately the stress and amount of work pre party and the drunkeness during the party means I kept forgetting to take pictures. Others picked up my camera to help out though!

I didn't quite notice midnight roll over, too busy baking as I have been the entire day to limited success (serious food processor issues).

I'm very grateful for feebomon helping out in her dainty way. Of course in my game plan to get everything done I thought she'd be able to help out for much longer than just 3 hours!

Not looking so dainty now!

No space left, we have to use the floor to cook.

It's gotten quite late and Fee has to go, I quickly show her Gangnam Style before she leaves, in the hope that we can do the dance during the party (we're in the doorway because I have a heap of balloon 'animals' in the room and she doesn't want to have the surprise ruined.

I drive her to her parents house and this is the look of concern over the horrific rattling thumping noises my car makes right now. I really need to get her to a garage.

I try and take a hasty snap of Fee going home, all I get is dirty glass and a finger drawn face.

I continue baking when I get home, these are the butter bean sausages I forgot about. They're still in the freezer!

I do the washing up for about the 20th time that day.

And very carefully move my Amanda Palmer Kickstarter package away from any partying lest it gets damaged. So beautiful it's unbelievable.

I take a look in the mirror. So this is what 30 looks like?

Dirty bathroom clock says it's 3am. Time for sleep.

After such a long and stressful day I really could have used more sleep!

I wake up feeling a bit rough with what feels like some tonsalitis, I try to check my tonsils but I don't know what I'm looking for and I don't know what I'd do if I saw anything so it's all a bit futile.

Check on the marinaded tofu pieces intended for bbq skewers (never happened).

I decide to start the mornings baking with banana bread because it's the only thing out of the 20 recipe's I had planned I'd ever made before! Thought it might be good to start the day with success.

There's a lot more ingredients under the table. People will be arriving from about 2pm. I have a LOT to do!

Making vegan Lamingtons :) The vanilla makes a pretty shape in the bowl.

Whilst the cake part is baking I grate some sweet potato, I have this multi-tasking baking down hat by now.

The recipe for these potato burgers called for a lot of sweetcorn but with only black beans to hold the mix together sweetcorn was the last thing I needed. I spent probably more than 40 minutes just trying to pick all the sweetcorn out again to try and get them to stay together which put me massively further behind schedule. Turned out later it didn't work all that well too! But the rough cooked mix was still tasty.

Impossible to take pictures of the lamington making process as it's excessively messy, the finished products were fab though. It does seem like a massive waste of chocolate sauce though as there was so much left over.

Gemma arrived and helped me out massively by cutting up crudites for me whilst I prepared the garden for party times. I completely forgot to get a pic of her in my rushing around stressing but I managed to get some pics of the makeshift awning and the decorative masks for each umbrella...

The pinata!

I made a battleships board for shot glass battleships! It didn't get used :(

My first attempt at painting! Didn't go too bad.

The side of the surreal fridge.

The front of the surreal fridge! (Btw the wallpaper is also part of the party decorations, I don't always live like that!)

Some of the masks in the conservatory, what I hoped would be the dry ice room for constant fog and other cool science experiment things. It would have been great had they delivered the dry ice! I got a nice apology this morning though, apparently the couriers left it in Birmingham all weekend (almost 3 hours away).

My 'many faces of Nicolas Cage' wall decoration. Made with a cheap sheet some sharpies and drawing pins.

John arrives and looks fabulous!

Becky looks equally fabulous! It's time to get my costume on, I only have half of it because the top half is with Fee in Billericay.

Becky helps affix my codpiece moustache, the transfer didn't work so she's using nail polish, she also did my nails with the tiny decals I was too nervous to affix myself, you'll see them later.

Fire! We got through all the wood by about 5am the next morning.

This wood went all yellow and odd.

More guests! Finally! Everyone was running super late, so it was just 4 of us for almost 2 hours!

Matt's Earthworm Jim outfit is stunning. I love Gemma's hat with 3D hanging apple too, genius. What you can't see clearly is natbats extra legs.

feebomon arrives as housewife mid werewolf transformation and with my cloak so I won't be freezing all night!

A little while later Ross arrives, he didn't have an outfit due to time constraints so I gave him a tash.

What pose do you want?

Just dancing with Paul.

Together the next two pictures suggest much lewdness on my part. I guarantee this was not the case and Karriann was just demonstrating her 'I told you my boiler would break' face that she'll send me when her boiler breaks. I don't know what my face was for.

There always has to be a shot of draining olives that looks like awkward urintation. There just does, it's a thing.

Disco Paul is discotastic.

The only way to eat olives.

pernickety arrives at last!

Something interesting off camera...

Ross talks to his childhood hero, no-one has the heart to tell him it's not really Earthworm Jim.

natbat wears Gemma's hat.

Drunk Ross.

My brother and his wife finally put some outfits on!

The only way to eat lamingtons.

It's my 30th birthday party I can be immature if I want to.

Lamington mouthed erotic faces. It's best not to ask, we've been friends for a long time.

One of the neighbours cats popped round to see what the fuss was all about.

I leave drunk Fee in charge of frying the things that need to be fried. At this stage I just can't be bothered to cook anymore!

I think she'd have better luck using the oven.

Yay someone got a picture of Gemma's awesome costume (I really was useless this DITL).

Ross teaches Fee how to punch, surely a safe activity when both drunk.

It looks like Fee is clocking my cousin Tara one right on the chin as Ross pats her on the head.

Face swapping going on.

For some reason there were quite a few pics of Matt's bum. But look at the workmanship on the gun! Very impressive.

Chris gets's his own head back. I'm so happy to see a Scotsman in a tutu. Never thought it'd happen.

Is that a look of disgust over the second painting I've ever done? Well it's not as good as the first.

My brother tries on another new face, anythings better than his normal one!

My brother and my pregnant cousin Gina have a 'baby' bump competition, Andrea's horrified that her husband is more pregnant!

I don't really know what's going on here, I don't remember this portion of the night!

Looking good though!

Superhero ready for action. As long as that action is giving people baskets of beer.

Andrea tries on a mask.

What's this about?

Oh dear. I didn't know there were portions of the night I couldn't remember until seeing these pictures the next morning! Thankfully for me a bit after midnight I sobered up to look after an ill guest and therefore stopped being 'too' drunk and enjoyed the rest of the party.

The full effect of the outfit. I decided on a moustache theme in case you were uncertain.

More basket 'fun'.

John tries on his surreal balloon animal on as a wrist watch. I'd said I'd do any balloon animal people wanted as a party favour but in the run up to the party I ran out of time so I made a load of random and surreal shapes instead and handed them out. As it's a surreal party I think that it turned out much better!

Not sure.

I seem to be having a dance off with my cousin Sonya.

She seems to be winning.

Seems like I'm gracious in defeat at least! Still before I start to remember things again.

Who knows what I could be saying to Eugene?

I think Gina likes her Giraffe.

Becky is definitely happy with her T-Rex.

A close up of John's duck nipple. Though it was only 11pm a few people had to leave to get the last trains and no-one picked up the camera again until after midnight. Thus ends a very fun party, shame the things I had planned didn't work out but the mix of a large group of lovely people, an incredible playlist of music and lots of alcohol made this one of the best birthdays I've ever had.

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